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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Nothing quite so socially acceptable as binge drinking. It's great that you guys walked. Kudos.
  2. I'd like to see Abraham come back. He is still a very capable pass rusher. So odd that it was in late June that he signed a 3-year deal to remain with the Falcons. Then less than 8 months later he's released. Most of these football players have very little job security.
  3. I wonder if Brigham Young University has a tight end named Syracuse.
  4. In fairness to Kas, pass rushers can have a profound effect on a team's fortunes as we saw with Bruce Smith. Of course Bruce is a Hall of Famer. While game changers can come from a few different positions there is no single position in football that has such a profound effect on a team's fortunes as QUARTERBACK.
  5. Various rebuttals and thoughts about your post in the order that you mentioned them: 1) In small amounts alcohol can be a central nervous system stimulant. 2) You mischaracterize marijuana by describing it "as either a narcotic or a hallucinogen." THC, the primary component of marijuana is considered a psychoactive. It is absolutely not a narcotic and while it has some similar effects to some hallucinogens it is no closer to being a hallucinogen than it is a stimulant or a depressant. I started smoking pot when I was 14 years old and while I don't smoke much anymore I still occasionally have a puff or two just to get a light buzz. I am 52 years old. I completely disagree with you on the "medical aspects being bogus." I've worked physical labor my entire life including the last 15 years in construction and the previous 10 years as a hazardous tree climber/arborist/tree surgeon. I have found occasional marijuana use after work to significantly reduce muscle and joint soreness and increase the body's awareness of the causes and effects of different movements and stresses. This increased sensitivity helps me to regulate my effort and modify my biomechanics and ergonomics when performing physical tasks. I am more physically in tune with my body than during long spells when I don't partake. I strongly believe that my moderate/occasional pot use has helped me maintain and increase my career longevity in the building trades. In moderation I believe that marijuana also has psychological and spiritual benefits regarding one's temperament and disposition. You continue to characterize marijuana as addicting however pot is not a physically addictive drug such as alcohol, nicotine, heroin, opiates and narcotics. Can it become psychologically addicting? For some people it can be but that is more a problem of the individual than the drug. There are many successful, highly-functioning people who use marijuana in moderation just as there are who use alcohol. Again with the role model thing, it seems to me that in spite of your own marijuana use that you have bought into the early baby boomer conventionalized stigma of the drug. Your comments about role models, schools, and parents all indicate that your own use is at odds with some of your social beliefs regarding pot. Again, Peyton Manning would probably never use pot but if he did, it would probably be as a topical cream or ingested in a pill or tablet form. So your imagery of "sparking up a joint after a tough game" isn't where medical marijuana is heading, nor what anyone is condoning.
  6. I was comparing EJ to Geno. Disregard.
  7. Ultimately, Wanny failed and Gailey was fired so in that context, Buddy deserves some blame in the form of ultimate responsibility. But I understand his decisions prior to Gailey/Wanny failing. Ultimately the proof (justification of argument) is in the pudding.
  8. Nix's responsibility in the Wannstedt caper is easily summed up as it's already been covered here. On the negative hand, by hiring Gailey and giving him carte blanche to hire his own staff, Nix abdicated his responsibility as GM. On the positive hand, by allowing Gailey carte blanche to hire his own staff, Nix avoided micromanaging and gave Gailey full power to succeed or fail based on his own decisions. Either view has validity IMO.
  9. The draftee will enter the stage from the left side while Kelsay is looking towards the right side.
  10. Two counterpoints for you: 1) Medicinal marijuana can be prescribed as a topical cream, it can be ingested, it can be administered in numerous different ways. As such it is not necessarily a detriment to lung function nor does it have to affect cognitive ability. 2) The "Role Model" thing is silly and outdated. Firstly there used to be a huge taboo on marijuana use. That seems to be going away as more states pass laws allowing its medical use. Secondly, there are numerous prescription drugs which if used illegally are taboo. The very fact of them being prescribed medically should eliminate that stigma. Finally we can continue to tell our young people that it's alright to drink alcohol but there's something wrong with being prescribed medical marijuana?
