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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Of course we know that's b.s. There are players on this team that are locks to start at their position.
  2. No but they used to call the Bonnies the Brown Indians!!! :nana:
  3. Actually I think David Nelson's measurables were better than Kauffman's.
  4. No question that he's wasting his career. As for Detroit they publicly said that they're trying to change their ways. No one is arguing that. I'm more interested as to why some people are just criminals. I don't believe that everyone who is a criminal has the very same major malfunction, do you?
  5. Okay. We're kind of splitting hairs here. I've said on this forum that if they can get the same performance at less cost that they'd cut him. But the fact that they've eaten $500K tells me that they're entertaining a scenario where he's a significant contributor. The fact that they're even entertaining the possibility of carrying his $3 million salary tells me the same thing. A linear scale of what range? Zero and one tell me nothing without knowing the range. Why don't we talk in clearer terms. I'd say that Brad Smith is 50/50 to make the final roster. Whether he's cut or not, clearly I think that you're crediting Smith with less than he deserves.
  6. Yes Jackson did. Favre and Childress were the principals there. Darrell Bevell was the OC as he was later in Seattle. All of them are West Coast Offense guys.
  7. Can you show examples of posts where this happened? I recall Dorkington or someone making an erroneous statement about EJ lacking accuracy, a claim that has been conclusively debunked numerous times. That's the only critical statement I recall and it was civilly corrected. What exactly are you sulking about? Is there something wrong with us being excited about the Bills rookies working out in pads? If you've got something to say, say it. Don't sulk like a kid. Legitimate criticisms are always welcomed.
  8. Young probably has very little self-control (due to possible mental issues?) so I'm not sure you can hold him completely accountable. The Detroit Lions on the other hand…. how could they do the interviews and due diligence and then decide this kid was a good risk as their 2nd round pick? Young frequently got in trouble at Boise State and was suspended for fighting with a teammate. He also refused to change the way he held the football which resulted in him fumbling numerous times until he was benched. He even had problems in high school. The Lions should be very embarrassed.
  9. Yep. He needs to be evaluated. His brain function is way off.
  10. I suppose you could have asked the same question about Brandon Marshall, Vincent Jackson, or Marques Colston when they were rookies. The guy is a wide receiver who's had success at the position so it would be weird to try to convert him to another position. Anyways he seems to fit the profile of the guy who's open even when he's covered. Hope he's a player.
  11. Why is the Atlanta Braves not considered to be as objectionable as the Washington Redskins? Why might the Fighting Scots be considered OK but not the Redskins? Take all the time you need…. If you met an North American indian and you called him a Redskin, how do you think he would feel about that? If you met an Irish person and you called him a Fighting Irishman do you think he'd be insulted? Again, think about it…. don't rush.
  12. Amendola is 5"11 and 188 pounds so there are plenty of wide receivers of his size that have been both successful and unsuccessful, healthy and injury prone. Austin on the other hand is under 5'9" and just 174 pounds. How many players of that stature can we even name who were successful in the NFL? Then you have to factor in that Austin was taken 8th overall. That's a helluva high draft position for him to live up to.
  13. Good point. Modify the original message to fit the theme.
  14. While it's been my constant opinion that Brad Smith will make the team, I didn't say he was a lock. Regardless I'm not really sure what your point is. The draft is over, they know what they have at WR as far as bodies go, and Brad Smith is on the roster. Again, there's no point in cutting him now but also, if they didn't think he could be a contributor, he wouldn't be on the roster. He's not being carried on the roster because he's considered a "camp body." They could have easily sent him the way of Donald Jones, David Nelson, Nick Barnett, Chad Rhinehart, Chris Kelsay, Shawne Merriman, Terrence McGee, George Wilson, etc. It was just one month ago they gave Brad Smith a $500,000 roster bonus. IMO will be brought to camp because they think he has a chance to win a job and be a big contributor on the team. I can't imagine any other reason that he'd still be on the roster. You usually don't give someone a half mil just to cut him before camp starts.
