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San Jose Bills Fan

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Everything posted by San Jose Bills Fan

  1. Good nominee. I maintain that he makes the team and has a strong season. As a full-time wide receiver.
  2. So all the lawyers driving the lawsuits in this country are liberals? Are the NFL's lawyers and owners liberal too? You sound like one of those people who let talk radio formulate your thoughts for you. Great stuff and understanding of American culture. :thumbsup: I totally agree 20 years is off but those scoffing at the demise of NFL football aren't looking at history. Again, 2 of the 3 most popular sports from 75 years ago are no longer even close to being popular. I'm sure the Romans who enjoyed Gladiator entertainment as their main entertainment for longer than this country has existed didn't think that would go away either. However I'm skeptical that soccer will surpass North American football. Youth soccer has been popular in this country for decades and at least to me it doesn't seem like it's much more popular as a spectator sport as it was in the days of Pele. Same with lacrosse, I don't think youth participation has a strong effect on spectator popularity. JMO.
  3. I disagree. Belichick's time in Cleveland is typically misunderstood and misrepresented. I think Belichick is just as instrumental in the Cheatriots*** success as Brady is. But the point is about Kraft and his guidance of the team. In fact Kraft gave up a first round pick in order to pry Belichick away from the Jets. And being Bills devotees the family changed their name?
  4. Thanks. Maybe he's a big Beatles fan. Being a Bills board and all I thought maybe you were talking about Liverpool in Central New York. Good stuff. You know your boxing. First time I saw Shavers was on ABC's Wide World of Sports. At the time he was ascending in reputation and I think he was beating the crap out of someone.
  5. I see your hate for your fellow posters is alive and well. It seems to me that hate requires way to much energy to hold onto when money isn't on the line. For all you haters, I say keep it up if it works for you. Just remember that living in the past means you are already dead.
  6. I just remembered that Aaron Maybin is on the Cincinnati roster so there's a good chance we'll see him turn his playbook in to Marvin Lewis.
  7. Five days later, Johnson is still locked up. http://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2013/06/15/five-days-later-chad-johnson-is-still-in-jail/
  8. Thank you. I'm sick and tired of being admonished for hating one of our division rivals or any of them for that matter. While I love the partisanship of the OP, this is an excellent narrative of the truth.
  9. Liverpool? Which Liverpool? Whichever one that's weird. I thought Earnie was from the deep south.
  10. You've articulated a thought I've had for years but haven't been able to formulate. Thank you very much. Well done! edit: BTW, you said "hominem."
  11. Donahoe outsmarted himself on that one. He got a little too cute. The irony is that McGahee is one of the best players to come out of that 2003 draft… and certainly very few players taken after him had the career that McGahee did.
  12. Actually, it's all about the QB and the head coach. You need both to win a Super Bowl.
  13. Leaving San Diego out of it, Flutie won games in Buffalo right up till the time he was shown the door… something no Buffalo QB has been able to do since he left so I'm not so sure about defenses figuring him out.
  14. Youth sports is an interesting aspect to this conversation (which we've had numerous times). Is it necessary to have widespread youth participation for a sport to survive? From a socioeconomic standpoint will football survive in its traditional hotbeds? I can foresee a day when the NFL's popularity wanes (like the big 3 sports earlier in the 20th century, boxing, horse racing, baseball) but except in a scenario where there is no youth football anymore, I think the NFL will always survive in this country, even with a limited talent pool.
  15. Flutie went 10-3 in his last 13 starts with the Bills (6-2 in his last 8 starts of '99 and 4-1 in 5 starts in 2000. So Flutie's winning percentage never wavered. With that same great defense, Rob Johnson went 1-1 in '99 and 4-7 in 2000. So with the same great defense in the last half of '99 (which you cited) and all of 2000, Flutie was 10-3 and Rob Johnson was 5-8. Maybe the defenses figured him out but that never stopped Flutie from finding a way to win.
  16. :lol: Now that you mention it, yes there is! :lol: I'm gonna agree with this.
  17. I'm not a huge Kraft fan (the "all things Cheatriots*** mindset) but there's zero reason for him to lie. I'm buying the story.
  18. Anyways to your point of not having (or having) the iPad, it was really cool to hear Alan Branch's interview for that very fact. It was a run-of-the-mill interview except that Branch talked about still being able to study the playbook, have videos of the installation lectures, and practice footage uploaded by the team while he was away with his wife and newborn. I wonder at this point if there are any NFL teams left who don't use iPads? Getting back to Byrd, while both sides have some leverage, I maintain that the Bills have more. And I get the feeling that the team won't blink.
  19. Flimsy? Possibly although no one seems to argue with the contention that Marshall was an extreme racist and that because he believed that his head coach was part native indian, he had him wear a headdress on the sidelines. These things are true. I would say the theory that Marshall was treating the Redskins name as a self-pleasing joke is more likely than any other theory. For the first anonymous Facebook post, blacks call each other the "N" word pretty commonly. That doesn't give non-blacks license to do the same. And for anonymous Facebook posts in general, I don't trust them at all. We have no idea who is posting what so those posts carry zero weight for me. The only thing that would satisfy me to leave the name as is is if The National Congress of American Indians or some national organization concerned with indian welfare held a long-term, open conversation on the subject and then concluded that conversation with a comprehensive, all inclusive poll of native indians. If the majority of a large sample size of native indians was good with the Redskins name, I would be too. Short of that happening, I'll maintain my position that Redskins is a tasteless name and just one of numerous ways that Daniel Snyder has proven himself to be an a-hole. Contrary to my belief that the name is wrong and Snyder is an a-hole, I respect his right to keep the name as it is.
  20. I'm not singling you out. I wouldn't usually respond to a Dave and Buster's reference because it's just a snide remark, and an attempt at humoring the past. But the volume and virulence of your posts is what made me respond. Sorry. It wasn't my intention to give you a hard time.
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