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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. EJ Manuel's completion percentage outside the pocket during his college career was over 70%. One of the many strengths of his game is keeping his eyes downfield and making good throws when flushed from the pocket. Also watching the videotape it's clear to see that he's not jittery in the pocket, that he climbs the ladder well, and that he knows when to throw and when to run.
  2. Yet another Byrd thread? http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/157934-please-fix-subjectbyrd/
  3. That's a very strange characterization of the situation (bolded) considering that Manuel is considered the QB with the highest ceiling in the draft. It's about the only thing that the overwhelming consensus agrees upon.
  4. Yeah I'm far from convinced that the Colts are a perennial playoff team. Everything fell right for them last year. However they do have the QB and that's half the battle right there. I honestly don't know if they have the coach or not because I think he only coached 3 games with Arians (now departed) coaching the other 13. I will say that Pagano's battle with cancer was a rallying point for the team last year. It won't be this year. In minicamp the Bills apparently lined up in a jumbo 3-man front with Carrington-Dareus-Branch with Mario as an OLB. When you consider Lawson's size on the other side, that's a big front even if they only play a 3-3.
  5. Yeah that theory never held water in the first place. Everyone knows that the best way to sell tickets is to win.
  6. I don't know if they have any former Ravens D coaches but I know they converted Mathis and Freeney to OLBs last year so they're definitely more of a 3-4 team. That's right.
  7. Put it this way, judging by the way Sheppard played before this season, it was addition by subtraction.
  8. Apparently it wasn't just Kiper and McShay that are pissed off at the Bills for passing on a Syracuse player.
  9. Yes. That was exactly what he said. And he didn't mention Barkley or Geno.
  10. Now that we've had two coaching staffs under Nix, it's pretty obvious, isn't it. I wouldn't call the loss of Shep "creating a hole." He was the hole. I agree with you about Dansby though. Unlike many in this topic, I don't see Dansby happening. And like you wrote, this only increases Dansby's leverage. According to the "realists," it had nothing to do with Pettine and everything to do with Rex. I don't understand where you're coming from. Sheppard sucked. Everyone knows that. He was a bust. That is indisputable. Would you feel better if the Bills pretended he was competent and just held onto him? Isn't it better for any person or organization to concede the mistake, cut losses, and try to salvage the situation? Are you calling for Buddy's head? Personally I'd have been happy just to cut Shep. That alone is a statement that this is not business as usual, that past mistakes won't be glossed over to protect egos. To get a former first rounder who had 4 sacks in 6 starts last year sounds like a win to me… a win that Bills fans should be happy about. Yes, and Tom Gibbons, Director of Pro Personnel. Currently the favorite whipping boy, besides Buddy, seems to be Brad Smith. Exactly.
  11. I think Bado was talking about Nassib, not Manuel. Or am I missing something?
  12. I thought we agreed it's now spelled Tuels.
  13. How funny is that? And I totally agree with aussiew. I wouldn't even consider a burger in NOLA until I've had a crawfish feast, andouille, gumbo, dirty rice, beignets, jumbalaya, etouffee, a po'boy, etc. etc. etc.
  14. Nice anecdote. Lake Eufala has some great largemouth fishing. Looks like both guys reeled in a good catch. On another subject, I totally agree with Buftex's take upthread. I think part of the reason Nassib was overranked was because it was assumed the Bills would draft him at #8 and the "experts" wanted to look smart when that happened.
  15. True. But on the other hand, Stevie didn't participate due to his back and Nelson and Jones are gone. So aside from Dickerson and a couple guys we've never heard of, all they had to work with was Brad Smith and TJ Graham. Don't get me wrong, I have high hopes for both but just saying. And like I said upthread, I expect Smith to make the final roster.
  16. Well if it makes you feel any better, Robert Brooks was a pretty good receiver for the Packers. And there is that double O thing going on. We'll forgive you. Just this once.
  17. Blount is the kind of big, powerful back I wish the Bills had on their roster.
  18. Is there a trait less becoming of a professional than laziness? It's always amazing to consider that there are posters here that put forth way more effort, thought, and research (not to mention words) than many professionally credentialed reporters.
  19. From now on when we call someone a tool we have to spell it Tuel. That is all.
  20. Good news. Is that Ralph's ultralight? The one he flew Dansby in on?
  21. My wife and I went out yesterday evening and pulled up to the stoplight. There was a Great Dane in the car next to us with his head and neck sticking out the window. He was so big he could have easily leaned over and licked my face. I didn't encourage him though.
  22. If a tree falls in the woods…. eball has a new avatar? Wow. That's like the end of Cal Ripken's streak. How do you retire the best avatar ever?
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