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8-8 Forever?

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Posts posted by 8-8 Forever?

  1. a lot of points scored today.. both teams in the 30's.. I don't see either defense having much success today. Bills have had two weeks to game plan on offense and SD's offense going against a banged up defense... should be a shootout...

  2. when a complete newcomer takes a cab or shuttle bus down the Kensington Expressway from the airport and sees all the blight, gets to the Hyatt downtown (all visiting teams stay there), get up in the morning and see the boarded up storefronts across Main street,, you wonder why guys have teams they simply won't go to? It looks like friggin Beirut looking out the main window of the downtown Hyatt....

  3. the location is going to a factor, everything else being equal....the media completely ignores Buff and always will ...where would you rather travel/stay over a couple nights, etc. to do an interview or call a game? NYC, Boston, Miami, or Buffalo...? Ralph probably has to pay more than other teams for the same FA...

  4. RWS is bad. Really bad. Never, ever bring someone under 18 to the Ralph. It is a zoo. Period. If tickets were $75 minimum, you wouldn't see it as much, but WNY is pretty much a blue collar town where getting bombed and going to the game is a big big deal... abuse of other teams fans is in bad taste and inhospitable to those who come and spend a lot of money in our town, but who said 50% of those in attendance had much in the way of taste to begin with.

  5. If we get and stay healthy at the top 10 positions, I say 10-6 is a lock. Need McGee and Parrish back and healthy, get tthe special teams back moving again. Stroud and Schobel need to be 100% after the bye and stay that way... TE needs to be back 100% for the SD game. Sorry, I know "injuries are part of the game", but not for the Bills if they want to be better than 9-7.


    Depth on this team is not very good .. Cargo, Bryan, Denney, Wilson, mcKelvin and Hardy absolutely stink as starters at this point, we cannot have them in the game much this year. They give guys a blow, that's it. anything more, and we will lose more than we win. Jackson running back kicks is just average and our special teams won't be back to normal until next year on the kick coverage side...


    We don't have a miracle worker like Big Ben in Pittsburg or P Manning in Indy to carry a bunch of 2nd team guys to wins... just don't have it. Sooo, if we very healthy, we win more than we lose, if not, we lose more than we win.. its that simple this season.. IMO

  6. Jerry Sullivan seems to be a very negative person. No one is asking him to be a cheerleader, but after reading most of his columns, you want to go shoot yourself, his writing is so very bitter. Seems he has a great deal of difficulty finding positives in situations. .. A lifetime in doing-nothing/going-nowhere WNY will do that to you, I guess...

  7. Some Bills fans are so stupid that maybe Jauron should hold out of games guys that are playing hurt, because Bills fans think that if your on the field you are by definition 100%... ever go to work when you are sick? It's kind of like that... Schobel, Stroud were "game day decisions" that means they were very borderline to even play in the game. Give Schobel a hell of a lot of credit for performing as well as he did on an injured foot... you morons.

  8. No doubt about it, if we don't get this pass rush issue fixed, we are in serious trouble. The C2 zone will fall apart without pressure from those horses up front.


    It seemed like we dropped into that base Tampa 2 in this game a lot more than the 4 previous weeks...I suppose thats because they anticipated a downfield passing game. But at some point, you have to scrap the zone, stop giving away those cushions on the outside and try playing some bump and run. Maybe a lack of confidence in the man-to-man coverage abilites of Youboty/McKelvin at this point in their careers stopped them from doing that. If thats the case, it may have also scared them away from blitzing a whole lot.


    McGee may be more important to Fewell's schemes than previously acknowledged. With he and Greer on the outside, Youboty in the slot and McKelvin on the bench, the D is far better situated to change it up.


    Exactly. With Both McGee and Ko out, and Stroud ineffective, they had to go vanilla and hope the Offense could produce TDs to AZ's field goals. Didn't happen.

