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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. I doubt it. The combination of Belichick's requirement of extremely cerebral players is not a good fit with Tebow's much-publicized dyslexia which causes him difficulty in remembering plays. If Tebow has a role with the Cheatriots*** I believe it will be in a limited package. (preparing to be attacked again)
  2. Disagree. I'm with those who believe she overreacted to the laughter. Some judges don't have the right temperament and even if they do, they sometimes have bad moments. I think she decided that it was an affront to her authority when it wasn't.
  3. Perhaps he'll be rushed to a hospital from a nightclub and later tweet that he was dehydrated? With the way NFL teams have accelerated the installation of their systems in recent years, it does put TJax in a tough place but he could still find a team looking for another QB as we're still a month or so out from training camps. And he got to keep his signing bonus and workout bonus which was a nice chunk of change. Well they did re-sign him and he pretty much split snaps with Kolb so I don't think it's a reach to say that the team gave him a chance to prove he was better than Kolb. Plus he's not even a film character.
  4. Yep. They certainly didn't give him that big contract so he could publicly criticize the defensive scheme.
  5. For the record, before you made his religion a talking point in post 85 (implying that myself and others were religious intolerants) there were 4 religious references made. I made none of them. Nor did I make the post about him being gay or the post about his intelligence being questioned. You on the other hand threw the first insult in the thread when you accused another poster of living in his Mom's basement. But as usual I'm the bad guy. Read this thread again. Read who said what. Read my first post. If you think I'm being unfair to Tebow you're completely delusional.
  6. Does this mean that the people who were all over TJax getting more reps than EJ can now stand down from red alert?
  7. We're "creating the distraction?" :lol: :lol: Are we also personally responsible for the lukewarm interest in Tebow's services? And why do you keep harping on the religious angle. I never brought it up and I'm not sure anyone else has either. It's like you're tilting at windmills. Breathe, Joe. Breathe.
  8. You are seriously out of control. I'm saying that Belichick had a sit down with Tebow and told him about the "Patriot Way" and "how things are" around Foxboro. Take a deep breath Joe. Seriously. Google: Tebow + Distractions and see how many links come up? This is the biggest issue out there regarding Tebow, with GMs calling him "radioactive" and you're acting like I'm being unfair to the guy. No kidding.
  9. Calm down dude. I don't have a problem with anything. I'm addressing the numerous stories (with quotes) that state that Tebow's marginal QBing skills when weighed against the distraction that he presents, has caused teams to not have an interest in him. Tebow can do whatever he wants. But I'd betcha that Belichick is gonna have him on a short leash, as he does all his players. You need to relax a bit on this Tebow stuff. You get all worked up over nothing.
  10. I'm surprised no one has brought up this aspect yet seeing as it was one of the bigger issues with Tebow. The popular theory on why Tebow's been treated as radioactive is because he's been a huge media distraction/headache everywhere he's been. How does that mix with Belichick's known insistence that his player keep a low profile and don't distract from the team? Just today Wes Welker said that now that he's left the Cheatriots*** he feels like he can be himself and speak his mind. How much do you wanna bet that Belichick has made it a condition of employment that Tebow not do anything more than the bare minimum with regards to the media?
  11. Well they look very different to me. Different body types and different styles of movement.
  12. Thank you John. This was exactly my impression. There is no way this was a little joke or that Johnson was making light of the situation. His slap on the butt was an earnest and sincere way of acceding to the judge's statement that he should appreciate his attorney and the judge overreacted because the bailiff and others in the courtroom thought the butt slap was amusing.
  13. I thought it was "The Frightened Lemur?" If I'm wrong, apologies.
  14. I'm sure you don't have to think too hard to figure out why he would express satisfaction in his role last year and then express satisfaction in his new role this year.
  15. In other words, if he made that play it would cost him $4 million. How long it would it take him to make that up if he eventually signed long term for 5 years and $40 million? What might that do to his negotiation leverage if he only played 6 games this year?
  16. For the sake of useful information, Lambeau Field is 56 years old and Soldier Field is 89 years old.
  17. Too bad one of them wasn't a crisis interventionist.
  18. I wonder what Jerry songs Warren will be playing with the San Francisco Symphony in August.
  19. It's been years but I thought Connor wrote pretty well and more importantly I thought he was hard-working and conscientious. I appreciated his effort unlike some actual professionals who are obviously lazy. As JJabber and I said upthread, after Connor left the standards for the Bills write-ups went down considerably.
  20. Close but not quite. Two days before Marrone showered praise on EJ in his clumsily-worded and much-discussed comments about EJ being (paraphrasing) "the most advanced young QB I've seen in my NFL experience" Marrone was asked to affirm the idea that Kevin Kolb was farther along in picking up the offense than the other QBs. http://www.buffalobi...34-9f1364b52a2d Said Marrone, "I think Kevin has done a nice job… but I think EJ Manuel and Tavares have done a good job… again Tavares and Kevin having experience you'd think that they'd feel very comfortable in those situations but I've been very, very happy and even… I don't want to say surprised because we had high expectations but I think EJ's done a very, very good job… so for us it's gonna be tough making decisions on reps as we move forward." So Marrone has been effusive in his praise of EJ, to the point that after those comments were made, the Vegas odds of EJ winning Offensive Rookie of the Year went from 10-1 to 6-1, behind only Tavon Austin. So this is not a case of Bills homers having a double standard. From what we know from coaches and media, EJ has done an excellent job so far and Geno has not particularly impressed. FWIW.
  21. Hmmm. Sounds like a good design with multiple tracks allowing them to host multiple events and secure multiple revenue streams. Jeff Gordon's involvement certainly has to be seen as a plus to any fledgling motorsports organization. It gives them instant credibility. I remember a proposal to build a NASCAR-capable track near the Niagara Falls Air Force base not too many years ago. The Sprint Cup runs at Watkins Glen in mid-August. Wouldn't be too much of a stretch to someday add the Fort Erie date within one week of Watkins Glen. I've seen dirt races at Humberstone in Fort Colborne so I know there are lots of motorsports fans in Southern Ontario.
  22. Interesting question. Mountain Lion used to range across virtually all of the United States. One of it's many names, Catamount (also cougar, puma, panther) is the name of the University of Vermont sports teams. While they were extincted in most of the Eastern U.S. their populations are now growing and their range is spreading back into the Midwest. However they are fairly solitary creatures who avoid human contact and have low population densities so it's hard to say.
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