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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I guess Cordarelle Patterson owes Da Rick a debt of gratitude.
  2. And here's a more comprehensive look at the 2009 Draft. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2009_NFL_Draft
  3. I don't know why this doesn't happen more often either although I'd guess it's because when you have players with this level of athleticism that it seems natural to put them on the outside where they can attack the edges. However Cornelius Bennett was a good ILB when given the chance to play there and I thought that Matthias Kiwanuka looked very good at ILB when the Giants were forced to play him there due to injuries. Really what is Urlacher? A fast, rangy, long defender who played safety in college. I think the type of athlete you describe can excel on the inside but the NFL coaches tend to put those guys on the outside.
  4. LOL, have you been playing the part of the Maytag Repairman?
  5. I believe that he could theoretically still declare for the Supplemental Draft.
  6. ESPN Insider features a QB Ranking by Ron Jaworski. Here's the link although it's subscriber only: http://insider.espn.go.com/nfl/story/_/id/9151068/2013-nfl-draft-ron-jaworski-ranks-top-quarterbacks-draft Here's his rankings: 1) Geno Smith 2) Ryan Nassib 3) EJ Manuel 4) Landry Jones 5) Mike Glennon 6) Matt Barkley 7) Tyler Wilson 8) Tyler Bray Also in ESPN Insider, Scout's Inc gave their ranking of the QBs: 1) Geno Smith 2) Matt Barkley 3) Tyler Wilson 4) Ryan Nassib 5) Landry Jones 6) EJ Manuel 7) Mike Glennon 8) Tyler Bray 9) Matt Scott 10) Zach Dysert
  7. And of course his good friend and Cheatriots*** teammate was Ty Law.
  8. It's hard to lead in the NFL. And this differs from new/failed regimes in Jacksonville, Cleveland, Kansas City, etc. in what way exactly? Wouldn't it be more accurate to say that the confidence that the Bills new coaching staff portrays is par for the course for all teams in this situation? Of are you saying that the downtrodden Bills organization which recently admitted that "the brand has been tarnished" is more arrogant than other organizationsins the same situation?
  9. Thanks for posting. I can't help you with the tables unfortunately. Don't know how myself. Clearly the hysteria by a few people over the initial reporting of the contract should subside now that we know for a fact what most people suspected, that this is a club-friendly deal.
  10. And a guy who played around the same time, Chicago Bears TE Cap Boso. Kind of a clown-like name and he had a very clownish moment on MNF due to him face planting into the loose sod of Soldier Field. It was after that that he was always referred to as Turf Face.
  11. Charles Mingus? That would definitely make up for the loss of Levitre.
  12. Again you are wrong that I'm attacking Walker due to disagreeing/being displeased with what he wrote. I know this was your first response and that you never recant on a first response but you are dead wrong. You can believe what you want to believe or you can do something novel and believe what I'm telling you. If you think I'm being disingenuous that's your prerogative. You cannot read my mind had you read my thoughts on other writers and/or their works on this forum you wouldn't question my word in this matter. I am telling you again in no uncertain terms that mediocrities that have a wide audience are offensive to me. There are plenty of sportswriters/news anchors/political commentators that I disagree with but I still respect. James Walker is not one of these people. Every time I run across one of his pieces it's clear that he's a poor thinker, lazy, uninspired, unoriginal, and that his writing is so conventional and robotic that any 8th grader could do the same which is to say, crossing Ts and dotting Is. Kudos to Walker that he can construct sentences which would pass muster on a regents exam essay. Perhaps you have a problem with recognizing the difference between good writing and bad. In fact your contention that Walker's writing is good says everything on this subject. I don't claim to be a writer but I can tell you with 100% certainty that not only am I a much more prolific writer than Walker (his daily output appears to be a lazy, uninspired pittance), I produce much more conscientious works and am a much better writer than he is. But don't think this is about me. The reason I come to The Stadium Wall is because there are SO MANY great writers and great thinkers here. I'm tempted to list them but I'm afraid I'd forget one or two and I'd hate for that to happen. I would say that there are easily 50 posters here whose writing skills would relegate Mr. Walker's to the minor leagues. And there are perhaps 100 posters here who put much more effort and research into their writing than does Mr. Walker. While Walker has syndicated sports statistics services spoon fed to him (and he still apparently doesn't use them) we have posters here who on top of their busy lives, actually spend the time and calories to research subjects and present their findings TO US!!! How !@#$ing humbling is that? To your quibbling about how much I read/don't read Walker, I'm not sure of your point. I only need to read a few paragraphs to be able to judge a writer (or a thinker). Again maybe you don't recognize good writing. Many people don't. It's not a crime, it's more like a misdemeanor. Whether writing a blog for ESPN is or isn't prestigious might be a subjective discussion. I can only say for my part that I would rather write for one of the great sports sections in America (Boston Globe), or for a publication or website like Grantland which actually values, fosters, and sells great writing. Literary journalism is a dying art in this country and it's admirable, commendable and important that great writers can still ply their trade through some of these media outlets. Walker couldn't write his way out of a paper bag even if equipped with a good reading light and an endless supply of pens but yes, he does work for ESPN. If you want to believe that a marginally-paid, bottom-of-the-roster hack like James Walker has a prestigious job go right ahead. By that logic you could also say that ESPN Sports Anchor Kevin Connors is a great sports journalist but you'd be wrong. I'll close by saying that only a person who doesn't understand broadcasting and journalism could think that James Walker is more accomplished in his field than Kevin Kolb. Or a person who doesn't understand NFL football.
  13. Wow, really? If you just switch… ah never mind. My second nominee is Captain Munnerlyn.
  14. Nowhere that I've looked. It's solely Wright's design as far as I'm concerned. At least until I see photographic documentation to the contrary.
  15. I thought we were supposed to jump off a roof…
  16. Cal WR Keenan Allen ran forty times of 4.71 and 4.75 at his personal Pro Day on Tuesday. Allen has never been known as a true vertical threat -- he draws comparisons to Miles Austin and Reggie Wayne -- but these times are concerning. Allen suffered a torn left PCL last October 27. He admitted to a setback before February's Scouting Combine and recently told the Sacramento Bee that he's only about 85 percent. It's been over five months since Allen's injury. His medical status may be a greater concern than the slow forty times. Kind of a strange quote considering that his medical status is probably responsible for his slow forty times.
  17. Yeah I'm thinking the replacement of Wanny with Pettine is gonna be a huge upgrade for the Bills.
  18. Yep. And he went to Hutch Tech and knows Booker Edgerson.
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