  15. I'm well aware that this is a minority opinion but after watching lots of video of Tavon Austin, I have serious doubts that he'll have a long and successful NFL career. He's way too much of a finesse player. Is there a chance that he's the second coming of DeSean Jackson? Yes. But when you count the number of players in the modern era who were 5'8 1/2" and 174 pounds and made an appreciable impact, the list is miniscule. Guys that short who were successful tended to be about 10 pounds heavier and had a bit of a bowling ball aspect to their games. Austin is a waif. Moreover his body is so lithe that I believe that he'll have durability issues and that the physicality of the NFL will be a huge adjustment for him. JMO.
  16. I think the new coaching staff is more concerned with production going forward, not what happened in the past. Yet again, if the new staff didn't think Brad Smith had a chance to be a significant contributor, they would have already shown him the door. Seeing as we don't need the cap space right now, it seems reasonable to let the players fight it out over roster spots instead of overreacting to possible future cap implications.
  17. And by the way, this kid Tuel can spin it too. His throwing motion is actually very similar to Jimbo's.
  18. Here's a thought. The Bills used the non-exclusive tag on Byrd which suggests that they're encouraging him to find his true market value. I would not be surprised if at some point the Bills gave Eugene Parker permission to seek a trade and negotiate with other NFL teams. This would accomplish two things: 1) Establish what teams are willing to trade for Byrd and 2) Establish what teams are willing to pay Byrd. Once these things are established this impasse will be broken pretty quickly. There's no reason for the Bills to negotiate in a vacuum. Let the market speak for itself.
  19. I think it's interesting to speculate as to the unseen machinations of decision making in the Bills front office. Ultimately I don't really care who makes the decisions as long as they turn out well. Yeah the media reporting in this country has reached a nadir. I was watching Live at the Player's Championship last night and had to turn off the TV. It was completely unwatchable. For a half hour all they wanted to talk about was the Woods-Garcia controversy and to make it worse, every point they made was wrong. Just report the facts and let the viewers draw their own conclusions. I can't stand when half-wits try force feeding their opinions. Reporting and journalism seem to have zero motivation to be fair, balanced, and objective. All you have is idiots screaming stupid opinions in the name of ratings and traffic. Sorry for the rant.
  20. Jimbo's release was faster than normal but not in the league of Marino or Elway. It was still plenty quick enough. Kelly's greatest asset as a passer was his incredible touch and accuracy in every and all conditions. I'm not sure what the exact number is but if you said that an NFL QB has to be able to make 15 different types of throws, Kelly could throw all 15 perfectly. Both Marino and Elway, while awesome passers tended to throw a bit of a flat trajectory ball sometimes. Jimbo's passes always had the perfect trajectory for the play. Also Jimbo threw the most beautiful deep balls of any QB I can recall.
  21. Thanks. I see it now. Apparently it was something that Dansby said.
  22. I'm not convinced that a market exists for Byrd. A lot of teams made moves at safety and this was a really good year for safeties. I'm just not convinced that there's a team willing to send us a first rounder for the right to sign Byrd to a 5-year, $42 million contract. Certainly as a non-exclusive franchise player there has been no interest in signing him to an offer sheet. Of course that would give the Bills 2 first rounders as compensation so obviously no one is gonna do that. But even at the discounted price of 1 first rounder, I'm not seeing who the buyers are.
  23. Interesting. Almost like a small, regional version of Durkee or McCormick. That makes him spicy in my book. Seriously though, people who don't want to click on the link and read the article should at least read this quote: “He didn’t want to be anything but a poet and a writer,” John Dockery, a former Jets teammate and roommate during road games, recalled in a 2008 interview, “but he was given skills he didn’t want. He wanted something else. He walked away from the money, from everything, because it was too painful for him.” Sauer expressed his misgivings about the football life in an article in The Times in 1983. “My passion for the game was not sufficient,” he wrote. “Football is an ambiguous sport, depending both on grace and violence. It both glorifies and destroys bodies. At the time, I could not reconcile the apparent inconsistency. I care even less about being a public person. You stick out too much, the world enlarges around you to dangerous proportions, and you are too evident to too many others. There is a vulnerability in this and, oddly enough, some guilt involved in standing out.” Some "guilt involved in standing out?" Okily dokily.
  24. I would mostly agree with this but does that mean the Marrone hiring is a Brandon deal?
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