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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I'm not sure the trade makes sense from the Tampa Bay standpoint. They should have an excellent defense but this is a move by a team making a Super Bowl push. I'm not convinced that the Bucs are poised for that quite yet. They've publicly questioned the competence of their own QB so in that light it seems like they could have considered Asomugha or Winfield or someone a lot less costly than Revis.
  2. Thank you very much, EA. Coming from you that is very high praise. The conversation was routed to PM and after some continued discussion olive branches were extended and accepted although I'm still writing the final draft of my apology. Right from the start this whole topic was messed up for the very same reasons you mention above, a lot of great posters at odds. Anyways Sisyphus and I have gotten into it before and it's great for the board that as a moderator and frequent poster, besides being knowledgable he is neither vindictive nor a grudge holder.
  3. Again I don't see the Niners trading high draft picks for Byrd, signing him to a mega-contract, etc. when they just let Dashon Goldson walk. There are some good safeties in this draft and IMO the Niners could spend fewer picks in a trade up to get one of them… or see if one falls to them. And it would save them a ton of money. And Goldson was a sure thing. He was All-Pro this past season and made the Pro Bowl in 2011 and 2012. He just signed a 5-year, $41.25 million contract with $22 million guaranteed. Why would they trade for Byrd after letting Goldson walk?
  4. Tons of "Trade Byrd" discussion in this topic: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/157436-mmds-simple-draft-plan-for-a-bills-rebuild-now/
  5. Absolutely. The Jets have the ammo AND the positioning to outmaneuver the Bills.
  6. Marrone is a former NFL O-lineman and O-line Coach. I have zero concerns about our O-line.
  7. So he was barely over the legal limit and he wasn't pulled over for driving erratically but rather was stopped at a checkpoint.
  8. It's true that historically it's been a rare occurrence. On the other hand, with the rookie wage scale, the ever-increasing emphasis on QB, and the increased volatility of NFL HC and GM jobs, I think that the practice of drafting first round QBs in consecutive (or near-consecutive) years will increase. The Gabbert decision last year might lend greater ammo to the idea that the Jags should have entered the QB derby last year. And do you think Jeff Fisher is having any second thoughts about squatting on Sam Bradford instead of trading him and taking Luck or RGIII? How about Weeden in Cleveland? If the new Browns braintrust doesn't like him why wouldn't they draft a QB this year? Like I said it hasn't happened much in the past but I could definitely see it happening more often in the future.
  9. Not saying it's right or wrong but when I text, I don't omit punctuation like periods, question marks, or exclamation points. I also capitalize. I will occasionally use "u" instead of "you" and other similar abbreviations. I always try to use shorter words with a similar meaning. I don't seem to be able to get any lazier or sloppier than that. Having a smart phone with a good touch pad is helpful and I guess I'm a slave to certain writing standards.
  10. Regarding the concept of rookie QBs being "not ready to start." Most of the guys who are rated at the top are pretty much as ready as they'll ever be. With some you'd like to see a bit more polish but not to the point where you wouldn't ease them in as rookies. A good organization puts a rookie QB in a position to succeed regardless of how raw they are. There are many examples of this. In 2004 Big Ben won NFL Offensive Rookie of the Year although he didn't start the season opener. The Steelers devised an offense for him whereby he only had to read half the field. I would certainly believe that the Bills would draft a QB that they envisioned starting if not on opening day, very soon afterwards. As such I would hope that they would be able to evaluate the rookie QB and if necessary draft another one next year if they see fit to replace him or have him compete with a different prospect.
  11. He blew a .08 and a .09. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/al-michaels-arrested-dui-162705210--nfl.html Where he was arrested, .08 is the legal limit.