  9. I prefer the zone blitz defense Dick Lebeau ran when he was here... terrific to watch, more fun than offense just about. But Fewell doesn't know it and its not DJ's style. If you are running it, BillsVet's post s are absolutely right.. problem Sunday was that Ko, McGee and Stroud were either out or playing hurt, which brought us back to last years defensive talent level... crappy. Without talented, fast guys flying through gaps (and Kyle Williams was doubled because STroud was hurt) the whole thing doesnt work well.


    When a Cover-2 defensive team with a bunch of Def. guys out gets down 14-0, they almost always lose. The d -line has to be fast and quick and blowing upfield , and Stroud was hurt... he is the key . if he is dinged for the season, we are screwed, unless the Offense really gets going and gets us leads early...

  10. Let them diss us all they want. All we have to do is play .500 ball the rest of the way, and we are 10-6, and no one will remember in December who we beat in September. Patience, my friends, we just need to keep winning and everything else will fall into place. Relax, like I am trying (and failing) to do. Go Bills!

  11. I was at the Raiders game and I spent the entire 4th quarter repeating to my seatmates that "we are the better team, we are the better team, look at the stinking game, please!!!" and that we would either come back and win or run out of time, but we were the better team on the field from the line of scrimmage.. and I was vindicated as the D Line gave TE just enough time to shred the Raiders and win the game. Rams no different ... barring a barrage of turnovers, injuries or whatever, the Bills are the better team by far and will win all day from scrimmage... have some faith... Cards and Chargers are the first big tests...


  12. Loved this guy as a player. Hate this guy as a color analyst especially when Buffalo plays. He overcompensates trying not to be a Bills homer an is overly critical and just plain annoying. The mute button will be on. :unsure:


    True, but the sports media is so ambivalent/condescending to the Bills, I think we do need "homers" on these broadcasts to counter everyone else. Thank goodness Ron Pitts (former Bill, son of former Bills backs coach Elijah Pitts) did the Seahawks game as all the ESPN/NFL Network talking heads did was make excuses for the Seahawks after we blew them out.

  13. There are few things working against the bills:


    1) Ralph won't spend $$ at the levels other teams will, which prevents the assembling of the top top talent, to some extent players but especially coaches and front office people that other teams have


    2) the Bills now have a reputation as low payers, plus the area has a so so rep with many players and coaches therefore many players and coaches will go elsewhere everything else being equal .... therefore, the Bills need to be built mainly through the draft and by being diligent in grabbing every decent free agent or coach they can afford


    3) the bills play in AFC East, which is normally loaded, having franchises not burdened by 1 and 2 above. Players and coaches love NE, Miami and NYC...


    BTW, if you've been watching the preseason, Miami and the Jets look to be A LOT better than last year...


    Having said all this, I believe the talent has finally come together on this team, the moon and stars have aligned for this year and next and the Bills, if completely healthy all year, should absolutely compete, even for the AFC East title, as I think the Jets and phins may both steal one from the Pats this year.... after next year, I think free agency tears the team apart again (but the future is now!)



  14. How could you even say that? Were you frozen during the previous two regimes?


    You are naming those guys looking back with three years of hindsight. You're telling me, after hiring D-coordinator Greggo, and then O-coordinator Mularkey, that you would've been excited in 2006 about giving a first time shot to the next young coordinator? You're lying through the keyboard if you say you would've been fine with that.


    And Jauron's two 7-9 seasons, while short of the playoffs, is better than the 4-12 put up by Mangina ('07) and Kubiak's 6-10 ('06). Payton fell from 10-6 and NFC Championship to 7-9 and out of the NFC playoffs. McCarthy's Packers caught lightning in a bottle last season, but had to win their last 4 to finish 8-8 in '06.



    jauron is all the Bills can afford.. someone said get Marty Schott.. no way, he will want $5m/yr.. no way the bills can afford that.. Dicky J. is all we can afford.. players win games, not coaches..go bills, 10-6 this yr...

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