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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. So if Byrd doesn't make some stupid list… what are you saying? And the fact that the Bills wouldn't let Mario leave Buffalo until he accepted their offer makes him greedy?
  2. I've had redfish at a cajun restaurant. I guess it's like a saltwater carp but it was pretty tasty. Apparently the other real common game fish down in that area is bonefish which are supposedly excellent fighting fish. Jealous that you've had the experience of fishing down there. It's on the bucket list.
  3. I always drink the Kool-Aid but it has nothing to do with the media. I buy the packets and mix it up myself.
  4. I have a lot of respect for K-9 but I'm gonna have to side with 3rdand12 on this one. Even though I have no idea what the !@#$ you guys are talking about.
  5. NoSaint would never give up his sources but his word is gold. I'm sure NoSaint stakes his reputation on this information of Wood signing an extension during the bye week and then sitting out the remainder of the season with a high ankle sprain. NoSaint wouldn't mislead us and he wouldn't trick us… about Wood getting an extension during the bye week and then sitting out the remainder of the season with a high ankle sprain. NoSaint would just never do something that. I'm sure NoSaint stakes his reputation on this information…
  6. In recent years it seems the bust rate for highly-drafted interior D-linemen is pretty high. Some of them aren't catastrophes but very few of them live up to the hype. Suh has, McCoy not as much. Dareus not so far. Sedrick Ellis, Glenn Dorsey, Amobe Okoye have been disappointing. Fairley has yet to arrive. BJ Raji was very good his first two years and not so good his last two. I think the moral of the story is that DT and NT are hard positions to transition to from college to the NFL.
  7. Tennessee was 6-10 last year. The fact of them over-investing in offensive linemen proves nothing. I'm not sure why you're bringing up statistics because I don't believe I've cited statistics in my discussions about O-line play. The line played well for the short periods of time they were healthy last year, which was not often. To my eyes (remember Wood was a guard his first two seasons?) the O-line was above average last year in spite of the many injuries and shuffling. Again I would trust my own eyes and the comments of people with a scouting background more than I would any advanced statistics service. Numerous times on this board (and others can corroborate) I've stated that advanced statistics are very problematic because many of the people who compile them don't really know what they're looking at. Also, the "All-22" camera video was not available to the general public until last year. While I respect the work that people like Barnwell have done with Football Outsiders and also the work of Pro Football Focus and Cold, Hard, Football Facts I don't really trust their statistics. Please try not to take our disagreements personally. I'm not worried about the O-line. Barring a rash of injuries, I think they'll be fine. Let's agree to disagree.
  8. Yep. According to one of our most dependable posters, Wood has announced that he'll suffer a high ankle sprain immediately following the bye week.
  9. And that gauntlet cuff he had on his glove was bad ass. The Senator's protestations aside, as long as the good people of Cheektowaga believe that Legursky is Polish, that's all that matters. As for the OP's question, I was some combination of drunk and hyperglycemic (Cuervo and Kool-Aid baby!) last July when I predicted a 15-1 regular season. Of course that was before the preseason revealed that the Bills just weren't very good.
  10. Yep. The big man said, "you gotta drive a Ford. Someday you'll be man enough to drive a Taurus."
  11. People were saying "don't overpay Levitre" and "don't draft Warmack in the first round" (funny how Cooper was taken before Warmack, btw). They weren't saying not to add to the position. They were saying don't invest too heavily. Like Bandit and Nanker said, your recollection of the main thrust of the discussion is not quite accurate. Most of the people not upset by the guard situation were confident that the Bills would make a shrewd signing at the position. The most popular suggestion was that the Bills sign Brandon Moore.
  12. Hell, between this guy and the , the Bills could have some very entertaining halftime shows. Last summer I did some work at that school. I believe the tuition for one academic year is about $40,000. Every morning I'd see Jerry Rice jogging with his girlfriend and their dogs.
  13. You can certainly form an opinion of a person based on his actions… but I think it has to be from the entirety of his actions and from a thorough understanding of the actions that have been taken against him. As I've already said, his violence towards women is inexcusable and his behavior has been far from exemplary. That said I think that his realm of experience is considerably different than many that judge him and my point is to give that some weight in judging the man. The difficulty of enduring very significant amounts of overt prejudice and discrimination doesn't completely excuse him but is it not possible that it excuses some of his outspoken and angry ways? I think the answer is yes but my sense is that people discount or dismiss that aspect altogether. And again, there are people of greater virtue but all that tells us is that a certain individual might have greater character than Brown. But unless we've walked in his shoes, how can we judge his character with such certainty? Is Bill Russell a better man than Jim Brown? Probably. Are any of us better than Jim Brown? Well, it's easy to say yes but how would we really know?
