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Everything posted by buffalonian

  1. It was one of my kids' first experiences attending a Bills game. She was bored out of her mind by the 3rd quarter (as was the case for most fans in attendance). I told her that the the anguish associated with dramatically losing a very winnable game was good preparation for being a life-long Bills fan.
  2. I was at that game. Horrible (except for Cleveland's punter).
  3. This might be the perfect example of someone "being duped by the media." You have it all here: "sharia law," "antifa," "anti-American," "liberal press trying to steal the election," "communist organizations," "BLM terrorists," etc. This fantastical sense of reality is what one gets when he receives all of his "news" from info-wars, et. al.
  4. Where do you get that they "refuse to go to the inner cities"? This is simply false and part of the racist narrative that is being spread to undermine legitimate grievances about racial inequality. You might have problems with the form of the protest, fine. But plenty of NFL players are engaged in helping their communities.
  5. The league had been working with players to turn from protesting and towards taking positive steps to address racial inequality. Rooger Goodell, Boldin, and several Eagles players had just visited groups in Philadelphia, including the police and the public defender, to discuss criminal justice reforms. In week 2 of the season, less than 10 players protested racial inequality during the anthem. Then Trump famously went off script during a rally for an Alabama senate candidate and called the players "sons of bitches." Why did he say this when the NFL was working with players, creating a dialogue, and attempting to address racial inequality - efforts that could ultimately end the protests during the anthem? I think it's obvious; Trump does this time and again because he believes it's politically expedient. His approval rating is historically low, he is boxing us in a corner in North Korea, he is losing his health care fight again, and he has no wall, etc. It's terrible that our leader relies on dividing us because he finds it meets his political needs. Don't be pissed at Hughes or Jimbo, they are merely responding to a scenario that was inflamed by Trump. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbssports.com/nfl/news/roger-goodell-visits-philly-to-talk-criminal-justice-reform-with-lurie-eagles/amp/ https://www.si.com/nfl/2017/09/25/nfl-anthem-protests-roger-goodell-president-trump-week-3-peter-king
  6. I generally find it painful listening to broadcasters doing NFL games. I often find the commentary to be impulsive, uninsightful, and obvious. Regardless of whether you like soccer, watch 15 minutes of an English Premiere league match and the contrast will demonstrate the poor quality of NFL broadcasting.
  7. Well said. Perhaps this is a recognized mental health disorder? Then maybe we could all get treatment.
  8. You mean to say that we are still "in the hunt"?
  9. Iggles play at one so the AFC game is blacked out. Thanks NFL.
  10. That's how he communicates with the mothership.
  11. Given that we are running out of options, I think it is worth a shot. Also, we don't know that any realistic trade possibilities exist. Hopefully this works out.
  12. So if all goes well can he come back for Jacksonville or Oakland? Does the bye week count towards the 8 weeks?
  13. Setting aside the above discussion about some seemingly dirty plays by Patriots against the Bills, I agree with you. I don't like seeing players get hurt. I'd rather be the better team and win, something we have not been against New England in quite some time.
  14. That's great that your doctor recognizes the problems associated with prescribing opioids and therefore acts cautiously when issuing them. But your personal experience does not change the fact that the over use of opioids has caused a national health crisis. The C.D.C. thinks so anyway. Here's a recent story from the NY Times about the federal government issuing new guidelines on painkiller use. http://www.nytimes.com/2016/03/16/health/cdc-opioid-guidelines.html "The guidelines are part of a growing backlash against practices developed two decades ago, when doctors across the country began prescribing opioids for routine pain amid claims by pharmaceutical companies and some medical experts that they could be used to treat common conditions like back pain and arthritis without addiction. Those claims ended up in court and were found to be false. Since then, opioid painkillers like OxyContin, Percocet and Vicodin have become the most widely prescribed drugs in the country, with sales of nearly $2 billion a year, according to IMS Health, a research firm that collects prescribing data." But the questions here is whether NFL players are allowed to be prescribed powerful drugs like oxycontin and not marijuana?
  15. I don't think this is accurate. It is quite easy to be prescribed opioids for pain relief. The current heroin crises plaguing the country is largely due to the widespread availability of drugs like oxycodone. My knowledge of the NFL's drug policy is very limited. Does anyone know if medically prescribed opioids are permitted? What about prescribed marijuana? My guess is that opioids are permitted but marijuana is not, which is quite odd given how much more dangerous opiodis are.
  16. I'm just glad we won the offseason.
  17. http://www.philly.com/philly/blogs/sports/eagles/Leodis-McKelvin-emerges-from-spring-as-the-Eagles-top-cornerback.html
  18. I think it is fairly obvious what he meant: players get injured because the human body isn't designed for some of the contact that occurs. And this happens to everyone, not just Sammy Watkins. This is true with athletes in other sports also. He obviously did not mean that human beings should not play football. That is an absurdly literalist reading of his comment. NFL journalists must be desperate for something to talk about. That being said, there really are serious questions about whether human beings should play football as it exists today.
  19. Although it is possible that the Circuit and SCOTUS could deny his request for a stay, in which case he would be suspended even if he appeals.
  20. Even if the Circuit denies the rehearing request quickly, SCOTUS won't decide the cert before October. While the chances of relief from SCOTUS are extremely low, Brady might seek cert just to delay the suspension. The Pats might think it is better for him to not the miss three home games at the start of the season.
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