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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Sadly this little exercise seems to be bringing out the talent in everyone. There's a lotta good stuff. Great thread idea, I guess. Here's another one: "Hey, just by the law of averages… "
  2. Literally the hole is located between Eric Wood and Cordy Glenn. Literally and figuratively, those are two pretty big guys. I'm personally not worried about our left guard.
  3. Agreed. RG III just made remarks yesterday which most people are reading as a criticism of Shanny. Old Rat Face is a good coach but not too many people seem to actually like him. I would say the answer is salary cap discipline. I get the sense more than ever before that the Bills are really sharpening their pencils and appraising players and sticking to those appraisals. BTW, I think Davis' decision will ultimately be made by guaranteed money.
  4. People on both sides of this debate have done a good job. Those making the case that the Bills roster is epically weak have stated their case very well. And yet I'm with Biscuit, Voice of Truth and Triple Threat to a very large degree. Here's why. Having a legitimate upper-echelon QB would have a huge positive effect on the team in terms of actual play as well as the confidence and the belief needed for success. In terms of the perceived talent level on the Bills, the other factor which I believe no one has mentioned is coaching. There's a popular fallacy that winning and losing is all about the level of player talent and yet after nearly a half decade of watching sports, it's clear to me that one good coach has way more effect than any player. Moreover, when you see the annual "worst to first" stories, they are almost invariably caused by a coaching change. I think that everyone's perceptions about the talent level on the Bills would be very different if they had a good quarterback and a good head coach. Suddenly the players have a belief that they can win. They fight harder. They don't lay down like they did in several games last year. They find themselves with a chance to win at the end of games and they learn how to win. Suddenly the team is more often playing with the lead. The defense can be aggressive and rush the passer. The offense can be aggressive and take shots downfield. The 3-4% uptick in performance might as well be 30-40%. People tend to view improvement from winning to losing as a linear curve and nothing could be further from the truth. The difference between winning and losing in sports is razor thin. A good head coach and quarterback for any beleaguered NFL roster would have a dramatic effect on the balance between winning and losing. In a best-case scenario where Marrone wins Coach of the Year and the Bills rookie QB is Rookie of the Year, this team can be in the playoffs. Do I expect it to happen? No. Can it happen? Absolutely.
  5. LMAO!!! Between you and Big Cat this place is starting to become quite the visual candy store! Quite appropriate, I should add.
  6. I seem to recall that Hutch Tech always had great teams in "It's Academic," the TV Quiz competition hosted by Van Miller. I think all the right suspects have been mentioned: St. Joe's, St. Francis, Orchard Park, Williamsville etc. Is Clarence any good at football? New York is not a football factory so you might worry about the level of competition but obviously this kid has good bloodlines and the colleges are lining up for him.
  7. Everything you say is accurate BUT, (I guess it's my turn to mention) that players at other positions also bust or underperform. The Bills particularly have had a hard time identifying non-QBs worthy of a first round pick. Looking back on past drafts, many non-QBs first rounders bust out of the NFL. Unpredictability being the case, isn't it better to take a player at the most important position in football? Especially when it's an acute need? BTW, there are a few QBs in this draft I like so that might shade my position in this discussion.
  8. LOL!!! That is truly impressive but you have to admit, this is freaking hilarious!!!
  9. Anyways I just got home. Like Trooth said, Nassib is a real lighting rod prospect. Sorry for all the dissent. Didn't mean to get in dog's craw and I really appreciate the words from Bandit and Ryan. I actually have been re-watching Nassib over the last few days and have a few more thoughts on him which I'll put out there soon. As K-9 says, GO BILLS!!!
  10. 1) My comments were based on my impression from having read what others have to say about Nassib over the last several months. 2) My impression seems to be backed up by the poll results so far. 3) I have nothing against Nassib. 4) How good Nassib is and how many tickets he will sell are separate issues. It seems like you are lumping them together.
  11. Thanks Bandit. I appreciate it. Just to be clear, this is the second time he's made a snide remark towards me in the last week. I took his comments as provocation and responded in kind. Hopefully this blows over for good because it definitely detracts from the board.
  12. Well right now I have bad hay fever and am having a hard time breathing so rather than keep the wife up all night I came downstairs and hopped on the computer. Sometimes I get insomnia and I'll do the same thing. Often I'll post before work as I'm having my morning coffee. I do spend a lot of time thinking and writing about the Bills but it's not the only thing going on.
  13. I'm prolific in all aspects of life. Family, profession, hobbies, volunteerism. I understand that people like you may be threatened by high achievers It's alright. In fact it's good that not everyone is like you. Very good in fact.
  14. I've seen that mentioned a few times now but do we have any confirmation? I haven't seen any.
  15. It's not that. It's just that when you use a word like professional you should spell it correctly. It's kind of like when people here accuse others of having bad "grammer."
  16. My point was that whether there was no one there or one person there, that's in stark contrast to their attendance at other recent pro days. Capisce?
  17. Which brings up the question, inside info or smokescreen? It's certainly very interesting that the Bills either didn't attend or underattended Barkley's Pro Day. Quite a mysterious situation.
  18. Not every player in the NFL plays for the love of the game. In fact I'm not sure it's a majority of NFL players who actually love the game. Regardless, Gaither seems like the kind of player who's in it for the money.
  19. Cabot's original piece is a bit more circumspect and respectful but in essence, both pieces are saying nearly the same thing. The PFT piece is as usual, a bit more blunt.
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