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Everything posted by jeanbe

  1. The only thing that changed is there is no brush to clear in Chicago. It's Congress we have to change. Vote them all out.
  2. I would go just for the experience and saying I was at a Super Bowl. But living in Phoenix I'm a Cards fan for the weekend.
  3. He's right. He isn't part of the government and the Federal Bank is a private bank. Google it. However, I agree to research if refinancing is right for you now. Just remember to do the research and don't give into pressure to refinance before you do your research. Obama can SAY he'd like lower rates but he has no control over it.
  4. They have to have these corporations/people that are asking for a handout do the same we middle Americans have to do, which is file bankruptcy and go through the profit. If you smart you can rebuild.
  5. Yes, but it is Arizona and living here for 15 years this is about as brave as they get.
  6. I thought loser last place division teams get an "easy" schedule? Where are we scheduled to play the Bills? Oh, wait, we are the Bills.
  7. "Curious call". No it's not it's the Bills. Of course we'll throw when you have a stud RB.
  8. Someone up thread lost lots of money! Go BILLS!
  9. great highlight reel JP. Welcome to the soon to be defunct Arena league.
  10. just shoot me now.
  11. who called for the 50 yrd FG? Want to coach the team?
  12. I've got lots of beer to get through this afternoon.
  13. Lynch is the BILLS. Great run.
  14. Well at least we didn't defer the kickoff to get a score on the opening drive.
  15. Great play. Took a lot of guts and Peters should kiss that big raise away IMO.
  16. Agreed. If you can't run and Lynch should be good enough with a decent OL in front of him it all falls on Edwards. Peters...kiss that big contract goodbye. We have no run blockers out there.
  17. Very funny!
  18. I just worry when the weather gets bad we can't run and Edwards hasn't shown he can throw in bad weather yet.
  19. Under the weather? WTF?
  20. buh bye....that sucked.
  21. Royal should have had that.
  22. That's the way I see it too Wings. Scared to death to be embarrassed by making a bad call.
  23. No Sh*t. How many did he drop today? I was glad to see Schoumann catch one and hold on. We need a TE that can catch.
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