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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I think the proposal is for UB to be called New York State University, like Penn State University and Ohio State University, etc.
  2. Or John Harbaugh for that matter but I think Coach's comment was based on the theory of the OP about drafting.
  3. Well I'd rather have Alan Branch. Branch's credentials are just as good and he's younger than Kelly.
  4. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://2.bp.blogspot.com/_aXwvjOCyM24/TMCBXKCI89I/AAAAAAAAPJQ/trBf1ixGyIg/s200/logo-howard-university.gif&imgrefurl=http://meacswacsports.blogspot.com/2010/10/howard-university-names-louis-skip.html&h=124&w=200&sz=12&tbnid=vnkt59gcIlZo1M:&tbnh=70&tbnw=113&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dhoward%2Buniversity%2Blogo%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=howard+university+logo&usg=__h5uId_x5OsxZS-vtkndm5ESQOXI=&docid=Aj41jL1zxzBM8M&sa=X&ei=9NxiUcmZComiigKQz4CYDg&ved=0CD4Q9QEwBA&dur=653
  5. For a lot of us, if you give the name of the school, we can tell you what city it's in. Hell I even know which schools are in Manhattan, Kansas and Ames, Iowa. New York State University would be awesome.
  6. If you don't have a QB, you have nothing. It's far past the point where the Bills have to draft one. Take one at 8 or trade down and take him at 12, 15 , 17, whatever.
  7. Does anyone here think that the similarities in the logo are coincidental? Then the next thing you look at is the chronology. Howard's logo predates the Bills charging buffalo logo by many years, does it not?
  8. He's certainly suggesting the possibility that Jackson won't get a fair shake. I hope that's not the case.
  9. Then you admit that the similarities are uncanny? I think also that they both look like Kevin Kolb… or Fitzy.
  10. Good work! For me this just strengthens my conviction that the Bills should either reach for a QB at 8 or trade down a bit. From your second and third tiers, all of the players are either nearly as big a risk as the QB (without the reward) or at a position that the Bills don't really need to upgrade.
  11. The late great. It seems like every time I saw him on TV he was setting another world record. Of course those were the days of the Iron Curtain and their pioneering sports scientists.
  12. True. To reach a Super Bowl it's not necessary to have a great run game just as it's not necessary to have a great defense. But having one or both is a big help.
  13. I wonder also if he's trying to get more than one year. He's at an age where it would be better for him to get two years and a commensurate signing bonus than a one-year deal. It's possible that he wouldn't have accepted an Alan Branch type of contract (one year) from the Bills and he's holding out for more guaranteed money. And like you touch on, a guy like Moore might have a clear idea of the kind of team he wants to end his career with. It's possible that Buffalo doesn't fit that profile.
  14. Hey everyone who is deficient is either Aaron Maybin or Roscoe Parrish. You should know this by now. Haven't watched the video yet but Dunbar H.S. is a pretty famous school for producing hoops talent, if it's the same school.
  15. Turning the discussion full circle, there's no question that Rice and Gore were.
  16. I officially don't know what you two are talking about.
  17. You're clearly underestimating the asian black market for duct tape American intelligence agencies believe that North Korea has been hoarding it for many years.
  18. Yes, what is this strange concept about "winning" games? It is foreign to me and I find it disquieting to say the least. Wadya have against yesterday?
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