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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Besides what Nucci said, the Bills can't fine Byrd because he's not under contract.
  2. Good call. Also of the 7 seasons of Hard Knocks, the team that participated has made the playoffs 3 times.
  3. Yeah he always nails the Commish-speak. Always good for a smile.
  4. Yep. Lil' Wally Coleman runs his family's extremely large dairy operation and many of the officials are professionally accomplished people although PFT did a post months back which noted that a small handful did nothing aside from there NFL employment.
  5. Apology totally accepted and actually it's not necessary as far as I'm concerned. The erroneous report you heard on the radio was reported to us with nothing but the best intentions. For all the warmth and great energy you bring here, you'd have to do a lot worse than that to earn any de-merits. Have a great weekend CowgirlsFan. :thumbsup:
  6. Thanks LynchMob. According to the story you linked, the new CBA allows for full-time refs and certainly Carl Johnson was the first hired as a full-time game official. I wonder how long before every official is required to become full-time. I don't believe that time has yet come. I'm thinking that there's gonna be a transition period and that it might start with the Referees and maybe the Umpires at first. Just guessing.
  7. That former Boston College nose tackle, Mike Ruth had really short arms. he proved to be a poor NFL player but he would have been a great predatory dinosaur. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=1.+Is+it+typical+for+a+team+to+announce+who+the+starters+are+now+or+come+August%3F+2.+Do+rosters+need+to+be+cut+down+now%2C+or+does+that+all+occur+in+August%3F
  8. Can you imagine killing yourself to show displeasure in your team? Now there's a true fan.
  9. I've not heard or read this anywhere. Could you link me up? Thanks.
  10. You missed my point which is that you're still ranting about something that happened years ago. I know you're a season ticket holder and all but geez…
  11. Thanks JJ. For some reason, the search function here never works for me… even when I do an advanced search.
  12. There was a recent thread that had this same discussion that I can't find using our site's search function.
  13. In 27 pages, this was probably already mentioned but seeing as we're going in circles, it might be worth mentioning again: http://profootballta...-who-coined-it/ The team’s decision to hire Frank Luntz to conduct a focus group undoubtedly aimed at crafting a better defense to the ongoing use of the name constitutes an implicit acknowledgement that the boat has sprung a leak. But the effort to plug the leak could cause more leaks by creating more coverage and, in turn, fueling the movement to change the name. http://www.thedailyb...t-redskins.html When George Preston Marshall died in 1969, he left some money to his children but directed that the bulk of his estate be used to set up a foundation in his name. He attached, however, one firm condition: that the foundation, operating out of Washington, D.C., should not direct a single dollar toward “any purpose which supports or employs the principle of racial integration in any form… This is the man who gave the Washington Redskins their name. He was one of the most despicable racists in the American sporting arena of the entire 20th century. He thought Redskins was funny, just as he thought the war paint and feather headdress he made the head coach wear were funny. And this is the legacy that current Redskins owner Dan Snyder wants to uphold?" Most famously of all, Marshall was the last owner to accept a black player—fully 15 years after the ban was lifted. And his team drafted an African-American then (in 1961) only because it was forced to by the government—the then-new stadium that we call RFK Stadium today was built on Department of Interior land, which permitted the Kennedy administration to order the lessee (the team) to adhere to federal nondiscrimination policies. In other words, Marshall wasn’t merely a standard-issue racist of the time, like H.L. Mencken or countless others. He was diseased. He seethed with hatred of nonwhite people. And “Redskins” is his handiwork. Because “Braves” wasn’t quite descriptive enough.
  14. :lol: :lol: Yes, any success by the Bills offense is indicative of an exploitable weakness on the defense. More disturbingly, every success by the Bills defense is indicative of an exploitable weakness on the offense. I have a hard time seeing the Bills winning more than 2 games this year. I thought I'd read that the Bills have had officials at every OTA and minicamp practice this year.
  15. Geez DD, you really are miserable sometimes. And it's not good for your sense of humor, either.
  16. Over-simplification. One does not negotiate his pay every year. There are many players who under the terms of their current contract are either underpaid of overpaid. Put differently there are many players who outperform or underperform their contracts.
  17. The counter of course is that it happens during the season after the players have had 100% participation in the installation of the schemes and the conditioning programs. Just being devil's advocate.
  18. :lol: C.Biscuit's was good but this one takes the cake!
  19. Here's a hypothetical. As a show of good faith and camaraderie, Byrd reports to the team, doesn't participate in any drills but spends time around the facility and familiarizing himself with the scheme. Hopelessly ridiculous?
  20. Yep. I've been working on the lyrics to a song by that name using the melody from "Me and Bobby McGee." Or possibly, "Geno's picking things up pretty slowly and isn't processing the entire playbook so we have to slow things down for him." Just a theory. The one that comes to mind for me is Randall Cunningham. He was actually used as a 3rd-down QB and I think it was at an unhappy Ron Jaworski's expense. Back to the Jets, I haven't seen it posted but there's a whole other drama regarding "Jets West," the informal passing camp that Sanchez has hosted in the past with his receivers (similar to "Camp Fitz" last year). It's not clear if Geno Smith was invited or not. Both Sanchez and Smith have been very vague in answering questions about it.
  21. I've been thinking this for some time now and almost started a thread on it. While it's obviously beneficial for the defense to get immediately up to speed with Pettine's aggressive and unpredictable style, I'm questioning how beneficial it is for the offense to get their asses handed to them every day. Especially a young offense in need of successful reps to build upon. Just a thought. I agree and yet the "sacks" serve to end a lot of plays where the offense might get some good reps from. Nathaniel Hackett in his presser yesterday said basically what you said when talking about Cordy Glenn. The O-linemen can't jolt and punch defenders so it's not really indicative of much. He said that the main thing he's looking at with all the blitzing is that the O-linemen have their footwork down correctly, that they're moving in the right direction and using the right techniques. Yes, you do. He gets royalties.
  22. The Peters era in Buffalo was a debacle. The signings of Derrick Dockery and Langston Walker were very ill-advised and regardless of re-done contracts, the Bills were underpaying Peters. From a purely business standpoint I supported the player in the impasse with the Bills. That said, I took the fact of Peters' Orchard Park house being hit by lightning and burning down two years ago to be an act of karma and I think that as a person that Peters is a piece of ****.
  23. Cogent like New England signing and cutting Tiquan Underwood 4 times?
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