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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Reply hazy. Try again later. (theoretical exchange between two Magic 8-Balls)
  2. It's sometimes hard to tell white people apart.
  3. We shall see. I'm pretty sure Manuel will go before Barkley but I've been wrong many times before.
  4. He's a big goofball and a Cheatriot*** but I'm honestly starting to feel sorry for the kid. We could send the Bills biggest, baddest players and team doctors to perform an abduction/amputation raid.
  5. That musta sucked! Unfortunately many of us have had horrid experiences supporting the Bills in hostile stadiums.
  6. Correct me if I'm wrong but the Bills never brought Kolb to Tempo.
  7. Has the draft order been determined yet? Damond, what you should do to drum up interest and get some audience participation is to set this up so that we can vote on which team we think is the best. That would also enable the team owners to draft with that objective in mind. It would probably tilt things in the favor of more recent players for instance, even though Sherman White was just as good a player as Phil Hansen, more Bills fans know who Phil Hansen is. It would be interesting because most Bills fans know who Mike Stratton is but would Stratton get more votes for the team than Cornelius Bennett? Just a suggestion for you guys. I think it would help quite a bit. Make it fun and give some direction and objectives. Ultimately when you're drafting a team it's a prelude to a competition. The audience vote for best team would be the competition.
  8. One legit question from purely a football standpoint is whether McClain is a true 3-down linebacker. The Raiders treated him as one quite often and he was often asked to cover the tight end down the seam. The times I saw him he had varying levels of success in these situations. He's a good talent for sure.
  9. I watched a lot of Wilson. I watched the complete video of his 2012 games against Tulsa, Ole Miss, South Carolina, Rutgers, and LSU and I like him a lot. The linked article seems to suggest that he's an elite passer or in today's parlance, has great "arm talent." His velocity honestly didn't jump off the screen at me although he clearly has a stronger arm than Barkley (as do all the QB prospects. However he is a great arm talent in other ways. People talk about Matt Barkley's touch and ball location. Wilson, when he's not running for his life (as he seemed to be a lot this year) has great touch and accuracy. He's as natural a thrower as anyone in this class always seeming to throw the ball with the correct velocity and trajectory for each play. The timing of his throws is excellent seeming to know when to throw the ball a tad earlier or later as the play unfolds. While it takes great toughness to play QB, Wilson is really tough. People talk about Nassib's toughness but Wilson impressed me the most of all the QBs in terms of taking a beating and never letting on that he was hurting. It was obviously a point of pride with Wilson that he never let the defense know he was in pain. You can see why he was a team captain. I love the way he tried holding the team together in the aftermath of the Petrino fiasco. If you watch his interviews he's incredibly mature and team-oriented. He's a natural born leader, it's not forced at all. After Manuel, Wilson is my second favorite QB. Of the others, I like Matt Scott as a project QB in the third round and I think Zach Dysert is very underrated. The interesting thing about this QB class is that you have a few tall QBs like Manuel, Bray, Glennon, and Landry Jones. Then all the other top prospect (Barkley, Smith, Nassib, Dysert, Wilson, Scott) are between 6'2" and 6'3" and all about the same weight. None of these "shorter" QBs have elite physical talent although most of them seem to have very good intangibles. But yeah, I like Tyler Wilson a lot and I think he could become a very good NFL QB.
  10. But watching both teams it's clear that they both like to run the ball. San Francisco has been 4th an 8th in rushing yards the past two seasons while Baltimore has been 11th and 10th so both teams still place a good emphasis on offensive balance and running the ball. Not surprising considering the head coaches are brothers and share similar philosophies.
  11. We're exchanging opinions here and to posture as if your opinion is clearly better than someone else's is a questionable approach. For one thing the OP is one of the very good posters here. He's right much more than he's wrong. For another thing, while I don't agree with a Fluker/Bray sequence to start the draft, many would say that your idea of Jarvis Jones at #8 is just as if not more ridiculous. Just a few thoughts collected while reading your post… As usual John backs up what he writes. But skycap speaks to my confusion on this subject too. I've heard that the Bills would run a West Coast variant, sometimes referred to as the "Gulf Coast Offense" as a homage to the system Sean Payton runs in New Orleans which Doug Marrone learned in his time there. However the Saints offense is much more vertical than a West Coast Offense typically is. ALSO, there's been a lot of talk that the Bills will be running "The K-Gun" offense. As with their defense, we really don't have much clue as to what the Bills will be running except for a few Kolb-related remarks about using a quick, rhythm system which sounds West Coastish. The Bills are definitely playing things close to the vest.
  12. You're both very lucky. Totally. If there's a 3rd round RB sitting there in the 5th round amongst 5th round linebackers and guards, it's a no-brainer.
  13. Just don't have any hissy fits or we'll have to ask you to leave.
  14. Yeah Hammered. Eat mrags' sausage yourself. Can he make yardage on his own or is he dependent on, you know, a line? That's not your job.
  15. All things being equal, I'd rather do what it takes to have 7 picks instead of 5 picks. Well now that it's been brought up I have to say, you've really let yourself go…
  16. Apples to oranges. That was decades ago. Things have changed.
  17. You're all right but No Saint nailed what I was shooting for. None of them (and there are other names I didn't bother to wrack my brain for) are appreciably better or worse than the others. The differences in their abilities are outweighed by the sameness in their abilities. It's like debating who sells the best fast food hamburger. So in my mind the best of these quarterbacks is the one that is paid the least and cost the least to acquire. JMO.
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