  14. I would say that if Brown hadn't committed acts of violence against women, many people would still dislike him. People didn't like Muhammad Ali and he never did anything bad except be honest about his feelings. When I say understanding I'm talking about: 1) Understanding one's feelings towards another person and what causes them and 2) The self-understanding of why we feel the way we do about others. Are you saying that race and skin color played no part in the person Jim Brown became? Are you saying that race and skin color play no part in the way people feel towards him? You can surely speak for yourself but I don't know how you can speak for others.
  15. On the other hand a mountain lion will only go so far as to raid livestock on a ranch. Otherwise they have a very high aversion to human contact. Bears are much more bold in terms of visiting civilization, raiding campsites, etc.
  16. Re-entering the discussion (again against my better judgement), the history of the discrimination against Jim Brown is very well-documented. Most of what you mention are things I'd heard before. Let me make a few points in this discussion: - Jim Brown's behavior around women is indefensible. - Aside from that, he is as I said before, a complex and problematic person who has done some good work with organizations and ministries which serve young men mixed up in gang culture. - The fact of exemplary conduct by others of his generation doesn't automatically indict Brown for his transgressions. Brown existed at a much higher level of visibility than any other black athletes of his time excepting a small handful like Wilt Chamberlain and Muhammad Ali. As such, he was a leader of a movement, a much more polarizing figure, and a lightning rod for criticism. In that sense it's not really fair to compare him to other black athletes. You don't compare Dwayne Wade to Michael Jordan. You don't compare Steven Curry to LeBron James. You don't compare Yani Tseng to Tiger Woods. They are not equivalents. Brown was one of the biggest sports stars in the country and yes, he was angry. - Jim Brown had a lot to be angry about as did fellow icons Ali and Chamberlain. There were many other angry black men who were not as well known (Cookie Gilchrist for example) simply because they weren't as famous. There were angry black men that came before Brown such as Jackie Robinson who benefited from having a few key supporters and came at a time before the stormy 1960s of social unrest. Again that some others chose a quieter path doesn't necessarily make them more virtuous. While the term "Uncle Tom" is misunderstood and misapplied, it has basically come to mean a black person who has sold out to white civilization. One can argue that some of the quieter black athletes of Brown's generation simply lacked the courage and the conviction to fight for equal rights in order to preserve a paycheck. In this case who has more virtue? Tiger Woods and Michael Jordan have come under criticism for doing nothing to further the cause of people of color. Woods and Jordan have been called "Uncle Toms." Point is, Brown was angry and had a lot to be angry about and he chose to wear his anger publicly. He demanded that he be taken for what he was and wasn't going to compromise. Was his behavior exemplary? No. Could his conduct be understood? Perhaps by extremely empathetic people or by those who've had similar life experiences or perhaps by those who choose not to judge others with whom they're not really familiar. Would Brown be a sympathetic person in a largely white culture? No. He's a big, strong, militant, threatening black man. Of course not. Finally a word about the word "entitled" in this conversation. Entitled is not accurate of Brown's behavior IMO although this might be a semantic argument. Being entitled tends to suggest a person is spoiled in their expectations. Brown was angry. He was DEFIANT. He refused to be treated as a second class citizen and demanded that he be treated equally. I hope this conversation can continue civilly and in the spirit of furthering understanding.
  17. Thank you for your service. You're going to hell.
  18. Great stuff Jim. I remember this chapter being in the same section as the Ron McDole and Pete Gogolak chapters. I know those were different times and that players were generally treated poorly in those days by team owners. It's amazing to see how far professional athletes have come in the last half century. Have you made it to the Kansas City Chiefs Hall of Fame? I hear that it's a treasure trove of AFL history.
  19. The Wildcat has been rendered obsolete by the Read Option… a Wildcat played by an actual quarterback who can actually throw the football. Quite an improvement over the original concept and one the Bills will probably use sparingly but occasionally.
  20. Job Responsibilities will include but are not limited to: Provide regular maintenance and administration of the servers on the company network. Troubleshoot and resolve LAN network issues. Referring to co-workers as "kemosabe" and Mr. Snyder as "Great White Man." Install software to client configuration and interface with users. Researches, orders and deploys new equipment as necessary. Assists in game day preparations and testing, as well as game day support for various systems. Plan for deployment of new hardware and software. Answer support calls from help desk and track problems in a database. Compensation will be in the form of worthless glass beads and alcohol Man, that is messed up. Snyder should be kicked out of the NFL. I particularly can't believe the third item and the last one.
  21. When we were kids boatfishing in the St. Lawrence my Dad caught a Northern and put it on his stringer. When he pulled in the stringer later on to put another fish on he found that the pike had caught another panfish which was still in its mouth. Thing must have been hungry. To the video, those guys were acting almost like they'd seen that happen before.
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