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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. To add to the confusion, I've heard his name pronounced like "Derek" or "Derrick."
  2. Really? I'll reserve judgement until I actually see him play.
  3. Chan? Chan Gailey? Apparently you Ruskies have a tin ear for the English language.
  4. Yep I'm very excited about the offense and the 2013 season as a whole.
  5. You're full of crap and you know it. You would never make that bet in Vegas because you know you'd lose. And you also know that if we made a public bet here on The Stadium Wall that neither of us would renege because it would ruin our reputations to do so. The bet still stands if you want to be a man about it. If you want to chicken out that's your prerogative. You should man up, recant your weak claim or drop it altogether because this is making you look bad. Again: How about a small $100 wager. We'll set the over/under at 4.5 games. If they win 5 or more I win. Four wins or less and the money is yours.
  6. It's interesting to me that the hatred for Russ Brandon is at an all-time high. This in the wake of an offseason that at least by appearances, is the best the Bills have had in a long time. Considering that Brandon was hired on January 1st, it's hard reconciling the immense dislike for the guy versus the team's professionally conducted coaching search, free agency period, and draft.
  7. Is that like Walmart? Just kidding buddy. Actually you can buy hollow points in that bastion of liberalism, California. Not only that. New GM John Idzik is under heavy fire due to blowing the first two free agent signings of his tenure. He signed QB David Garrard who retired due to medical reasons and his other free agent signing, Goodson will possibly never suit up for the team due to his arrest on gun and drug charges. http://espn.go.com/blog/new-york/jets/post/_/id/23387/sunday-notes-idziks-first-two-blemishes An opposing scout, familiar with Goodson's background, said of the Jets: "Do these guys do background checks?"
  8. I'd never heard that alcohol can diminish the effects of antibiotics. If that is in fact true, he's been acting like an idiot…. or an addict. Put differently, if I knew that I could possibly have a limb amputated if my antibiotics didn't clear the infection and if also knew that there was a link between alcohol use and the reduced effectiveness of antibiotics, I WOULD NOT DRINK AGAIN until the infection cleared.
  9. Sure you are. When you really want to put your money where your mouth is, let me know.
  10. Wouldn't that be one hell of a story line if Troup had a great season for the Bills while Gronk was physically unable to perform? One can dream, can't he?
  11. How about a small $100 wager. We'll set the over/under at 4.5 games. If they win 5 or more I win. Four wins or less and the money is yours.
  12. Apparently they both are. These guys should seriously reconsider their friendship. It doesn't seem mutually beneficial.
  13. Mods, please merge if deemed necessary. According to the USA Today's Jarrett Bell, new Bills GM Doug Whaley left a job on Wall Street due to his passion and aspirations for the NFL. The story is replete with quotes from former Bills GM Tom Donahoe, who gave Whaley his first NFL job. http://www.usatoday....street/2191723/ "I'm sure he'll do better with it than I did," Donahoe told USA TODAY Sports. Whaley, a Pittsburgh native, played safety and linebacker while earning a degree in business finance at Pitt. But after a year on Wall Street, he opted for the football business. "I tried talking him out of it," Donahoe recalled. "But he was determined. He had the football bug, and he couldn't get rid of it." Why did Donahoe hire him? "You just had the sense that he was so passionate," he said. "If we didn't give him a chance, you knew somebody else would. But I did ask him, 'How are your parents with this?' "He said, 'Pretty much like you are.' "
  14. Not only that. They were reported to authorities by a tow truck driver who saw their vehicle stationary in the middle of a road. The driver was intoxicated and Goodson was in need of medical attention. Love to hear the story behind this one.
  15. Good career move for him, both inside and outside of football. This can only help his chances of getting one more last chance in the NFL.
  16. No one defender no matter how good he is can turn a bad defensive team into a good defensive team.
  17. Also I'd read that it was she not Mario, who broke off the engagement. That makes a big difference, IMO.
  18. This is exactly what I disagree with. To me this kind of thinking is based on tradition, custom, protocol, and etiquette but has zero basis in common sense or fairness. JMO.
  19. Honestly Kelly probably was the hottest prospect but I certainly object to your contention "by a wide margin" and that this is somehow provable. All of the points you made are refutable. Marrone had as many if not more interviews than did Kelly. In spite of what you say, Marrone was going to be a head coach in the NFL this year and there was nothing Syracuse would do to compete with that. Credibility would suggest you abandon this idea. As for Kelly's compensation vs Marrone's (which you and mannc brought up), Marrone signed first leaving Kelly the bridesmaid to two desparate to not be jilted, suitors. In addition to that, Philly is a different market than Buffalo and Jeff Lurie is a different owner than Ralph Wilson. Does the fact that Mike Shanahan makes $2 million more per year than Jim Harbaugh mean that Shanny was a hotter prospect? I seriously doubt it. Again Kelly might have been the hotter prospect but if so, not by as much as you think. Also, what chip on my shoulder? Basically. You see, and that's what separates Bills fans from "Bills fans." IMO, a true Bills fan would find this painful, not hilarious. And honestly John, you are one of the poster boys here who love to wallow in the failure of this team. It seems to make you and others like you happy. I'll never get that. As to May Day 10, I understand your skepticism but I think even the most jaded fans should be able to discern a major change in the way the Bills are going about their business.
  20. How much would you like to bet? Or don't you put your money where your mouth is?
  21. I see your points but do you think there's a problem with public drunkenness at Bills games? If so, what solutions would you offer?
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