I say Brian Billick we need a tough coach. Fox would be good but I don't think that will happen,plus he has a sour taste in his mouth from us. Marty Schottenhiemer and or Bill Cowher are out of the question because they are winners and Ralph does not like winners.Its a tax write off thing.
What another waste of NFL Sunday ticket money.Oh well like every year I will cheer them on and think we are getting shafted by the officials and snubbed by the rest of the NFL
At Sundays game in Jacksonville,I swear the jaguars had 4 time outs in the first half.The Jags fan in front of me said it too.They were trying to give that game to the Jags.All I know is it was as hot as Satan's home base.
I was there yesterday in the lower level and it was HOT .There was a few Bills fans around me but everyone had a sweat streak on their Butts.I had to leave with 2 minutes left in the game but watched it on the way out. Great Game only one thing did you know Jacksonville had 4 timeouts in the first half?
This is an interesting article about the trade for Stroud. http://www.jaguars.com/news/article.aspx?id=7239
The last paragraph says:
10. Use the heat—The temperature is supposed to soar into the nineties on Sunday. Hey, the Bills are from Buffalo. They’re Canada’s team. Long drives and fast tempo; that’s the formula for victory.
Canada's team?WTF
I read yesterday a heat index of 106 for Sunday.Where I live now,near Augusta.Ga, it gets like that a lot and being used to it it stills wears you out.The humidity is what takes it toll.So I believe both teams will feel the effect .
Driving from South Carolina to Section 133 row Z seat 1 and 2 ,on the Bills side.Jacksonville is a great stadium. Just as many Bills fans will be there as Jack fans.
Peters has been very productive for us and we would love for him to show up but I don,t see this happening and if he does show up and plays without a new contract will he play at 100%?