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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. The others are fine but I agree that all of your opinions should be filtered if not deleted outright seeing as most of them really suck. Just kidding big fella.
  2. Though I said I was done with this thread, in good conscience I'm compelled to return due to several responses by some of the best posters on this forum. Firstly I'm not a Jim Brown apologist. He's a problematic person at best and the consensus is that he's something less than a good person on balance. I agree. I just think it's pointless to start a thread about someone where that thread basically amounts to target practice at an easy target. The result is inevitable and only asks the question, whose character shall we assassinate tomorrow? And I am bothered by uninformed opinions. Whatever anyone wants to say about Jim Brown, he's a complex person and I guess I was a bit peevish about the direction of the discussion. I should have steered clear from the beginning. Please carry on with the conversation and sorry to have posted against my instincts.
  3. ^^^^^ Legit concern. But as I stated in the first response, I'm not concerned about the play of the line or any of its members based on non-contact drills.
  4. I understand what you're saying Cash but I don't fully agree. The conversation started as below (between two of our best posters btw) and my point is that there should be no reason to criticize the Cowboys operation without automatically having to invalidate that opinion by reminding everyone of how much the Bills suck. Certainly it's a natural response but maybe I'm just tired of EVERY TIME we criticize another team, we end up having to be rebutted with "the Bills suck." This was my complaint to Hopeful during several recent Jets threads. Can't we just simply mock the Jets/Cowboys/Dolphins, etc?
  5. The monthly fee is getting pretty steep but I'd be good with that! All-time babe.
  6. Sorry. Sometimes you gotta entertain yourself, even at the expense of others. Unfortunately I was unable to figure out a way to reference jaybee's barn project to tie the whole thing together.
  7. I don't see too many opinions here being formed. I see a lot of opinions being stated. And I'm seeing plenty of uninformed judgementalism which is certainly worse in my book than non-judgementalism. We're talking about a 77 year old man who grew up as a maligned minority for most of his life. Jim Brown was born the same year as another iconic black athlete, Wilt Chamberlain and six years before Muhammad Ali was born. Angry in what context? Was his anger justified? Entitled? Really? Entitled in what way? If people want to give fair, informed takes, I wouldn't take exception. But if you weren't alive during the civil rights demonstrations in this country or if you have little to no understanding as to what was happening in our country during most of the 20th century then maybe it would be better to not pass judgement or opinion. This is a bit different from a football discussion. I'm done here. Carry on by all means.
  8. I simply refuse to believe that a company that produces garage door openers would branch out into consumer electronics…
  9. Still, asking (or is it aksing?) DTV for a garage door opener seems a bit odd.
  10. I don't think it's fair to judge any man unless you've closely studied him and know all of the intimate details of his life. We're talking about a black man who was born in 1936. Virtually none of us have any idea what he's gone through. This topic is patently unfair and an invitation for a lot of people who have no idea what they're talking about to give their opinions. That is all.
  11. A garage door opener? It would probably be better to see if they'd be willing to give you free use of another DVR.
  12. Why is everyone referring to it as "spring training." This is football. It's held in July which I believe is in the summer. It's called "Training Camp."
  13. No helmet, no pads, no contact, no worries. Also it's a nice touch to post the link to the article you reference. Thanks. BTW, I seem to remember that you wanted the Bills to draft Chance Warmack so it seems like O-line continues to be a concern of yours. Hopefully it's not a problem spot.
  14. If you get "too fired up" and spontaneously combust, you can simply jump into the giant vat of Kool-Aid and you'll be saved.
  15. The most important thing to me is to laud Tim Graham for an extremely well-written and well-researched piece. We complain all the time about the coverage that the Bills get and to read a piece with historical perspective and quotes from relevant major players in framing a situation is something that deserves major kudos. Great job Tim and thank you for helping restore my faith in the local Bills coverage. The second most important thing to mention is that no one out of the numerous people quoted in the piece had anything bad to say about Eugene Parker except for Robert Kraft (who was counterpointed by Bill Parcells) and that the actual facts of Parker's existence show a man of honor and honesty. In many ways I feel much better about things having read this piece.
  16. It's an interesting question. Unsigned rookie quarterback who is working out with the team is one thing. An unsigned veteran is a bit of a different situation.
  17. As always, thanks for posting. KC was certainly complimentary and optimistic about the Bills. He also seems to like Matt Barkley a lot.
  18. Your suggestion of course is not foolproof but certainly the spirit and intent is a good one. I would settle for them growing up and having some perspective and a sense of fairness. And with some of the posters you know what to expect from them. This is true. One bad apple (or a few in this case)… Anyways, hope Jimbo is gonna be alright.
  19. Damn Jaybee. I already told you I was jealous and then you had to post pics!
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