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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Yeah I didn't even read that part. I was focusing on the fact that the OP didn't reference an athletic tight end which is what all NFL teams covet these days. In all the big situations, Stevie has to be out there. I will say though that I hope the Bills will develop enough wide receiver talent that they can substitute and platoon more than they have in the past to keep guys fresh.
  2. I guess hiring the guy who was the Steelers Pro Player Director for 10 years doesn't qualify him as competent? Cherry pick your facts much?
  3. Yeah, and Nassib was a "hotter prospect" than Manuel. So was Barkley. That's why they were drafted in the 4th round. :lol: :lol: Some people still don't get that what NFL front offices consider the hottest prospect and what the media considers the hottest prospect are not always the same thing. Yeah I had never heard that story regarding Jason Peters either.
  4. Actually a spread with a tight end (K-Gun anyone?) would be real nice. Because of Gragg's size and speed they could still force teams into dime packages and then run the ball with the tight end in there. The video I saw of Gragg showed (besides being blazingly fast) that while he's not an extra offensive tackle, he's more than a match for linebackers and defensive backs as a run blocker. It's gonna be nice to have a tight end who can run like a wide receiver but block in the run game much more effectively than a wide receiver.
  5. Chris Scott is just another body they're giving a chance to show his stuff. I think it would be a stretch to say that he's the presumed starter. Training camp isn't until July so they still have a little time to play with here.
  6. Yeah pretty similar. My recollection is that Dickerson was a bit more elusive and Muncie was a bit more of a pounder. But very similar size/speed ratio.
  7. Can you re-phrase the question? On the subject, Simon gave us an early confirmation on Whaley. :lol: :lol: Good stuff people.
  8. As far as the previous regime goes, I agree with Kelly that the offensive players really liked Gailey's system. I think the team simply didn't have enough talent on that side of the ball. Defensively the Bills were more talented than the offense but I believe to the OP's point that the defensive players had zero faith in Wanny's system. I thought that was obvious from body language and performance.
  9. ^^^^^^^^ It never registered with me that your avatar was Derrick Burroughs. That's cool. As to the OP's link thanks for posting. Damond Talbot knows this kid and was very effusive in his praise for Kearney. Some people are incredulous that the Bills didn't draft a CB this year but their UDFA corners look very interesting and I think that Justin Rogers is in deep trouble.
  10. Tolstoy's Russian. Take it easy on him. Yes. Yes it did. Listening to the sound bite and reading the transcript are two completely different experiences. Disagree. See above. Erudite would also work. Maroon possibly? Anyways, Marrone sounds more intelligent than any coach we've had since probably Marv. I know that's not saying much but I actually think Marrone is highly intelligent…. he's just not a great speaker but his intelligence comes through IMO.
  11. The Canadian hanging on the beach in Florida. And straight from the advertisement: Start your "greatest comeback" in real estate history with Team Christie.
  12. It's really irritating that someone could look at a player move and think they can automatically discern the inner…. oh. Never mind. I agree it's a bad sighn. Igh crigh for the future literacy of this fighn nation. You can edit titles using the full text editor. He's toast.
  13. He was a faster version of George Rogers, not as fast as Bo Jackson of course but a very comparable athlete to Herschel Walker. He played with a lot of speedy players at San Diego but it's said that in full football gear and carrying a football, he was the fastest player on the team. Coryell actually timed his skill position players that way.
  14. ^^^^^^^^ In the Class of '83 QB Draft the Bills (Kelly), Fish (Marino) Cheatriots*** (Eason) and Nyets (O'Brien) all took QBs in the first round. With regards to the Jets you'll have the EJ Manuel vs Geno Smith storyline for many years to come.
  15. I guess this means you're not gonna post in the Andy Reid Yard Sale thread.
  16. The design is supposedly evocative of an iceberg and the bow of a ship. From the pictures, it doesn't work for me. Maybe it'll look nicer when it's built. For many reasons the trend among urban planners for many years now has been to move stadiums and large capital building projects back into the cities. Except for Amherst and the Great Baehre swamp, urban sprawl is pretty much out of vogue these days. Most municipalities are trying to increase population and taxation densities to restore value to the city centers and revive historical districts. This Vikings stadium was almost built outside the city in an area which sounds somewhat like Orchard Park but ultimately it was built in the city (unlike UB and Ralph Wilson Stadium). However to the idea of booking other dates for a venue such as this, there's not much of a booking market for a huge stadium in a fairly small market. For the most part, mega-bands don't come to Buffalo anymore. As for the 3 stadiums that BuffaloBud mentioned, all three were built on areas already developed for their predecessors so it was the path of least resistance. All 3 stadiums are in major population areas. And the intention in New York was to build a football stadium in Manhattan but the deal was too difficult to make happen.
  17. There's also the question of how much the policy and premium is (probably higher for a franchise tag player than any draft pick) and also who would pay the premium. I think there's some kind of split with payment of the premium when it comes to unsigned rookies.
  18. Unsigned rookies are covered by some kind of insurance policy. I know this to be true although I don't know the details.
  19. The point of this Vikings stadium is that you still get the outdoor experience. Except instead of the roof opening, the walls open.
  20. For those that might not click the link: …. but his career ended in 1984, when Commissioner Pete Rozelle suspended Muncie for the remainder of the season when he tested positive for cocaine after the first regular-season game. Muncie tried a comeback with the Minnesota Vikings in 1985, but eventually walked away from the game, saying he had personal issues he needed to address. In 1989, he was sentenced to 18 months in prison for selling cocaine, but he turned his life around after his release, working with children and adult addicts, while also counseling gang members to get out of the life. The Chuck Muncie Youth Foundation, a nonprofit established in 1997, counseled youngsters and offered alternatives to gangs. It also paid for a tattoo-removal program for gang members. Muncie also mentored athletes at the University of California, his alma mater.
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