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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. There are many, many outstanding people who play professional sports. Many of them perform significant random acts of kindness in total anonymity. Kudos to them all.
  2. :thumbsup: Gonna try making it J. Fingers crossed.
  3. Speaking at his latest news conference, Brandon made remarks suggesting that the implementation of analytics will take time and evolve slowly. While this is counter to his remarks on January 1st, he in no way is abandoning the move towards analytics. It does appear that it is not the front burner item it was 5 months ago. Nevertheless people here are acting as if he's committed some sort of egregious lie. I don't even like Brandon and have taken the time to mock him numerous times in the past but again, I don't get the hatred. And in the context of message board conversation, it is hatred.
  4. I agree with Cash on this one. I want Leodis to stay healthy and concentrate on being a cornerback. In sports, one extra responsibility can be the straw that broke the camel's back in terms of being successful. Some guys need less burden. I think Leodis is one of those guys.
  5. Rightly or wrongly I call BS on this. The draft has been held there since 2006 and I'm sure the NFL pays top dollar for this venue. I don't trust this story. In my mind, Goodell is using this as another excuse to move his agenda forward.
  6. As already said, we don't know the behind the scenes machinations so we can't really judge Monos' performance. That said, I wish there were one or two more home runs on that list. Thanks NS.
  7. Interesting design "feature." I know modern building codes dictate a lot of things but I personally always thought that the stadium was too horizontal and not vertical enough. When you think about the balcony in the Aud or the old Yankee Stadium, you could make all the seats closer to the field by going more vertical. Also by increasing the height of the risers, you could theoretically have a situation where people weren't forced to stand when the people in front of them stand. Anyways, didn't mean to hijack the thread.
  8. Yes, EJ didn't exactly say that the offense was so easy a caveman could do it.
  9. The former talk show host? I would think that this would be bad news for Chris Brown. Seriously, for a special teams ace, he's averaged over 5 yards per carry in his career. Small sample size I know, but still: In his career he has 56 rushes for 292 yards and three touchdowns. He also has 12 career receptions for 132 yards.
  10. Yep. And then they can all go out for pizza and ice cream.
  11. Well I'm not gonna call them idiots but for the record, these guys set their own line for the over/under: While I won't call them idiots, their posts certainly eliminate the possibility that they know anything about NFL football.
  12. Well lookie there… Gronk cancels his Vegas trip. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/05/19/gronkowski-canceled-vegas-trip/
  13. Sure you will. When you want to do a "for the public record" bet, let me know. Until then you're not putting your money where your mouth is. There's zero satisfaction in the money for me. I've made numerous predictions on this board that turned out right and that is a big source of satisfaction for me. My point with the money was to prove that Joe W doesn't stand behind the opinions that he spews. Clearly he doesn't have any courage in his opinions. He just trolls here.
  14. I think we've arrived at a distinction here. I don't really have a problem with people standing up but I don't have a problem with people who don't want to stand up either. I understand both sides. Personally I feel that standing up is only necessary when people in front of you are standing up and you have to do it also just so you can see the action. Other than that, there's no reason to stand up. I can make just as much noise simultaneously yelling and clapping when I'm sitting down as when I'm standing up. To Johnny Hammersticks, I could understand people in a section telling you to sit down but I could not understand people in a section telling you to be quiet. Were they really telling you to be quiet or were they possibly just telling you to sit down?
  15. Of past events I'm always objective. Of future events I'm always optimistic.
  16. Yeah but the point of Doc's post was a refutation of Leelee Phoenix's assertion that "considering FSU did not ask Manuel to do a lot. He made a very high percentage of short, safe passes from the shotgun." That assertion flies in the face of the advanced stats that Doc mentioned as well as the very basic fact that Manuel's YPA was 8.6 yards, the highest among major college QBs. If he's gonna make statements like the quote above, back it up with something…. don't try selling it as fact when it's not.
  17. Whaley was directly asked about his past with the Steelers, correct? In response he cited his 12+ years there (his entire time in the NFL before coming to Buffalo) as a good foundational experience as to how he'll go about his job in Buffalo. And some people are writing multi-paragraph criticisms of Whaley because of that?
  18. And FWIW, Marrone has NFL experience as both a player and as a coordinator.
  19. Brawndo's horning in on your territory! You gonna let him do that to you? The rare double reach.
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