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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Old girlfriend and she wouldn't like that much, so no sorry. cool thanks! One of the good things about being in NYC was that it was blacked out and we could go see it, at least as far as my ****ty memory can recall.
  2. I was in NYC (visiting for art stuff, before I made the move there) watching the game on a TV in a bar, my girlfriend and I drank a bit too much beer and were kind of tanked after the 1st quarter. At half time we decided to call an artist (who is really old now and was from Buffalo or has some kind of Buffalo connection and was actually pretty old then) we knew and go visit his studio, it was a great studio visit and we both enjoyed it. The next day on the subway I saw someone reading the Post. On the back cover was a picture of a Houston play with his hands on his head and a headline that read "they choked!". I said "no effing way!" My girlfriend looked at me funny and said "what"? I pointed it out and we went to buy the paper. I couldn't believe I had missed it. I still have never seen the whole second half just the highlights.
  3. Oh.... Mother's day Mother's day link, I get it now (even though I live in a place that has a different Mother's day and realized the "joke" before my first post). The humor was lame, you chill out. JW got it (I think).
  4. Seriously,how about don't waste time posting without links (which you didn't and I have no idea why your panties are in a bunch about me writing that?). You don't think I checked googled TH news 1st? Threads like this are just as low on the wonderlic as TH was.
  5. Nice, injecting good opinions on here. I pretty much agree, but having had 1 broken rib once, I can't imagine Fitz's pain threshold. He is one tough MFer.
  6. I was against signing him but if they want him here, I am okay with it. I hope they gave him some tests to see if he was crazy though, he just seems to have borderline personality disorder.
  7. Nice link, one thing that the article didn't mention was that the newest generation of Motosport helmets are sort of air bag based and in fact after the bags fill the helmet needs to be disposed of. I am not sure how it works or how expensive they are as I can not find a linky to it but I read that about a half a year or 9 months ago somewhere? on the intrawebs.
  8. Well football is pretty going the way of PPV and with the injury concerns of a somewhat brutal sport it may well go the way of boxing. One of the things that boxing did was get a bit more international which the NFL has seemingly ignored as a real option in the last few years, the consequences of that could lead down the same road. Or they could start little leagues in non soccer places. Basketball and soccer are cheap (so is rugby) American football with it's equipment is anything but. There is no inroads to make it an international sport so if the popularity with kids (or their parents, in most cases)drops off, there is not a big future. I think the owners must recognize that but they have short sight and don't do much about it.
  9. The pats* used to do it with all the linemen standing up a few years ago. And Trent sucked at doing anything about it, it is good a against a deer in the head lights QB.
  10. Tank isa great name for a HOF LBer and a Bill, welcome to BFLO.
  11. Bangkok Thailand (5+ years already), by way of Seoul Korea a year plus some, NYC for a bit more than a decade. Thinking about where next, really nice here but 2nd worldish at times. I like it warm. From BFLO! Same age as the team, went to games with my Dad at the pile. Never had another team(except the Sabres and Braves).
  12. Onobun will have a break out year, you heard it here first.
  13. Well the OP is right, where is that effing baby already? My girlfriend had one in 9 months, what is the gestation period on a buffalo anyway?
  14. Something is wrong with you, you should get it checked out.
  15. WTH? really? Where did you get that? Most recent thing I found http://www.buffalorumblings.com/2012/3/6/2849494/eric-wood-acl-surgery-rehab-buffalo-bills
  16. Nice reel, open when he is not open, makes good adjustments on badly thrown passes, good YAC (against that level anyway). Looks worth a look, I like him the RB and the QB we are checking out, all look pretty decent for long shot guys
  17. Lol So I am not the only buying the I used to be a scout line. Oh well, seems like a decent poster except for that (time will tell).
  18. What if they dump him? I think should be, "When they dump him". And NO to Ohnostinko.
  19. BTW I am sure we are in for some more shockers.
  20. Buddy is always good for a slow news day And thank you Drayton for your time as a Buffalo Bill.
  21. The guy who made that clip was the artist Terry Richardson who is famous for the movie "Kids" from about 10 years ago. I am surprised he didn't get her naked.
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