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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Yeah actually in the Quicken Loan Skills Competition, Nassib hit 61 yards on his long throw attempt. EJ Manuel won that event (and the entire QB competition) with a throw of 66 yards. I can't remember what Mike Glennon threw but Manuel's was the farthest. The fourth QB who competed in the event was Aaron Rodger's younger brother Jordan, who was the starting QB for Vanderbilt this year. Nassib's are is plenty strong. Having a weak arm is one of the false criticisms of him. But I remain unconvinced about the player as a whole.
  2. I don't read Walker very much and I don't usually go through comments sections but I had a theory that he was slamming Kolb/Bills because he's been getting unfavorable comments from our fans. Is this possible?
  3. I've watched the videos of 5 Nassib games this year: Missouri, Louisville, Rutgers, USC, and Northwestern. I agreed with the article. I think Nassib could be a really good player but he's very oddly inconsistent, IMO. This is true but I think even pro scouts put greater weight on the most recent season, for obvious reasons.
  4. I think you overstate your case a bit but I'd agree that if took Brady, Belichick, and Wilfork off the Cheatriots*** and put them on the Bills, the teams would reverse in the standings AND you wouldn't have all these posters saying the Bills are 4,5,6,7,8 etc players away from being a solid playoff team. People here still seem to miss the idea that virtually any team in the league is one quarterback and one coach away from excellence. This team does not have to model themselves after the Indianapolis Colts. This team does not have to upgrade right tackle, left guard, tight end, ILB, wide receiver and cornerback to be a playoff contender. They just need a good head coach and a good quarterback.
  5. I agree with Lurker. I don't remember Fergy pointing the finger of blame at anyone but himself. I could be wrong but that is my memory.
  6. No you're confused because you think you can read my mind. Remind me how many guys play quarterback in the NFL as marginal starters versus how many hack bloggers are employed by ESPN and its equivalents? You're hopelessly off on this. I'd bet many of us make more than James Walker. His position as a divisional blogger is not prestigious. Being employed by ESPN in-and-of-itself is not prestigious. If he wrote for the Boston Globe sports section you might have an argument. James Walker versus Kevin Kolb? He'd compare more accurately with Aaron Corp.
  7. I know it's unlikely but if Milliner dropped to #8, I wonder if Tampa Bay would have any interest in trading up from #13?
  8. This guy is a very talented writer who employs an entertaining, free form style: As soon as someone mentions a quarterback’s bench press prowess, one name comes to mind: Jim Druckenmiller. As for won-loss records against other quarterbacks, this isn’t arm wrestling. As Michael David Smith noted this week, Danny Wuerffel was 2-0 against Peyton Manning in college. In the read option, Nassib sometimes took a pistol snap, faked a handoff, and scuttled forward for a few yards, reminding no one, not even Gruden, of Colin Kaepernick. Gruden clarified that Nassib was more of a “nuisance” with the read option; I thought we were drafting quarterbacks, not gophers. There are stretches of games where Nassib barely looks draftable. The pass rush gets to him, and he either launches a wobbly pass off his back foot or forces a short pass into a defender’s belly. Or, his throwing motion goes totally out-of-kilter for a series or two, and his awkward shot-put throws go every-which-way. On short passes, he drives 95 mile-per-hour fastballs past his receiver’s fingertips. On deep throws, he puts too much air under the ball and forces his receiver to come back for the ball. He looks like an erratic aerosol passer. But then there are moments when everything converges. When Nassib’s mechanics are smooth, his release is a snap, his velocity excellent, and his accuracy pinpoint. Nassib has terrific touch and timing on deep passes along the sidelines and on seam routes. Watch Nassib find Alec Lemon on a deep post or place a teardrop into Marcus Sales’ arms along a hash mark a few times, and you start to see that high first-round pick. Then, he disappears for a few series. The problem comes in sorting the Jekyll from the Hyde. Nassib’s Senior Bowl practices looked like his 2012 tape. He spent whole drills overthrowing every receiver he saw, then would settle down and made a few big-time throws. This isn’t a guy who makes nine special throws for every clunker; the ratio is close to six-to-four. My colleagues, and no doubt some NFL scouts and coaches, see raw materials that can be molded into something special. I see a block of marble, not a masterpiece.
  9. Better than average QB for sure. Just below Pro Bowl level IMO. His strengths and weaknesses have been hashed out pretty well here. I would add that Fergy and James Harris probably threw with the highest velocity of any Bills QBs. Some might argue that JP Losman is in that group.
  10. How much time will you have and about how far off course are you willing to go? Also, what hobbies do you guys share?
  11. I dunno. What if he fails? Like Kevin Kolb said in his presser today, "Expect the worst, hope for the best." Or to quote Homer Simpson, "You tried your best and you failed miserably. The lesson is, never try." It's Hard to Smile in the NFL
  12. Understood^^^^ The very reminder that someone who writes and thinks as poorly as James Walker can have a national platform angered me to where I used more venom and less skill in making my point.
  13. I'm not jaded. You might be misled by the fact that my comment concentrated more on slamming Walker than it did supporting Kolb's words but in no way do I find Kolb's words objectionable (funny). As my subsequent post suggested (affirmation of others' posts) I am happy with what Kolb said. Go Bills indeed! And go Wolverines!!!
  14. As long as you two don't turn this into another conversation about animal husbandry.
  15. I also read something this morning that maybe someone can corroborate which is that a team cannot physically workout a prospect unless they travel to work out that player. Put differently, if a player makes an official visit to the team's facility, the team cannot physically workout the player. This would partly explain Chris Brown's clumsy report that Mike Glennon visited the Bills but that they did not work him out.
  16. Arguably the greatest strongman in history, American Bill Kazmaier failed a tryout with the Green Bay Packers. It's uphill to the NFL if you haven't played an appreciable amount of actual football. Another thing about NFL players is that they have a very high threshold of pain and/or a high threshold for painkillers. Not everyone is willing to make those kind of sacrifices.
  17. Have you ever read James Walker? Do you feel you have the ability to recognize a person's writing skills? I'm doubting that you do based on your post.
  18. Geez Rand. I don't know how you get to this from his comment. I took what he said at face value which is that there's no sense dwelling in the past. GL's an excellent poster and I've never thought of him as arrogant. And I agree with him. Why re-live the misery of an episode we've recounted countless times before?
  19. The only thing more laughable than Kolb calling the Bills a Super Bowl team is James Walker calling himself a writer.
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