  12. Now breathe. Seriously, that's good use of a run-on sentence. It totally works.
  13. Alright. In my spare time I've been watching a lot of videos of the top prospects at this site. I'm trying to get a good idea of all the players who might be in play for the Bills this year. Sometimes I'll go off on a tangent and watch players that are not likely to be picked by the Bills, just on a whim. I heard Greg Cosell mention that he thought Shariff Floyd was a possibility to be the first player taken and that he would be a top 5 pick. Jerry McDonald of the Bay Area News Group said that he thinks Floyd will go to the Raiders at #3 so I decided to watch video of Floyd. The guy sucks. I have no idea what these guys are watching. How is it that a guy who's not even 6'3" can continually get chop blocked by taller players? How is it that a top prospect can get pancaked 6 times in 3 games? This guy has one asset: pretty good short-area quickness and that's about it. He has very little power or speed, doesn't use his hands very well, and is a very limited athlete. This all on top of the fact that he's under 6'3" and less than 300 pounds. I watched 3 games of his and it's hard for me to imagine that there's something else I could see in the other games which would change my mind. When I watch Floyd I'm reminded of Broderick Bunkley and Amobi Okoye and Sedrick Ellis and Glenn Dorsey and all the other undersized DTs who supposedly had great leverage and quickness and would be stars in the NFL. All of these guys were highly drafted and failed. So far there's only been one Warren Sapp. Similarly, Shariff Floyd's underwhelming skills will not translate well to the NFL. He might not be as good as Kyle Williams. He's not as good as recent draftees Corey Liuget or Stephen Paea, IMO. So I don't understand the buzz for Shariff Floyd. I'd actually be surprised if he was drafted in the top 20 and it wouldn't surprise me if he fell out of the first round. Regardless of where he gets drafted, I predict he'll be a bust. Who do YOU predict will be a bust in this year's class?
  14. Absolutely people should be held accountable and in this case Wanny and his boss were held accountable. No one is disputing that.
  15. The first bolded is what you excerpted from my post and chose to respond to. It's also a point that I'm flabbergasted someone would even bother to argue. The second bolded is the part of your post that I've been responding to. Wanny had a good track record after his Dallas tenure, contrary to your earlier statement. Therefore there was some basis for thinking that he would do well in replacing Edwards who indisputably sucked. You're trying to make the case that it was clear that Wanny was "totally incompetent" before the 2012 season. I and most others disagree. The hiring of Wanny was largely seen by most here as both a logical move and as a probably upgrade based on his long resume of defensive success.
  16. I must be weird because I thought it was hilarious. Perhaps it would have been better to not copy and paste his text. This whole reaction was completely predictable if you spend any time on message boards. Had you re-written/paraphrased for your buddy, this discussion wouldn't be happening.
  17. Tampa Bay has 8 picks in this year's draft. They don't have any 7th rounders but they have two 4ths and two 6ths all of which can be traded because they are not compensatory. The Bucs picks are at 13, 43, 73, 112, 126, 147, 181, and 196.
  18. Yeah well the Bills aren't the ones bitching. We are. In fact you could argue that we're not even bitching but rather, discussing this latest "quirk" in the scheduling. Regardless the fact remains that for the second year in a row, the Bills have been placed at a significant disadvantage by the schedule makers. It's enough to make you feel that there's a conspiracy or something.
  19. Anyways this is yet another example of something that we find out by reading TSW. You think The Snooze is aware of the inequities in the Bills schedule?
  20. I live in a results-based world where if you do poorly, people will tell you to your face. But thanks for the additional insult. Without the (impossible to know) prior knowledge that this would turn out badly yes, the decision could be forgiven. There was no reason to think that he wouldn't be an improvement over Edwards. Wrong. Wanny did good work with the Bears and with the Dolphins defense. I'm defending my position. You're the one attacking it. I'm more intent on being right than you are? Moreover, I already admitted I was for replacing Edwards with Wanny and thought it was a good move. In other words, admitted I was WRONG but according to you it's obviously important that I'm always right. :wallbash: :wallbash: What you again can't seem to grasp is that it's only possible to call it the wrong move in retrospect. Of course it turned out to be a "major !@#$ -up." Anyone can see that. The question is how many people knew it wouldn't work out BEFORE the 2012 season? Which brings me back to my earlier question to you: What did you think of the move when it happened? Were you predicting failure?
  21. If you could have known Wanny was incompetent you might have a valid point. But you couldn't because Wanny actually had a very good NFL resume. So you're wrong. It was obvious that Edwards sucked. They had a guy already on staff who had solid credentials. It was a no-brainer to promote him to see what he could do. What did you think the Bills should do after the 2011 season regarding DC?
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