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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. ^^^^^^^^^^ Ouch! That was almost as mean-spirited as what he said about Geno.
  2. I don't care. I just wonder who the !@#$ he is. That is vicious. What grade do you use?
  3. Do you realize that you're citing the infamous scouting report by Nolan Nawrocki which has caused his credibility to come under heavy fire? The one in which he appears to have slandered Geno Smith?
  4. Pretty amazing. I've heard a few of his radio interviews and the guy is inspiring when he talks about his life experiences. There are other great and classic MLBs not in the HOF like Randy Gradishar and Jeff Siemon. I wonder if London Fletcher gets any consideration at all. He wasn't really honored at all until late in his career. Still, what a career.
  5. Great football player and outstanding person. One of my all-time favorite players and I'm very glad he graced our Bills team for a short while. Just him choosing to play for Buffalo brings us greater distinction. Unfortunately the days of run-`stuffing LBs going to the HOF is largely over with with a few possible exceptions (Ray Lewis and Brian Urlacher). Spielman is the Tommy Nobis of his era, a great player who probably won't make the HOF. Maybe he'll get in years removed from his retirement like Willie Lanier did. Maybe he'll be a Veteran's Committee nominee. I'd love to see it.
  6. I thought it was the Harvard of Northeastern Kansas.
  7. That's like getting duped by an Okie from Muskogee. So it's not on like a mofo? Maybe he's accustomed to using multisyllabic words?
  8. Thanks for posting. Not a bad summary but the writer's most glaring error was when he criticized Fitz for "holding onto the ball too long."
  9. Agreed. Also didn't you think it was stupid for them to hang the Lombardi Trophy outside of the right upright? They botched the whole thing, IMO.
  10. And I think that is the question, not whether one will get picked but rather, how many.
  11. Right? We were talking about the cap hit of cutting the guy on the same day that he was signed.
  12. When you say no. 3 and no. 2 are you saying the third round and second round? No comfort in the pocket? Did you watch these games? There is zero jitteriness. None. QBs are often accused of "developing bad habits" because of poor pass protection. That didn't happen to Manuel. Watch his bowl game against Notre Dame last year. The worst pass protection imaginable. Manuel led the team back from an 11 point 4th quarter deficit to win the game. He never became jittery. Completely disagree with both of your opinions. Couldn't disagree more. So you watched vs Clemson and Northern Illinois. I wish that site I linked put up a few more of his 2012 games. I'd like to see how badly he played against NC State because that was seemingly his only bad game of 2012. I think some of the naysayers might be reading outdated scouting reports based on 2011. Because his 2012 videos are quite good.
  13. Agreed. I don't hate Thigpen either. I'm just incredulous that he still has any value in this league.
  14. Did anyone else view it as Karmic Retribution when lightning struck his Orchard Park house and burned it down two years ago? (This was the house that had been empty and become overgrown with weeds, etc)
  15. What would happen to its gay ranking? Bestiality?
  16. Don't you remember seeing him in some exhibition games? He was truly horrible.
  17. Thanks for posting. I'm not sure the report is accurate. It lists the 19 players who have accepted invitations but there are more that were invited but turned down their invitation I'm pretty sure. For instance, Manti T'eo definitely turned down an invitation to attend. That being the case it's a bit hard for me to believe that Barkley wasn't invited. I would tend to believe that he was invited but turned down the invitation.
  18. The clips here show every pass and every play where he ran or pitched the ball in an option. And that goes for all the QB videos. http://draftbreakdown.com/players/ej-manuel
  19. I know. I'm not understanding his equating technology with the sissification of the sport. Kind of nonsensical.
  20. Wow. I hadn't thought of that but now that you mention it, I guess it's possible.
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