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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Agreed. I've been saying this for weeks and will probably continue to say it: Trade down into the "QB Sweet Spot" which is probably picks 15-25. Pick up extra picks and get one of several viable quarterbacks who will definitely be available. In that range, besides being available, you would be getting good value (and more draft picks). Trading up in a draft like this would be criminally stupid. If that's the guy they like and they like him a lot. If they like 2-3 guys about the same (Nassib, Wilson, Manuel for instance), it would suffice to trade into the sweet spot.
  2. I hopped on EJ pretty quickly. As Mayock and countless others have said, none of these guys is a "can't miss prospect." Now it's possible that some are more "can't miss" than others but if none of them are truly can't miss and have more or less the same likelihood of succeeding, why wouldn't you take the guy who clearly and obviously has substantially more physical talent than the others? Especially if like Manuel, he has he's very smart and has no attitude problems? I like Wilson too. He reminds me of Stan Humphries, a guy with not a lot of physical talent but a true understanding of how to play football. I like Wilson better than Barkley for sure. Regardless, Mayock addressed that discrepancy in the linked video. No they probably didn't change because I'm sure most of the teams were higher on Manuel than most of the media. Probably a lot of QB needy teams were hoping that Manuel would remain publicly undervalued. That's not the case anymore.
  3. At a mean average of $200 per subscription (some pay more, others pay less), they would need 2 million Sunday Ticket subscribers.
  4. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/156242-8-youd-like-at-8/
  5. There's a chance that a team covets any number of players/positions at #8. Quality left tackles for instance are a scare commodity in the NFL. There are three outstanding OT prospects this year, all considered top 10 picks. Arguably you can never have enough outstanding cornerbacks. Some teams are desperate for pass rush help because pass rushers are hard to find. I think it's very plausible that the Bills could find a trade partner, provided they actually try.
  6. I'm not really understanding the conversation here. A lot of people here have quoted Marrone as saying that Buddy's making the decisions as if he's making decisions in a bubble with no input from the coaching staff. Think about that. Really you'd have to be naive or a bit foggy to think that a coaching staff or at least the head coach and coordinators didn't have a lot of input as to the type and identity of the players the team targets in free agency and the draft. I mean the team is actually trying to succeed here right? You have a resource (pro football coaches) who have some knowledge and ability to evaluate players, even in passing. You have new schemes on both offense and defense. You have a new coaching staff that want players who will fit the things that they want to do. Buddy, the college and pro scouts have met with the coaches and evaluated the players that were on the roster in 2012. Why are the Bills getting rid of players? Because they either were at the end of their careers (Merriman, McGee, Barnett) or they were poor fits for the new coaching staff (Nelson, Jones, Wilson) or some combination of the two. Not understanding why this roster turnover seems strange to people.
  7. I think you're the first person here to mention Durant. He would be a good FA target.
  8. With Nelson it could be that both sides agreed to let the market set his price. For all we know he could return to the team for less than the tender offer would have been. Just speculatin'
  9. It's still pretty early to be drinking... Just one.
  10. It doesn't sound as threatening as the Giants "NASCAR Defense."
  11. Yes, Brady developed and improved his throwing quite a bit. But Brady is a tall lanky guy (like Eli, like Flacco, like Mallete) who has the kind of build and body geometry that lends itself to throwing the ball well. I don't see that with Barkley who seems shorter and thicker. I'm not seeing the athletic upside with Barkley. As I've said a few times now, it's alright if Barkley is both slow and has an average arm, as long as his intangibles are off the charts. I didn't follow Ryan in college but Brees' intangibles were off the charts at Purdue. I don't get that sense from Barkley. I don't care if he's a hard worker. So is Tim Tebow. So was Joe Vitti. If you don't have the talent you have to have the intangibles. I'm not seeing them. It seems though like you're assuming that if the Bills landed Smith that they wouldn't have drafted a quarterback. But do we really know this to be the case? Maybe the Bills would have replicated Seattle's strategy last year with Flynn and Wilson. We don't really know.
  12. It's funny. It took me most of my life to be able to compartmentalize the damage that Bills losses did to my psyche. It's only been about 10 years (since I turned 40) that I've slowly been able to put things in the proper perspective. Then last November when we played at the Cheatriots*** me and two of my closest buddies who live in NYC were supposed to have a phone call at halftime. If you remember the game there were a series of pro-New England officiating calls which sealed the Bills fate. The Bills played hard and played well but couldn't overcome the partisan officials and lost 37 to 31. Throughout the first half I was so livid with the officials that when halftime came around and my buddies called, I was too pissed off to answer the phone, even though they are two of my closest friends and were probably feeling the same way. When the phone rang I actually wanted to throw it against the wall. Do as I say, not as I do? In truth though, the Cheatriots game aside, I care passionately for the Bills but don't let anything they do ruin my day. I try to maximize the good times and minimize the bad times.
  13. He had a nice career with the Raiders though. He ended up playing 10 years in the NFL and won 2 Super Bowls.
  14. Agreed. Cordy's physical gifts are enormous. His straight line and agility times at the combine were elite. His 40 time was the best of all O-linemen and his shuttle and 3-cone were also excellent. The guy is light on his feet and has a nasty streak, and long arms.
  15. This board is generally outstanding. Not a day goes by that I don't think how many excellent posters we have. But thanks for your contribution.
  16. People seem to have short memories. In spite of splitting snaps with Chris Hairston in the preseason, Cordy Glenn played very well out of the chute as a rookie starter but suffered a high ankle sprain in week 4 against New England. He missed the next three games and when he came back he was clearly not the same player. A high ankle sprain is a difficult injury for a player to play through. To make matters worse, the team also suffered injuries to Urbik, Wood, and Pears. The man who played beside Glenn, Andy Levitre played some center and there were also later injuries to Colin Brown and Chad Rhinehart. In short, the O-line had very little continuity and lots of juggling around due to the injuries. I stand by my prediction that Glenn will be an elite OT, as he showed early in the season.
  17. As Beerball surmised, the conversation was about arm strength. As I've been saying for some time now, I believe Barkley's arm strength is average at best. My point was that it's alright to be a pocket passer like Brady and Manning (who were mentioned as pocket passers who don't need to scramble) if like Brady and Manning, you have a strong arm.
  18. Who's saying elite? I think most people are trying to point out that O-line is not this team's primary area of weakness. QB, WR, LB, etc are all areas worse than O-line.
  19. Don't live vicariously through your favorite sports team. Everyone here relates to how you're feeling but you have to separate the Bills fortunes from your own. When/if you're successful in life, the Bills ineptitude won't weigh so heavily. If your life is good, you already know all this and disregard if necessary.
  20. Also, this is considered a pretty good year for free agent cornerbacks, which doesn't help Revis' leverage.
  21. Nothing wrong? Ignoring glaring holes which you have the opportunity to address but choose not to could be viewed as wrong.
  22. I'm guessing most people make light of that and really blame Wannstedt for the actual carnage.
  23. Different stadium though. Back to the Coliseum, it's still home to the University of Spoiled Children Trojans and it was good enough to host an Olympics (actually 2 although 1932 doesn't count anymore). Why couldn't a Coliseum restoration be part of a South Los Angeles revival?
  24. Well then tear down blighted housing and build parking!
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