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8-8 Forever?

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Posts posted by 8-8 Forever?

  1. Im not too sure Orakpo is the guy. I would try to pike up a DL via FA. Id want to trade down if Curry and Oher are off the board.


    he'd be awesome a 3-4 zone blitz attacking defensive scheme... of course, we don't play that (we play the cover-2 babycrib defense so attacking defensive players need not apply...).. when will this franchise please be sold so it can move to an owner/coach/city that has the desire and the $$$ to compete for the title????

  2. I always will remember the 1995 season fondly. Kelly was putting up good numbers with Copeland, Tasker, among others as his main receivers. Maybe Flutie in 1998, but I cannot remember the last time we had a QB who made average receivers look amazingly competent.


    bledsoe made billy brooks and peerless price look like all pros. man could that guy throw the rock..

  3. If the front office is set on keeping our current group of DE's and a TE or center isnt rated high enough to draft in the 11 spot, I find Taylor Mays the 6-3 230lb safety from USC whos supposed to run a sub 4.4 40 a very tempting choice. They say you have to be strong in the middle and this guy certainly brings the wood every time he hits. As a Bills fan down here in Steeler country I certainly know what Polamalu brings. Thoughts?


    if perry fewell is back, and it seems he is, the bills will continue with the crappy tampa 2 defense (which by the way, Rivers shedded for the winning touchdown last night, ), so the big thing there is NOT how hard they hit, the big thing is whether they can run and cover half the deep zone. Polamalu would fail in the tampa 2 scheme, he can't cover enough ground. Now, believe me I'd rather have a zone blitz defense and polamalu every day of the week, but considering the garbage scheme the bills will continue with it seems, until the day the owner dies and the team is sold and put into rationale thinking football guys hands, the cover 2 scheme is what the bills have, and big hitting safeties are not a good fit, as much as we would love to have them...

  4. My bad, didn't know this was a business. :D


    Thanks for the update. Unfortunately, in your expert analysis and analogy (can you feel the sarcasm, I sure hope so) you failed to consider the fact that this county and state built Ralph a stadium, continually subsidizes that stadium to ensure his $20-$25 mil profit per year (ie, he could pay for it himself but he'd rather steal our money); and that this isn't a car or a clothing store, it's a publically subsidized good so it doesn't fall into your typical private business enterprsise you wish it did.


    The emotion and pain is exascerbated (get yourself a dictionary) by RW ....fill in the black: arrogance, ignorance, condescension, senility, dishonor, greed....


    His family will sell to the highest bidder and this team will leave. I'm confident of that. But that's the issue. They've turned a $25,000 invested into hundreds of millions off the backs of WNY and they'll turn their back on it to maximize the profit that WE have cretaed and ensured both at the ticket office and at county hall, which has subsidized the greed.


    I wish they'd pack up and leave yesterday and I'm a season ticket holder (soon to be former).


    The county and state went into the stadium business with their eyes wide open. Don't get all bitter and blame Ralph. I completely agree with Atl fan. NFL owners don't owe the fans crap. The fans vote with their dollars. If Bills fans are mad they won't buy the tickets and merchandise. but they will, because Buffalo people have nothing left but the Bills as everything else is gone. And Ralph knows it. His livelihood is based on the Bills being the only game in town. If the Jax team or the Phoenix teams are crappy, their owners are at risk because fans actually HAVE choices in entertainment in those places... in buff they don't , unless building snowmen in the front yard counts as entertainment. ..

  5. There are a lot of Bills fans who fantasize about a team-full of Jim Kellys. And if anything gets in the way of that image, they cant root for the player. Be it a headband, a glove, a haircut, on and on.


    Very true. The average knucklehead Bills fan wants the players to look tough whether they are or not and the coach to be screaming for 60 minutes on the sidelines. Helps them relate.

  6. Ralph Wilson is simply not fit to run this team, and his contempt for Buffalo is palpable everytime he is asked about the future of the franchise. He could care less if they win, could care less if the team remains in Buffalo long term, and could care less what the fans think as long as he gets his money.


    Well, I think it's time to run him out of town. We shouldn't just take what he gives us and say thank you because we have so little esteem we're just happy to have anything at all. If he wants to threaten us with relocation I say we respond by telling him to go to hell. Better to have this cold, greedy ass-hole take his miser act someplace else, because he's done nothing but take advantage of our loyalties as fans, spit on us, and crap on our faces when we complain.


    Ralph: Do us all a favor and get rid of the team. Relocate it if you don't think Buffalo is good enough for the NFL, or sell it now to the highest bidder and let the chips fall where they may. Just get the hell out and don't let the door hit you in the ass. Here's to you and that family fortune we paid for going bankrupt. Bills fans should say "ENOUGH" and turn their backs on Wilson's garbage he calls a team. We aren't going to play the battered wife role forever; just take it again and again because we don't want to risk being alone. We'll do just fine without you Ralph, thanks.


    GET OUT!


    I share you sentiments that it is time for RW to sell the team and let someone else who wants to compete for the title run it. However, the Bills are his property and he can do whatever, whenever he pleases. All we can do is vote with our wallets and stop buying the tickets and the merchandise.. but I am quite sure there will be at least 50-60 thousand knuckleheads in the stands next year (minimum) assuming the team wins a few games early, which they will. Why? Because the Bills are the only game in town and Ralph knows it.

  7. Bills have a weaker strength of schedule then Niners so if they are tied in wins, we move past them and Chargers "should" knock off the Broncos at home which would move us past them as well. If only Ralphie Boy would open up his checkbook and finally pay the big money for a proven winner of a head coach and bring in Cowher and also make him GM. I know its a pipedream but at least get rid of Jauron and his coaching staff. Keep Bobby April but the rest have to go.

    Top 10 pick in the draft......................go 49ers and Bolts!


    who cares. This team is going nowhere fast. with next years schedule and either the sh------- current management/coaches or brand new ones finding there way, the bills are 6-10 next year BEST CASE...

  8. I have to admit, I cracked a grin when I saw Pacman fumble away three points before the half.


    focus on your own team. relishing the bad fortune of others marks you as a loser. The Pats, Dolphins, Ravens etc (and Cowboys, although I do not root for them) are well run with experienced, talented management and players that are really really TRYING to compete for a title. The Bills are run by a bunch of 2nd tier career losers or inexperienced coordinators, all hired by a tightwad out of touch owner who doesn't compete for the title.


    I'm afraid the Bills are entering again into one of those 4-12, 5-11 periods in their history where they get beat by everyone, for years. The Pats, Phins and Jets will all be head and shoulders better than the bills next year.


    Relishing in other teams problems is a loser's reaction to disappointment.

  9. Thats not true at all...and main reason why I posted this.

    Go back to the days of our high powered no huddle offense.....if my defense allowed an opposing team to drive the ball

    80 yards and eat up 12 minutes of clock......the opposing offense did their job (and my defense did not) because they controlled the ball and kept my high powered offense off the field.


    stop living in the past. the kelly era was a once in a lifetime event... superior talent playing in an overall bad conference during that period of time.. a one timer that cannot be repeated


    we need to get rid of the tampa 2 defense once and for all, I don't what personnel we have. Either that or get rid of Poz and other attack-type guys who are nothing in that defense

  10. Depends what time they're meeting


    It's after 4pm already, so Ralph is already late for his old person dinner (usually 2-3pm) at Country Kitchen Buffet.

    Then he's got to take his old person pills, those will make him drowsy and like most old people Ralph will be in bed by 8pm


    So maybe Dick will get lucky and Ralph will fall asleep and forget what he was going to do


    Great post. Priceless.

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