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8-8 Forever?

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Posts posted by 8-8 Forever?

  1. Until the team is sold and ownership changes, the team will be 8 and 8, give or take... just the way it is. Stop pissing and moaning and enjoy them while they are still in town. They won't be there forever. Believe it. When they are gone and the tailgates end, you'll be wishing you had the 8-8 Bills back.

  2. Unitil the Bills get new ownership, the team and its management will look just about like it does now. B players. Cowher quit because the Rooneys would not pay him what he wanted. Simple as that. As soon as someone does, he's back. Browns have a new stadium and revenue sources therefrom that the Bills will never have in Buffalo. So the Bills (Buffalo) will just wallow around and be 8 and 8 Forever....

  3. At some point we have to admit that WNY will not attract the best free agents and coaches where other options are open to them. Therefore, the WNY-based Bills will continue to cycle player talent in and out, hire former asst coaches like williams and mularkhy and retreads like DJ and Wade and always struggle to get beyond 8 and 8. For example, what has been accomplished in Miami this year cannot happen in Buffalo. WNY would hardly be the first choice of Parcells, Pennington or any other top tier talent.... when other cities make the same or better offers.. where would you rather live for a few years of your career, Buffalo or Miami? what pisses me off is that 4 out of 5 people on this board are OK with year after year of mediocrity as long as they have a team plays its games in the Ralph. There are just as many fans outside WNY would buy just as much merchandise, pay more to watch the games (DTV, etc.) , live and die just as much as fans there for the team, who want to WIN, not just exist.

  4. The argument for #1 is there are as many bills fans outside WNY (at least 1million) as there are inside WNY now, with 30 years of out-migration. Half the fan base probably never gets to WNY anymore and could give a crap what happens to the area, so for them the term "Buffalo Bills" is not connected to a place anymore. I'm a fan of the St. Louis Cardinals baseball team and have been for a long time.. I have never been to St Louis.

  5. No top tier coach is coming to work in Buffalo. it will always be the 1st timers like gregg williams and mularky who put on a good show for Ralph and agree to work cheap. or retreads like Jauron willing to work cheap for one more shot at the NFL. that;'s all they will get.. until the team moves and new ownership actually tries to win something and is willing to pay to get there...

  6. and when your injuries are o-line related (like the jags) your whole team strategy (run the ball and play defense) blows up because you suddenly cannot run the ball (because your crappy backups cannot handle 1st team NFL d-lines) and suddenly your defense is on the field for 40 minutes a game, giving up points every other possession. they you lose and everyone wonders "what's wrong with the Jags". pretty simple answer.

  7. Reddogblitz: and look at what has happened to the seahawks, jags, bengals... "what's wrong with the Jags and Seahawks' everyone says.. morons, their best players are not playing and others teams best players are....this is a players league where talent is everything... look at the teams that are losing and count the number of injuries they have... big correlation there... "manning up and getting on with it" is bull sh-- when the guy across from your second stringer is an all pro.

  8. ACor58 is right. We are very, very competitive right now with the bottom say, 15 to 20 teams, but don't have the depth to withstand 6 or 7 starters out (butler, reed, whitner, fowler, schobel, boty, parrish, mcgee et al) to stay with the top 10 teams.


    This is the way it will be the rest of the year. Its OK. Edwards is not Big Ben or McNabb. Can;t put the team on his back, etc etc... We have good, but not top tier coaching, most of whom are in their first front line gig. Relax, the Bills are what they are.


    The SB days are long gone. Lets enjoy the next 3-4 games. We should have a good shot in all of them and the games will be exciting , I believe

  9. We'll be fine. you guys are making too big a deal out of all this. did you really expect to be 12-4 with this banged up inexperienced team? we will be very competitive for the rest of the season, I believe, will probably split the games and end up 9-7 or so. Pretty good result. No playoffs, but very close. Unless even more guys go down, then all bets are off. Bills will never be back to the SB until they leave town and get a new stadium and more $$$.

  10. the bills will go the highest bidder once Ralph dies...I can't imagine the highest bid will be supported by cash flow from Buffalo.. makes no sense... so the only hope is Ralph sells for less than an auction would bring BEFORE he dies to a group keeping the team in buff. I just can't imagine the other owners approving that , because it would deflate the value of their franchises... hate to say it, but the NFL has simply outgrown poor little Buffalo..

  11. Too many guys injured to win on the road. Fowler, Butler, Schobel, Mcgee, Youboty, then Reed all out or effectively out.. Bills just do not have the kind of depth to succeed with these kind of injuries... games where injuries take a third of your starters away and where 4 turnovers occur in 15 minutes, i kind of write those games off as not really reflecting what the team can do. There is no "second team players have to step up".. that is a bunch of crap.. 2nd teamers in the NFL stink, by and large relative to starters... you can't win in this league with 6 or 7 key starters out or effectively out. Just take a look at the Colts, Seahawks, etc. no one can figure out "what is wrong" with this team or that team... just go look at the injury list for the game they lost... you can't get ready for the next team in 3 days AND plug in a bunch of new guys who just run with the practice or scout team all week.. its a cold start for guys being plugged in mid game or for the first time ...

  12. Who cares? We need to win against everyone. Frankly, the games I get fired up for are the games against the better teams. If Miami stinks (which they pretty much do this year), the game doesn't mean as much. The Bills really don't have any marquee games this year, as they play the two worst divisions in football, the NFC and AFC west. The Monday night game will be cool, but the Browns aren't much this year either... the remaining games on the schedule really don't inspire me... we just need to win ...

  13. In a cover 2 defense, the free and strong safety designations don't mean much. So, the issue is, do we need another "big" safety? Assuming Scott plays well, the answer is no, as you have scott, simpson and whitner, with wilson and Youboty as backups. we are done with this. As for corners, sign Greer and let McGee go after next year, as the big $$ need to be spent on TE and Peters this year. Reggie Corner and McKelvin take over along side Greer. Parrish and McKelvin return kicks. done . Stupid question by the original poster. The Bills are loaded in the secondary.


    OUr needs are center (definately), Tight end (maybe), and DT (probably, as Cargo stinks) and LB

  14. No thanks. He's a great talent but clearly a first rate punk and self absorbed a-hole; not to mention injury prone.


    I love that the Bills are building a winner without any primadonnas.


    AGREED! Winslow is a cancer. and his father hates the entire world. the apple doesn't fall far from the tree... Stay away from those kind of guys

  15. A lot of the "there is nothing to do in buffalo" compared to other cities (and I mean the city center, where the media types and the visiting players stay) is because the Buffalo metro area has an example of what every other area has, its just that in Buff you have roam far and wide to get there, whereas other cities have it all right downtown. If you are staying at the Hyatt downtown (which the where the outsiders stay, because its the only hotel with enough quality rooms) and you don't have a car and its Wednesday night, you are in trouble... lets face it, downtown Buffalo is abysmal compared to the downtown core areas of 90% of NFL cities...

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