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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. If you're gonna do a bottle of quaaludes, make sure you don't consume alcohol with them.
  2. In retrospect I don't know if the Mario signing last year was the team really believing that they were close so much as it was a panic move.
  3. I can't believe…never mind. Too true. To me it's interesting how the environment surrounding the team might make it very difficult for the Bills decision makers to function properly. There is no basis for success and there's a very impatient and disgusted fan base. The team might want to plead patience and tell the fans that they are finally on the right track but on what would they have to base these claims? Only the unknown future.
  4. The most salient point I could make to the OP is that if the Bills plan on building around a rookie nucleus, how wise is this strategy when the team only has 6 draft picks?
  5. I can't believe the complete lack of respect for Brandon Gibson by the Bills.
  6. Lanny Slausen or possibly Clausen. Actually we're not sure.
  7. Lanny Clausen? That doesn't sound right, NS. I think it's Slausen.
  8. But if you talk to Cheatriots*** fans, Lloyd was generally considered a disappointment. And he didn't add explosiveness to the offense. I wasn't saying he had a bad season but expectations were very high for Lloyd and the production didn't match those expectations.
  9. DAMN!!! I was just relishing the thought of joining this discussion!
  10. Glad to see good humor and perspective have regained control of this thread after an early rough outing.
  11. Regardless of LA, the Bills need to get the stadium issue resolved or there are gonna be a lot of unhappy Buffalonians in 10 years.
  12. However Brees, who played for Purdue, had a much greater college career than Barkley or Nassib.
  13. I just think it's highly inequitable that the guys in the MLB, NHL, and NBA all get guaranteed contracts. If those guys didn't then I wouldn't think it so injust that the NFL players don't. My points being that in the hypothetical perfect world, all the leagues should be the same (guaranteed or non-guaranteed) and that it's sad that the athletes with the highest risk (NFL) have the lowest financial security.
  14. Or they could possibly be disappointments like Brandon Lloyd was. The weird thing is that it seems to me that the Cheatriots*** main problems were on defense, not offense. And yet it seems like they're putting a major emphasis on offense in free agency. Maybe their plan is to draft for defense this year.
  15. First of all, thanks very much Big Cat for the graphic. Much appreciated. Also, I agree 100% with Jamie Nails' opinion of Miami's free agent signings and losses. As I said before, Jeff Ireland is still the GM there so like in Buffalo, why suddenly expect success? Finally the Dolphins are trying to get approval of a $400 million stadium upgrade and have to make a lot of noise in order to drum up excitement and support. This is a very similar dynamic to that which drove the Jets to find themselves in the mess they're in right now. I would characterize Miami's signing strategy as "circus-like." I thought the same thing when I heard the news. Wishful thinking perhaps. As you know, Dumervil might not end up in Denver but he won't end up in Buffalo either. Hopefully he ends up in the NFC.
  16. And how many times in the years previous? Also how many times did it happen in the other 16 weeks? Do you have some mean averages to dispute my sense of the frequency or were you just trying to be helpful?
  17. Many? I'm thinking you're using that term loosely because I watch as much NFL as anyone and it doesn't come up more than 1-2 times per year. To the subject, this is just a rule change proposal. However I'm thinking it's gonna be approved. The most interesting aspect of the rule proposal is that it didn't come from the Competition Committee as the vast majority or proposals do. The proposed rule change came from the officials.
  18. Your first suggestion about trading down I've been saying for nearly two months. Your second suggestion about Manuel and Scott I've been saying for a few weeks now. If one of those 2 QBs are unavailable after our trade down I'd draft Tyler Bray in the 3rd round.
  19. I'm afraid that the whole country is becoming increasingly illiterate. Which brings me to a question I've wanted to ask you. Did you intentionally misspell sandwich? Oh cool. A monotreme.
  20. You are easily confused. No one here seems impressed by Troup's set. By a factor of about 10 to 1 people here are unimpressed. Ridiculously so I might add because no one knows how many sets he did or what the other exercises he does for his lower body. It's like billscursed said, everyone posting here is an iron-pumping guru and practitioner.
  21. I agree with you that no a player should ever turn down the money even if he and his agent know that the contract is very unlikely to run its course. I was just pointing out that it's often the seemingly lucrative contract that causes teams to release players. Also though it's a bit silly for a player to be surprised, insulted or indignant when they're deemed not worth their contract. If anything they should be angry with their agent for not letting them know that they could be on thin ice. Looking ahead to the next CBA,because NFL players have the most violent, dangerous and short careers of all North American professional athletes it's ironic to me that it's the only pro sport that doesn't have guaranteed contracts. The players really took it on the chin in the last CBA (except for concessions in their work schedules) and I personally would like to see them get guaranteed money contracts sometime in the future.
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