  11. Actually I'm not sure that Geno has anything on EJ.
  12. Well I'm not gonna audit all the measurables and intangibles but two major things EJ has going for him are that he played at a higher level of competition and that he played in a pro-style offense and actually took many snaps from center. There are also the four bowl game victories. That's all on top of EJ having a better arm, being a better athlete, and being bigger and stronger. EJ's also a two-time academic All-America and is working on his second degree. Personally I take EJ over Geno.
  13. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/157386-mark-april-18-on-your-calendar/
  14. Or to paraphrase one of our esteemed posters, Wanny was playing checkers when the OC was playing chess. Hate to disagree with you K-9 but I disagree. Wanny is the perfect case study of the coach who makes his players worse and places them in a position to fail, thus destroying any shed of hope, belief, and confidence. The Wanny case study shows that: 1) Coaching IS as important as talent. 2) The efforts of even the most highly-motivated professional athletes can be undermined by hopelessness. Dom Capers, Wade Phillips, and Buddy Ryan didn't spend exhaustive hours creating complex defenses because they thought that talent wins football games.
  15. My takeaway from the piece is that he still has some work to do after the 3 days he spent with Clarkson: "There's no question he can [shorten his throwing motion]" Clarkson said. "The things that he needs to work on are very coachable and actually very minor." Also as I said several times last year, Tebow is too muscle bound. I've NEVER seen a heavily-muscled guy that can throw a football well. Apparently someone finally got through to Tebow. "And one more important part of Tebow's offseason workouts: He has lost weight, acknowledging to Clarkson that, at 250 pounds last season, he was simply too big."
  16. JMO, EA. Have you watched his videos? His lack of arm strength is startling to me but I'm certainly open to hearing other's thoughts on it. Like I said I viewed pretty much every game he played in 2011, which was his big season. Here are all his videos: http://draftbreakdown.com/players/matt-barkley These are the same people who pointed out that over 50% of Barkley's throws traveled no farther than 5 yards beyond the line of scrimmage and that nearly 25% of his throws were actually thrown to receivers behind the line of scrimmage.
  17. http://profootballta...ick-announcers/ One former player for all 32 teams will announce a second-day draft pick, the NFL announced on Wednesday. The second day of the 2013 draft falls on Friday, April 26 and includes Rounds Two and Three. Also former Bills QB Brian Brohm has signed with the CFL's Hamilton Tiger Cats: http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/04/17/brian-brohm-signs-with-cfls-hamilton-tiger-cats/
  18. Well as Billsvet pointed out, the Aaron Williams selection really hasn't worked out so far. The best-case scenario for Williams is something along the lines of what happened to Antrel Rolle who was drafted 8th overall as a cornerback after a great career at Miami. He sucked as an NFL corner and was moved to safety where he's made a few Pro Bowls and is considered a very solid safety. It's not too late for Williams to turn his career around and this seems to be a good way to try to do that.
  19. Good question. Goldson was All-Pro this past season and made the Pro Bowl in 2011 and 2012. He just signed a 5-year, $41.25 million contract with $22 million guaranteed. Certainly the two are pretty close.
  20. Yes but Goldson was a sure thing too and after franchising him for one season, they decided not to sign him long term.
  21. We knew the pool of players that were likely to be taken but it was only through the process of elimination that Gilmore became likely. Had Barron been available he might have been the pick. Same with Kuechly. Same with Blackmon. But by the Bills pick all those guys were gone. Two weeks before the draft, I don't remember any clear consensus as to who the Bills would end up with. Exactly.
  22. They need a young pass rusher for sure although I think Osi is gonna have a good year for them. If they could get someone to complement him, that would be great for them.
  23. This place is unreal. http://primantibros.com/home.html And they have a location right inside Heinz Field.
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