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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Is this something you saw etched on a stone tablet?
  2. About 120 posters including yourself. Any other questions?
  3. Here we're all worried/concerned about Da'Rick Rogers and EJ's running and now you throw this on our plate?
  4. Disagree. Not so much on Sunday but on Saturday all of that Woods-Garcia focus was directed towards the casual fan, not the serious fan.
  5. It might be unfair to think he can't do it but it's fair to question whether he can. The ability to read coverages and go through progressions is a question asked of all young, unproven QBs because in the end, many if not most QBs can't do it. And we all know that intelligence and classroom excellence have little bearing on the ability to play NFL quarterback so even this asset of Manuel's doesn't dispel those questions. I think the one QB in this rookie class who you can say seems to be able to do all those things is Matt Barkley. But they'll all have to prove that they can do it in the NFL. Great point and here's the irony: People are concerned that a QB who runs too much exposes himself to a higher risk of injury but they overlook the fact that quarterbacks who extend plays in the offensive backfield (like Big Ben, like Rodgers) take a beating too. It's not the running which exposes a running QB to risk, it's his failure to protect himself. Same with the pocket passer. Sometimes you just have to curl up and eat the ball.
  6. I understand what you mean but I disagree. As an electrician I would say that we can do things in parallel, not in series. An analogous statement to what you've made would be something like: "We shouldn't vaccinate people to prevent the spread of disease, instead we should educate them about how diseases are spread." You can do both. Maybe not a good example but I think you get the idea. Often times the best solutions are multi-pronged. And I disagree with your characterization about "guilting." That makes it sound like we're a bunch of kids being hassled by our parents (the government). I'm talking about an appeal to our better selves. That part of us that is actually (you know) respectful and kind to others. Why do people want to obstinately fight this, get angry about it, and call it an attack on the constitution? Wouldn't a reasonable person just say, "yeah it's pretty tasteless. It would be great if they changed the name of the team." What kind of person would say "No effin way! We're not gonna be forced into this!" etc. I cannot relate to those opposed to a name change, much less so for those vehemently opposed. JMO. Who says that native Americans aren't proud of some sports nicknames. To be clear, I'm talking about the Washington Redskins. I'm not talking about the (former) North Dakota Fighting Sioux. I always thought that was cool just like the Fighting Irish. This was the point of one of my earlier posts upthread. Redskins is not the same thing as Fighting Sioux. Elevator Operator is not the same thing as Fighting Zulus. Rice Eater is not the same as Mongols. Redskins is a pejorative term. Alright, I'm done here. Carry on.
  7. That's a separate issue Big Cat. There are many people in this country who believe that the large number of blacks living in poverty is something that they should be able to transcend out of Horatio Alger style. That's a separate issue than the use of racial epithets.
  8. I actually can't stand Brandon and have mocked him many times on this forum but I really can't believe the whining about him "being dishonest" based mostly on his comment a few weeks ago (paraphrasing) "Buddy Nix will be the Bills GM for a very long time." Apparently we can call native Americans "redskins" but don't you dare mislead us because we're "entitled" to the truth at all times.
  9. Big Cat, I was brought up to be polite, civil, sensitive, and respectful to others. I don't always succeed as I've proven many times on this forum but I always try. Always. As I said upthread this is not my issue because I'm not native American (although I am a person of color). As I said earlier, if the minority in question (as a whole) finds the term "Redskins" offensive then it would be really great of Snyder to acknowledge that and change the team name. As I've already said, no one should be forced to do anything in this situation but sometimes the best thing to do is also the most virtuous thing to do. IF Snyder relented, had a change of heart, and changed the team's name, what kind of people would be unhappy and up in arms about it? Those people angry that Snyder relented might claim to be people of principle but that would be a false claim. There would be other labels much more fitting. When did treating people with sensitivity and respect become a bad thing? Good days and bad days buddy! Some days there's more diplomacy than others…. but thank you.
  10. Eme, As they say about stupidity, "stupid is as stupid does." So my opinion is that for all "intensive purposes" the campaigns carried out towards native Americans (most famously The Trail of Tears, Wounded Knee) were genocide, ethnic cleansing and murder. We can say what we want about the machinations but I define it based on the end results.
  11. Perhaps we can go back to whining about how Russ Brandon is dishonest.
  12. Let's cut to the chase here. The Bills aren't gonna build one so it comes down to whether we want government (our tax dollars) footing the nearly $1 billion tab.
  13. I know this has been a long thread but this has been discussed at length. A poster with legit inside sources on the Bills has addressed this. When the smoke clears, it will be Whaley.
  14. You can't see the difference between people of a race using a word amongst themselves versus others using it about them?!?!?!?!? Would YOU address a black person using the N word? I can't believe this needs to even be pointed out. A yes. The straw man of the "attacks on the constitution." Please. Some reality? You need to start thinking for yourself instead of ingesting what slanted media outlets spoon feed you.
  15. And blacks use the N word in conversation with each other. The issue is not what they may or may not call each other.
  16. Please don't distract me. I'm waiting for the workout video. It should be up sometime this afternoon.
  17. God I've been having enough trouble sleeping lately.
  18. It's weird. I don't remember EJ's running style being on jboysts list. It's not possible that he overlooked this is it?
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