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Everything posted by Drew026

  1. This team is clearly finished now whose everyone else gona pull for. I'm gonna ride with the Falcons.
  2. ya I'm done with this entire staff.
  3. marshawn's specialty is those situations what a terrible play call run the god damn ball
  4. haha good point...but hey being 20 years old im dying to get legally intoxicated at a bills football game
  5. I'm browsing stub hub right now looking for tickets looking pretty expensive, but I don't know where the good seats are in this place. Anyone got suggestions for good view at reasonable price if thats possible at this point.
  6. Lynch. Not only do I like his game better but he's jsut so easy to love.
  7. This is painful I HATE southern california, the people there, and their football(usc included) But we need as much help as we can get
  8. The only real prime NFL qb in this years class is Stafford. So no.
  9. If we had one of our 5 wins in division I'd still be very optimistic about our chances. But 0-3 in the division with 3 teams in our division playing a lot better ball not to mention the Colts playing well now to, we'll need a gigantic collapse from 2 teams with 6 games left to go. Only way I see us getting in is 5-1 with another team folding hard, or 6-0. I just don't see it though...but I'll be watching the rest of the way. Still a lot of reasons to watch this team.
  10. I felt miserable last night, but this morning I woke up and all I could think of was Lynches big run and his touchdown, McKelvin igniting life into the staidum with his return, and enjoying my first ever game at the ralph with 70,000+ of the greatest fans in the world. This team needs to figure itself out and what it's going to take to win games, but I'll be there front and center sunday morning to root em on because there is a lot I have to root for with this team.
  11. Last night my brother and I attended our first ever home Bills game. I was never so excited in my life for a football game. While there was a lot wrong with the Bills last night, and how hurt I was after the game sitting there stunned, and even in more pain listening to the post game show waiting to get out of the parking lot I woke up this morning on 5 hours of sleep and a voice that was shot, realizing how thankful I am for the Buffalo Bills. I'm only 20 years old so I haven't been through the pain as much as a lot of you but I have seen my fair share, and it seems like every year I've been a fan the Bills know exactly how to break your heart in the most crushing way. But I came out of that game last night realizing how thankful I am to be a Bills fan and how proud I am to call Buffalo my teams home city. I woke up this morning realizing all the positives instead of the negatives. Lynch who is my favorite player delivered one of his best games ever right before my own eyes. Stevie Johnson who I have been high on since he was drafted was our standout reciever(not that thats a terribly good thing but I was reppin him all night in section 142) Leodis McKelvin brought me back to life after it seemed like all hope was lost with his electric touchdown return. And above all else, celebrating with my fans, singing the shout song after we scored which was the one thing I was looking forward to more then anything, making as much noise as I could when we needed to get loud, and being apart of the most intense atmosphere in football. I know this post is kind of all over the place and is a bit lengthy and many of you may not read it, or don't feel the same way as I do this morning. But this morning, after getting no sleep, having no voice from howling all night in the blistering cold night air, and almost driving off the road from the slick snowy roads back to rochester, I realized there is not a damn thing I would take back from last night. While I have been a die hard since the day I started watching Bills football, last night I finally felt apart of this team despite a heart breaking loss, and realized how lost my life would be if I didn't have the Buffalo Bills to call my team. I do want to see change in this football team, but I'm going to be patient. I know the post season chances for this club are very bleak right now, and it looks like we're going to have another typical 9-7 or 8-8 season, unlike most teams we have a reason to be optimistic every week that we can win. With the future of this organization still in question, and whether this team will be apart of western NY in the long run, I will suffer through inconsistent quarterback play, lack of defense in big spots, wide rights, poor coaching, and so forth, as long as I can be apart of BUFFALO BILLS FOOTBALL. Go Bills.
  12. section 142 my first game ever in orchard park can not wait.
  13. Me and my brother are goin to our first home bills game monday night (we've been to a couple but they have been in the meadowlands =\ ) We're gona try and get there a couple hours before the game and try and get something to eat. Any recs? Preferably close to the stadium and nothing to rowdy before a game. Appreciate it.
  14. He has absolutely no idea what's going on. He just brings his PTI style and honestly it's garbage on MNF.
  15. I'm gona be there and I'm gona be just as loud as if we were undefeated. It's a HUGE game for us.
  16. Jets..rather chase them in the standings then new england
  17. where were the concussion side effects against SD? he had his best game of the year a week after the concussion.
  18. ? who was questioning trent's "cobwebs" after the san diego game? His INT this week was because his reciever fell during the route. And the the fumble was on a blind side hit that he never even saw coming. Had he not thrown that pick no one would be bringing up this BS. You people just are so quick to jump on anything that you don't like. If we were 3-5 or 2-6 right now I'd be with you but we're not and until we completely fall apart the amount of criticism from this board needs to be brought down 10 levels.
  19. no one brought up the cobwebbs after san diego. this board is a joke.
  20. Maybe if the team wasn't trailing all game Lynch would've run the ball more. O yeah and our incredibly overrated offensive line was opening up so many lanes for lynch to. get over yourselves.
  21. 10-6. We're in.
  22. This thread is a breath of fresh air after nearly wanting to throw up after reading threads like bust mode. marshawn is one of if not thee hardest working players on this team, and alone I love him for that. Once his line starts to open things up for him I expect beast mode to explode.
  23. you people are really sad. Kid sprinted to try and catch elam when he had no shot in hell to save that touchdown. playing from behind all game doesnt exactly help either maybe all you guys should man the F up...unreal.
  24. Either I don't know the whole story, or I'm seeing as he's being suspended for an infection because the Browns practice in a dump. Unless I'm wrong....I don't see how that makes him the villain.
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