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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I wish you guys would stop trying to hijack the thread.
  2. Burnett lacks physicality and toughness. Didn't Dansby play last season with a torn bicep? I agree that teams often exhibit zero loyalty but how much loyalty do the players have? It's a business. Also, if the Dolphins and Dansby had initially signed a more reasonable and realistic contract, he might still have a job.
  3. Marsupials are kinda scary though. Especially that duck-billed platypus. It's a venomous mammal. It has a pouch. It lays eggs like a bird. It has the bill of a duck, the tail of a beaver and the feet of otter. I mean, wtf?
  4. I can't believe how disrespectful you're being towards Joe D'Allesandris.
  5. When I get frightened like I am now I find that singing this song makes me feel much better. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E3aBB-J9vhg
  6. First things first. An attainable goal would be the David Nelson thread which is 22 pages and counting.
  7. I know. I can't imagine how children used to like playing with those things. Brrrrrrrrrr!
  8. Agreed. I was at Bennett's first NFL game against Denver and I thought I was watching the next HOF linebacker. Personally his career was a bit of a disappointment for me.
  9. I can leg press 2350 but it's pretty much a max lift so I can only do it 3-4 reps. Of course I only weigh 152 pounds. Troup is a wimp. If I was doing 700 pounds I'd work with a spotter and maximize the negative reps. I'd also use a fuller range of motion. While simultaneously doing barbell presses.
  10. Oh oh!!! How about those twin girls in The Shining? http://www.google.co...Q9QEwAA&dur=118 That is really scary. I hope I don't have trouble sleeping tonight. I find clowns to be very disquieting and creepy. And now it's getting dark out.
  11. IMO there was something mildly disappointing about Bennett's career. Maybe it's because people were saying he was gonna be the next LT and the fact that he never developed into an elite pass rusher in spite of his incredible athleticism. In a way Bennett was one of the biggest poster boys for the Bills disappointments of that era. On the other hand, Stratton I believe is a member of the All-AFL team and was a league All-Star for numerous consecutive seasons. Also Stratton's defining moment is revered by football historians as "The Hit heard round the World" which totally changed the momentum of the '64 championship game, a game the Chargers were leading and driving in. The Bills of course were inspired by Stratton's play and came back to win the championship. I'd have to give the nod to Stratton.
  12. With the loss of Levitre it becomes imperative that the Bills do something to shore up the lower abdomen.
  13. That very same article quoted Nelson as saying (paraphrasing) that he still didn't feel confident cutting on his rehabbing knee. I think the big difference is running vs cutting.
  14. Most disrespected recent Bills O-linemen: 1) Andy Levitre 2) Colin Brown 3) Chet Rheinstadt
  15. My point? Are you having problems with your memory? Does this ring a bell?
  16. Not tendering David Nelson doesn't bother me in the least. As was pointed out numerous times, the range for his salary was approximately what the tender would have been, about $1.3 million, and what the minimum for a vet of his experience is, about $300K. That's a million dollar difference for a guy who admitted late last week that he hasn't regained the confidence to start cutting again on his knee. Not tendering Nelson actually gives me confidence that the Bills are gonna be coldly rational about their business. Cutting Fitz and nudging Kelsay towards retirement are also clear cues that the Bills aren't gonna do "feel good" contracts anymore. As for Levitre, I wanted him retained and hated to see him go. I lamented the cycle of losing good players and having to fill holes instead of build depth. But as I've stated numerous times in the Warmack discussions, I simply don't believe in drafting or paying guards big money. I understand many disagree with me and I don't care to discuss it anymore. However, if they were gonna lose Levitre, I would hope that they would sign another solid veteran guard in free agency. At that position, I'm fine with paying a guy 40% of what Levitre signed for to get 90% of the performance or in the case of Vasquez, 75% of what Levitre signed for to get 95-100% if the performance. There are plenty of solid guards available in free agency right now, Brandon Moore, Ramon Foster, Matt Slauson, Leroy Harris, etc. I would like to see the Bills get a veteran guard and another linebacker or cornerback in free agency.
  17. Looks like Rinehart will leave the Bills the same as he arrived. With no one being able to correctly spell his name.
  18. So Mike Wallace, Kruger, Goldson and Levitre are the big winners in free agency so far? I would say from a performance standpoint that Goldson is the one most deserving of his contract. The others were overpaid, IMO. But whatever the market will bear...
  19. He got more than the Cheatriots*** were offering. And he has a chance to be a real thorn in their sides. "Little Welky?" Sounds kinda personal.
  20. I believe he was actually drafted with the hope that he could develop into a pass rusher. He had double digit sacks his senior year and about 20 for his college career along with very freakish measurables. As a pro he has 18 sacks in 6 years although my impression from having watched him play a bit is that he hasn't been used much as a pass rusher. Lawson was picked 22nd overall so I suppose you can say he hasn't lived up to his draft position. I hate to use the word underachiever as I usually reserve that for players who don't give a full effort. I think Lawson has a pretty good reputation as far as effort and attitude. Seems like a good all-around football player who can do everything pretty well and is scheme diverse. There are still a lot of good defensive players left in FA including linebackers and cornerbacks. I'm hoping we can get at least one more starter. Since no one's done this yet: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Manny_Lawson
  21. I can't tell if that's a Bills cap he's wearing in the photo. Seventy-one years old. Arguably the Bills greatest linebacker.
  22. Firstly to Pneumonic's comments in "the other" Welker thread, it definitely had to do with animosity between Welker and Belichick: As to Welker, maybe the Pats weren’t willing to pay more than $5 million per year because they believe he was grossly overpaid in 2012 under the franchise tag, at $9.5 million for one season. Then there’s the awkwardness that has unfolded in recent years, with Welker being benched for a playoff game after he defied Bill Belichick’s edict to stay away from the Rex Ryan foot-fetish story and Welker possibly being phased out early in the 2012 season and Welker saying it’s “nice to stick it in Bill’s face every once in a while” after a 13-catch performance in October. Reports are that the Cheatriots*** offer was 2 years for $10 million. I'm not so sure that's what happened. Also, he who laughs last laughs best. This story is far from over.
  23. Oh. So you have to overpay in free agency in order to win a Super Bowl? Okay. This is what happened with the Bills, Levitre, and the Titans. This script will repeat itself through free agency. You put a price on a player. If his market exceeds that price you decide if you have any wiggle room or not. How have the Fins done in free agency? Cameron Wake is the only really good signing I can remember them having. And shouldn't the fact that Jeff Ireland is still their GM make people a little bit more reserved about their signings so far? I'm not seeing that they're conclusively heading in the right direction.
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