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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Actually I think your theoretical here supports buffalobillsgrl's point more than it does a contrary point. It's certainly not clear cut that one of these divisions will be stronger than the other one next year.
  2. There are some things about him and the job he's done that I like, but the answer to your question is Charles Nix.
  3. There's no question that Nix has backed himself into a corner on the quarterback issue. By eschewing earlier opportunities, he's now left himself with a virtual ultimatum this year. After three years of avoiding that decision, Nix has left himself with fewer options on an issue that has become imperative.
  4. I doubt the team is willing to tie up that much money on their starting safeties. As for the future, I love Byrd, would love to see him stay, and think highly of him as a player. That said, because Landry would cost the same money or less and because Landry is familiar with Pettine's system and Byrd is not, I could see a scenario where the Bills let Byrd walk if they can sign Landry. The counter argument to "not keeping your own" has always been "but if you can re-allocate that money to someone just as good or better then it's not creating a roster hole." This is arguably one of those cases.
  5. Obviously they're the pros and I'm not but my faith in the new regime will be very shaken if they retain Kelsay. I'm becoming very concerned because he's still on the roster. And it's possible that I've mis-evaluated Kelsay over these many years but I really don't think so. Let me put it this way, no other team in this universe would have paid Kelsay over $50 million for the "performances" he's turned in.
  6. I'm not sure what you mean by that and I don't really care to make the effort to ask.
  7. I like Foles. I also like Cousins. But the time to have acquired those players was in the draft last year. IMO you compound the mistake by overpaying for them on the trade market.
  8. That's funny because my impression of the terms was completely the opposite. I've never heard of a modern-day NFL player only getting a $25,000 signing bonus. His workout bonus is $30,000 which is also pretty meager and I've never heard of a "split salary" where he only gets half of his veteran minimum if he lands on IR. In fact in a game like football that strikes me as very unfair and I would hope the NFLPA has taken notice of this. Who ever heard of a split salary?
  9. I am educated. By the way, this Shelby Steele guy. Is this Danielle Steele's husband? If so they are a very literate family.
  10. So the rest of us have to suffer because you're feeling lazy today?
  11. You're right. Definitely the frontrunner with a coaching record of 2-23-1. http://www.pro-football-reference.com/coaches/JohnHa0.htm
  12. The joint was invented 80 years ago? Just kidding. Happy Birthday Golden Wheels!
  13. I have a feeling if the Bills are successful in re-signing Levitre that Rhinehart will be gone. I think Rhinehart stays only if we lose Levitre. Just my gut.
  14. Perhaps he's progressed in terms of what he drives but it doesn't appear that he's gotten any more knowledgeable.
  15. And per PFT here are the terms: Colin Brown, who would have been a restricted free agent, has signed a two-year, $1.445 million contract, per a source with knowledge of the deal. Brown received a signing bonus of $25,000. He’ll earn a base salary of $630,000 in 2013, along with $30,000 workout bonus. The deal contains a split salary of $358,000, which will be paid in the event Brown lands on injured reserve. For 2014, Brown has a base salary of $730,000 and a workout bonus of $30,000. http://profootballta...ory/rumor-mill/
  16. Great point. What's a lousy team without an inept coach? And the Bills have many candidates for this position. Besides Stephenson, John Rauch, Harvey Johnson (perhaps the frontrunner), and Hank Bullough all deserve consideration. In contrast to these men, Jauron and Gailey look like HOF head coaches.
  17. The most interesting part of the story to me is not how much Goodell makes. It's that the NBA and MLB are set up as for-profits so there is no public disclosure of financial statements while for some reason, the NFL is set up as a not-for-profit, requiring that their financials are public. I wonder why this is.
  18. I agree. Whichever veteran QB wins out between TJax and Fitz, the other will be sent packing and regardless, the winner will be a placeholder for a young QB OTF.
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