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Everything posted by offsides#76FredSmerlas

  1. About me being a racist. I have been coaching inner city basketbll for 15 years and love all my players like they were family. I average about 1 or 2 white players on my team each year. I knew that someone would use those words on me; theirs always someone that likes to play the race card. I am happy for Caldwell and I think he'll do a great job. I thought Dungy was awesome and his character shines. I only questioned the fact that it's not right that only one race needs to be interviewed to declare the interview as fair. As far as my education Fingon: I am a teacher with a masters degree and before I was a teacher I was a deputy sheriff and yes I did have to study the laws. Have a nice day...
  2. The NFL really ticks me off. I know this post is about Frank Reich and I hope that he does well; he's a total class act. The reason the NFL gets me so upset is because of the hiring system put in place. Before I go any further I would like to tell everyone that I am not a racist and that some of my very good friends are African-American. How does the NFL allow Jim Caldwell to become the head coach of the Colts without even interviewing a white guy??? Why is it that the ONLY rule in place is that a black man gets interviewed? The NFL does not care if a hispanic, latino, white, or chinese guy gets interviewed, as long as one of the candadites is black. When Marvin Lewis got hired in Cincinnati it was the same deal. Lewis got hired before a white guy was even interviewed. The Detroit Lions got chastised when they chose Mariucci a few years back and didn't follow the league guidelines to bring in a black man for an interview. The bottom line is that I think the teams should interview and select who they want. I really have no problem with the Colts wanting Caldwell. My problem is that the NFL allows the system to only work in order to benefit blacks and that is not fair. Blacks probably make up 85% of the NFL players but how come white people aren't bitching about how teams are drafting mostly black players and picking up mainly black free agents. How come we don't have a rule to say that a certain number of white players need to be brought in to camp prior to the cut down. Why? because that would be rediculous. Teams have the right to choose who they think are the best players to bring to camp and therefore they should be allowed to interview who they feel are the best HC canadites as well. Fair is Fair...
  3. This is crazycoach. I was tied for first in the fanpool going in to the last week and then I think I ended up like 7th. I went 10-6 my final week and a couple of guys won 13-3 or something ridiculous. Congrats to the winner. I was wondering what the prize was but I guess I'll never know since I bombed my final week...
  4. ARE YOU KIDDING ME??? The only reason he kept his job is because of the dumb extension... He won't make it past the half way point next year and watch, Bobby April will be the interim. Point blank, when you can't win a division game you should not have a job. 85% of the teams who start 5-1, make the playoffs. Dick is with the 15% who are losers. The only reason we started off that good is because of the teams we played. The Bills sucked bad this year and the whole staff is lucky to still have a job in the NFL. If it's necessary to keep continuity then why the hell are the Dolphins and Falcons in the playoffs right now. They are there because of positive change...
  5. The first thing that needs to happen is for our trainer to bulk Schobel back up. He had 36 sacks in 3 seasons at 262lbs. Since 2007 when he dropped to 243lbs, he has had 7.5 sacks and very limited pressures. Why would anybody drop almost 20lbs after recording 14 sacks in 2006???
  6. ROOKIE Hargrove had limited playing time. If you look at what he did per downs he played I would bet you would be shocked. Is he a pro bowler,"NO", but he was better then the scrubs in front of him. Your next question "ROOKIE" is probably, Why didn't he play more then? When you have 2 DE's making a boat load a money, that's who is going to play, regardless of who the better player is unfortunately. The money players get every opportunity to fail and fail they have done...
  7. Aaron Schobel was a very good DE before the 2007 season began. I totally believe he was better because he was playing at 262lbs. For some unknown reason he dropped 19lbs in 2007; this coming after a 14 sack year. Aaron played his 2007 and his 2008 season at 243lbs. My question is why? He had 10 sacks in 2004, 12 sacks in 2005, and 14 sacks in 2006. Why in the hell did he drop 19lbs??? So you are right, we do have some light DE's who get pushed around and don't sniff the QB. Bulk Schobels ass back up so he can be a good DE again...
  8. 3rdnlong Are you kidding me with that dumb statement about staying the course. We didn't win a damn divisional game, not one. We haven't made the playoffs in 3 years, not once. We haven't beat the Patriots in 11 games, not once. Dick has wasted more timeouts and has made more brutal erors in game day decisions than any coach I have ever viewed. This is the course you want to stay!!! Really, you must be joking! My guess is that Jauron is fired after 6 games next year and April becomes the interim. How much fun will that be to be switching gears in the middle of the season. You watch, mark my words. We will not win 7 games next year, no damn way!!! If it wasn't for the dumb ass extension Jauron would already be out of Buffalo.
  9. I live in Charlotte, NC and I have been buying the Sunday ticket (350.00) so that I can catch all the Bills games the past 10 years. I will not be renewing my subscription anymore. The Bills will need to put a better product on the field before I blow anymore money on this joke of a team. How could Ralph not fire Jauron; what a mess!!!
  10. Ralph Wilson makes me SICK, SICK SICK!!! Are you f-ing kidding me. Dick Jauron is a nice guy but he is an absolute loser of a head coach. It doesn't take 4 years to turn a franchise around, he needs to go... How many more blunders do we need to watch??? How many more emotionless responses do we need to see from this man??? He didn't win ONE divisional game. The Jets beat our asses twice and they fired their coach. I am so sick to my stomach; this is such a freak'n joke. All the players say how much they love Dick' well then win some damn games for him. Three 7-9 seasons in a row and you keep him. Zero playoff experiences and you keep him! We lose 8 of the last 10 games and you keep him! He misses on about 95% of his challenges and he costs us about 2 timeouts a game for unexcusable reasons! The players love to play for him because he coddles their asses and pats them on the back. We need a HC to come in hear and create some discipline and someone who knows how to game day manage. IS ANYONE ELSE SICK! I think I'm going to go throw up. What happens when he starts the season with 3 losses; then we'll fire him during the season. Get ready for the paper bage and boos from the 30,000 who attend the games. Ralph you blew it big time!!! SULLY rescue me with a trashing article tomorrow...
  11. Wilson gets a bad wrap and that's because people like to always look for the negative. Ralph hasn't brought in a good coach in quite some time but I don't think it's because he is cheap or is not trying to bring in the best guy for the job. He has brought talented coaches here before; guys like Chuck Knox and Marv Levy. In fact Marv didn't do anything in KC prior and had a bad record as an NFL coach but he ended up in the HOF. When we hired Greg Williams he was one of the top coordinators in the game. Tom Donahoe was a GM, but he didn't come cheap by any means. Ralph hired Mularky because of the Donahoe connection. Ralph hired Dick Jauron because of Levy. So, looking back I don't see Wilson the same way everyone else does. He is trying to listen to the advice of his GM's and he does spend the money when needed. Spagnola, Marty, Cowher, Johnson, and maybe even Carroll would all be solid picks, but lets not keep Jauron; 3 seasons of losing is proof enough that he needs to go.
  12. Sully gets paid to do exactly what he is doing. The Buffalo News pays him to be controversial. Larry Felser did the same thing for years. I think Sully does his job well and I'm glad he points out what most Buffalonians have on their mind when they go to work on Monday mornings.
  13. 2005 12 sacks (262lbs) 2006 14 sacks (262lbs) 2007 I think he had 4.5 (242lbs) 2008 1 (242lbs)
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