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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. It could possibly be low risk/low reward too. In that scenario, the Bills give him a contract commensurate with the facts of his serious injury and his less-than-sterling, off-the-field performance. I've read that the Redskins are very tight to the cap so it might not cost much to sign Davis. And then it's possible that because of the severity of the injury, Davis becomes another in a long line of players who never fully recovers from his achilles injury. In this scenario he would be low risk/low reward.
  2. I appreciate the discussion but I still think the Bills as the roster currently stands, are better suited to a 4-3 based on my belief that they have fewer holes to fill in that alignment. In other words, by default. That said, I think Mario Williams and Alex Carrington would make an awesome set of 5-technique DEs in a 3-4. Mario would have the extra ability to play two man stunts with the LB playing beside him, much like Bruce and Talley did. edit: And like Lawrence Taylor and Leonard Marshall did.
  3. For a while I was in the draft 2 QBs this year camp. However upon more reflection, I've changed my view to drafting a quarterback in the first round this year and one next year IF NECESSARY. Here's why: 1) The rookie QB we take in the first round this year needs to be given every opportunity to succeed and drafting a second QB to look over his shoulder, take practice and game reps from him could undermine his chances of success. I know it happened to work with RG III and Cousins in Washington but I think that usually it would be more damaging than beneficial to a rookie QB. 2) The Bills only have 6 draft picks this year. Although QB is by far the most important position, I don't think you use 2 of your 6 picks on QBs. 3) If the QB the Bills draft this year ends up sucking and falling flat on his face, the Bills record will reflect that. They will have a high draft position AND a clear conscience to again select a QB in the first round next year. 4) If this year's rookie QB succeeds admirably, then the Bills needn't draft another QB in the first round next year, thus not unnecessarily over-investing in the position. edit: That said, I'd like the Bills to draft another quarterback next year even if he's not taken in the first round. It's always good to have young promising QBs on the roster.
  4. Firstly thanks for replying to my concerns. My quarrel is not so much about the QB rankings on a big board so much as where Draftek sees them going in their mock simulations. While Geno Smith might only be in the 20-25 range as far as his prospect ranking I think it's highly unlikely that he last that long. It's more likely that he's taken in the top ten in the opinion of most people. I tried looking unsuccessfully to see where Draftek had Jake Locker and Christian Ponder ranked in the 2011 draft. If Draftek is going to profess to provide accurate draft simulations, I think it's necessary for them to change some of their algorithms for QBs, or simply rank them higher on the big board if that's what it takes to value them correctly. JMO.
  5. This discussion is a bit too comprehensive for me. But I will say that at the present the Bills seems more suited to a 4-3. However with no more than two significant moves, they could certainly tilt the balance back in favor of the 3-4.
  6. Good post NiBill. I have to mention that Tennessee has proven zero as of this point. Also you're supposed to criticize us for letting Incognito go, not for bringing him back.
  7. UDFA (And I'd be good with that… shhhhh) BTW, did he throw any passes to the right side?
  8. I'm glad you posted this subject Trader. One of the things that's been on my mind lately is how successful college coaches have been lately at building up NFL programs. You look at the work that Harbaugh and Carroll have done and while I don't have the figures to back it up, it's my impression that they've done a very good job in drafting and signing undrafted free agents. I'm thinking/hoping that because Marrone and Company coached, coached against, recruited, and scouted (for gameplanning purposes) many of these players that they might have a bit of an advantage on some of the teams which have established NFL staffs. Just a thought I've been kicking around for awhile.
  9. I hope you informed the Bills and the NFL so that they could update their records.
  10. Easy for you to say with your superhero tights and your cape and all that. BTW, who's Natalie?
  11. I like some of the concepts of a Niagara Falls stadium, the visuals and the opportunity to do some serious urban renewal. However if the stadium were to be moved, downtown Buffalo would be my first choice.
  12. The Cheatriots*** worked out Jeff Tuel yesterday… or possibly last Friday. http://espn.go.com/blog/boston/new-england-patriots/post/_/id/4741426/tuel-workout-reflects-depth-of-process
  13. And actually the jury is still out on Cam. The Panthers and Newton had a very bad year in 2012 and Cam came under a lot of criticism for bad body language and pouting on the sidelines during losses.
  14. Seventy degrees and sunny here. Just brought the golf clubs downstairs.
  15. I love capes. Do you guys wear capes? That's why I've always wanted the Bills to get Captain Munnerlyn.
  16. I like your proposal but I have one concern. I agree that IF they were to build a football stadium in a location other than the present one that it would need to go downtown somewhere. I also believe that the current stadium is on a 200 acre parcel but I don't know what exactly that includes. ECC for instance is probably not included and then the numerous private lots like Hammer's are definitely not included. Ideally you'd want to shoehorn the stadium somewhere where our legendary tailgating would still be viable.
  17. Simpsons' characters: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://facebookcraze.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/tag-your-facebook-friends-simpsons-characters.jpg&imgrefurl=http://facebookcraze.com/tag-your-friends-as-simpsons-characters/&h=520&w=600&sz=322&tbnid=YoJCanNmg4PRDM:&tbnh=107&tbnw=123&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dsimpson's%2Bcharacters%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=simpson's+characters&usg=__Qina4S-dQMFUy6CyL8R7tAh-veE=&docid=QDb5EqyUOSstmM&sa=X&ei=KOJNUcKtGeaEiwKWyoCQBA&ved=0CJ8BEP4dMAw
  18. Yeah the composition of a private workout would be a nice subject for a news article. Of the QBs you mention, I think it's more likely that they would work out Glennon than Bray. But hopefully they work out all of them. WOW! Well that settles it for me because Manuel was already my favorite and now to find out that Bruce Smith is his Godfather! Without a doubt. The question is which one(s) will be available at #8 when we most likely draft our QB.
  19. At some point in his contract, the numbers will become so compelling that he will be released. The word is raining. Oh wait, never mind.
  20. At hockey camp at Lockport's Kenan Center one year me and a few buddies took our white hockey tape name tags off our helmets and replaced them with fake names. One of us assumed the name of Felix. I was Bartholemew. It was quite the hoot when Jim Lorentz started calling us by our assumed names. I didn't realize it at first and then my one buddy turns to me as we're sitting on the bench and says (laughing hysterically but trying to hide it) he's calling you Bartholemew. Undoubtedly. Wouldn't it be funny if he called him Aaron Force? During Tom Landry's career he would sometimes get players of different eras mixed up. On one occasion he congratulated Golden Richards on a nice TD reception. Richards was a fast, white, wide receiver who wore #83. The problem was that Richards had retired two years earlier and the player he was actually congratulating was Doug Donley who was a fast, white wide receiver who wore #83. You mean he has a bizarre red goalie mask looking face?
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