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Everything posted by buffalonian

  1. I believe this would be the first time all season that we have all five starting offensive lineman playing; should that happen on Sunday.
  2. Didn’t McKenzie or another WR play CB last season at one point? Against the Jets maybe?
  3. I'm pretty sure they still have one open roster spot so they won't have to cut anyone to make room for Feliciano
  4. It’s not a political topic. The question is really about whether the Bills are at disadvantage because the league does not have a uniform policy on fan attendance like other professional sports leagues.
  5. The decision doesn’t have to involve the Governor of any state. The NBA, MLB, NHL, Premier League, etc all decided to have a blanket rule of no fans at any games. They made this decision because they believed it to be the safest and fairest policy. The NFL is more concerned about the extra revenue from having some fans at some games.
  6. It seems ridiculous to allow fans at some games and not at others. Is there any other league in the world right now that is handling the fan situation the same way? I can't think of one. And it seems obvious to me that at least to some extent, home teams gain some advantage by having even a minimal number of fans.
  7. I disagree. I'm going with the other 50%.
  8. Well, we know how to stop him; so that should help in the AFC championship game.
  9. The defense was not good; but you also can't let the opposition start four drives inside of your own thirty yard line and expect to win.
  10. Total garbage if this turns out to be true. Under the circumstances by which this game has been delayed and the manner in which the Titans have flouted the COVID protocols, keeping players on the COVID list until the last minute would be unacceptable gamesmanship. Still, I would not be surprised by it, nor by the league's inability to prevent it.
  11. I watched this over and over for about 2 minutes. Fascinating.
  12. There is an option to "hide scores" on NFL gamepass. If you select it, you can watch the game without seeing the final score in advance.
  13. Interesting from PFT on players not losing a game check in the case of a forfeit, "The NFL Players Association could, and should, argue that the players have not agreed to surrender game checks in the event of a forfeit. Indeed, the official rulebook contemplates the possibility of a forfeit, providing in Rule 11, Section 1, Article 1 that the final score of a forfeited game will be 2-0. In a normal year, no one ever would suggest that players shouldn’t be paid for a forfeited game. So why would they not be paid for a forfeit in 2020, especially when the agreement allowing the league to withhold pay for games “cancelled or suspended” does not expressly include forfeits, which necessarily are different from a cancellation or suspension, because a forfeited game goes into the standings with a winner and a loser?" https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2020/10/08/will-titans-be-forced-to-forfeit-their-week-five-game-against-the-bills/
  14. If the decision is based on what is best for the players, the game would be moved to Sunday or Monday, and not Saturday night. But the league is more concerned with TV ratings and the associated revenue.
  15. With millions of dollars at stake, you can guarantee that this would end up in court, especially if the outbreak was connected to the Titans failure to abide by the protocols.
  16. It will be interesting to see if either of the two players who tested positive today were at that subsequent illegal workout. I don't believe their names have been announced, unless I am mistaken. It's hard to imagine the NFL not making the Titans forfeit Sunday's game if either of those two players were at that workout.
  17. I remember that too old timer.
  18. Remember when we got Solomon Wilcots every week?
  19. I was right there with this guy until he said don't get involved with a woman who has a dagger tattoo, then he lost me. I'm definitely taking the over and the Bills now.
  20. Man, what a bunch of snowflakes. Can't take watching 60 seconds of players locking arms in unity? I'm sorry the feelings of all those bowlers were hurt so badly that they had to miss part of the game.
  21. I am glad to see the players take a stand against racial injustice. They have a platform with tremendous exposure to the entire nation. I also believe that it would deeply trouble many of them to stay silent under these extraordinary circumstances; and its hard to fault someone acting on their conscience and peacefully standing against injustice. Seeing as there was no desecration of patriotic symbols last night, I'm curious why some folks remain bent out of shape by the display of unity before the start of the game. Clearly it isn't about the respecting the flag. Perhaps their continued discontent with the players is a prime example of why the players are justified taking a public stand; people aren't otherwise listening and racism is alive and well in this country.
  22. Anyone ever try with youtubeTV and a VPN?
  23. Its a very strange time for so many reasons. But if the season goes as planned, it will probably exceed your expectations. I have been a fan of an English Premiere League team for many years. When that season restarted over the summer, I thought it was going to be lame without the fans in the stadium. While it's not the same, the games were still exciting and fun to watch; and I watched them just as intensely as I ever have before. I think you might find that as you grow somewhat accustomed to this new unfortunate reality, you will find joy in things that you used to get excited about; like watching the Bills. No doubt it will be different, but I am so excited to have that enjoyment back admist so much chaos. There are so many divisions, even on this board, and while I feel very strongly about my own political perspective and the state of our democracy, I am looking forward to having a few hours of solace (or frustration) and distraction each week with all of my fellow Bills fans. Go Bills!
  24. I think this is an old deal that no longer exists, but please let me know if I am wrong. When I access the link it says the price is $100. Thanks
  25. I think it's pronounced Bass, but don't quote me on that.
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