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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. So does anyone have anything on this Minnesota QB, MarQueis Gray that Brandt talked about?
  2. Of these three, (unlike many others here apparently) I still like Brad Smith. He's a very talented player IMO who would benefit from playing one position. I'd definitely have jettisoned Kelsay and McGee long ago.
  3. Considering the Niners traded up for Kaepernick, I'd say they were sold on him. The Smith extension (and the courtship of Peyton Manning) I would attribute to their belief that Kaepernick would take some time to develop. That, and also the mentality that you should never under-address the quarterback position.
  4. On the issue of play calling, I agree with Alpha more than I do with FireChan. However your take above with its two main points is excellent. Each play is its own entity. Success precludes criticism while failure intensifies it.
  5. Funny that you admonish me (the OP) on this. Most often I do link the original story. Occasionally in fairness to PFT, I will link their posts because I go there every day and if PFT didn't exist, I wouldn't see 90% of the NFL content I see because they do exist. Bottom line, I'm a big PFT customer and they deserve some traffic too because they're by far the biggest and best central clearing house for the NFL. Probably the AP gets more traffic because of PFT although that's only a guess.
  6. And actually it wasn't all on Rex. Deposed GM Mike Tannenbaum was the driving force behind the Tebow trade and also the Hard Knocks decision. Putting he and Rex together was like treating glycerol with nitric acid. I would bet that Pettine had zero to do with the Florham Park Circus.
  7. Gil Brandt, one of the great NFL personnel executives of all time. Check him out using analytics at the age of 80. What an amazing guy. The formula I used is a fairly accurate predictor of future success, but it's important to note that it's not the be-all, end-all of quarterback evaluation. It's crucial to watch game tape, to see these guys throw in person and to consider other factors, some of which I touched on in my comments about the individual prospects. This list doesn't even necessarily reflect how I would order these players when all those factors are taken into account. It merely represents one way to take stock of the quarterback talent that will be entering the league in 2013. This is what is meant by "layering" analytics over scouting.
  8. There's no question that Pettine is gonna bring in one or more of his former players to help install the defense, even if that player/players is only a stop gap. Interestingly Jim Leon-hard played last year in Denver on a one-year contract.
  9. Because the Bills are drafting Johnny Football this year.
  10. Flacco set the record for the 3-cone drill at the combine? Wow. He looks like a baby giraffe out there at times.
  11. For Brenty I'm gonna prescribe an Indica… maybe Grape Crush. He needs to chill with the detective stuff. Are you drunk? Because you repeated yourself on the HIPAA thing AFTER Alpha acknowledged it and your sudden earnestness is not convincing. Clearly you have no idea what a dispensary is.
  12. Earth to Derek, Earth to Derek... Come in Derek...
  13. However, Buddy didn't start making that comment (bolded) until this year. When he said it, it felt almost as though the comment was made as some kind of an acknowledgement to his critics, saying tacitly "I get it now" or "I'll tell the people what they want to hear." In either case it was in response to the strong feeling that the team had neglected the position and was a self-counterpoint to his earlier mantra that "we don't just want any QB, we want a 10-15 year guy."
  14. Hope he had a good time: http://profootballta...a-300000-party/ Young, the quarterback who’s currently out of the NFL but was the third overall pick of the Titans in the 2006 NFL draft, is currently embroiled in a lawsuit with his former financial adviser. And that adviser testified that Young once took out a loan because he didn’t have enough money to throw himself the kind of birthday party he wanted.
  15. That's weird Meathead. I don't recall the Bills of that era playing a 3-4 defense. I wish more of the old timers would help out. It's been a long time.
  16. Kraukau and Chey were MLBs. Can't remember which position Skorupan played although I remember he was from "Linebacker U" aka Penn State. I think the Bills drafted Doug Allen the following year who was also a Nittany Lion and who became the NFLPA President for some years. Cheyunski was undersized but quite a good little linebacker. Kraukau seemed mediocre and I think Skorupan was decent. Doug Allen sucked pretty bad. Maybe he's our guy. A second rounder who only played two years and only started 8 games: http://www.pro-football-reference.com/players/A/AlleDo20.htm
  17. IMO opinion there's little to choose from as far as foot speed/movement difference between the two. However Brady is capable of making lightning quick decisions.
  18. Ellison would be a good placeholder until we unearth a smaller lump of coal.
  19. If so, he's on like a marginally athletic MOFO with bad instincts. But Kelsay will finish his career having made over $50 million for average play so he's also a rich MOFO.
  20. I disagree a bit (and I'm splitting hairs a bit here). Why say anything? More so, why say that your desire to stay with the Bills is "a ten out of ten" if you think there's a good chance that you'll leave? What he does possibly have to lose is that people here will forever think of him as a guy who's full of shyt if he leaves. He could have said something a lot less emphatic ("In a perfect world I re-sign with the Bills but the world's not perfect. Hopefully it works out that I can stay.") and still not burn any bridges. Trying not to burn any bridges? Perhaps. But more likely IMO is that he genuinely would like to stay.
  21. Just goes to show that Vick hasn't learned one damn thing. Vick should try to finally become an actual quarterback. The fact that he's even thinking of running the ball indicates a complete lack of self-awareness and self-development.
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