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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Right tackle Erik Pears will be out until training camp next month after having minor surgery, Gailey said, without specifying what was repaired. What's that about? Minor surgery? groin tear? Hard to think of other minor surgeries, it could be (anybody else wants to list some, that would be cool). And Thiggy is going to lose his job if he sits too long, just for sitting.
  2. Damn that spell check! (I like how his name actually is Dare Us, helps me remember).
  3. In my opinion VY was diagnosed with BPD at some time in the past http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Borderline_personality_disorder which is actually pretty treatable in some lesser cases. I hope he works out, he does seem like he will try to fit in and hope he gets an opportunity. I was not very much in favor of bringing him in but if that was what Buddy (I don't really feel Chan liked it as much) and Chan want to try to do. I trust that they know what they are doing and hope for the best. The guy is a Bill now so he gets my 100% full support until he unearns it. BTW Brandon Marshall http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandon_Marshall has been diagnosed with it (and I had an ex who I firmly believe had it).
  4. Actually it is fair to be thinking about this stuff, Byrd and Andy are solid so I am sure the plan is to make sure they stay. Kelsey may end up looking great (in fact a bunch of them might, think about the Washington game last year, I know Beck was horrible but Morrison and Kelsey got sacks if I am not mistaken), Merriman may need a better contract. It is up in the air until the team starts playing.
  5. If Chan really tanks out this season but the D is good, who is the next HC keep in mind RW likes to keep his hires in house.
  6. Bath salts are not pot, video links about just for you. The last one on the page was the first I heard of this, !@#$ing with chemistry, very crazy and apparently legal and hard to outlaw (why? IDK) https://www.google.co.th/#q=bath+salt+abuse&hl=en&safe=off&prmd=imvnsu&source=lnms&tbm=vid&ei=l47HT6rpEY3JrQeY77nBDg&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=4&ved=0CFkQ_AUoAw&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=11ed16bf4394c49e&biw=1139&bih=520
  7. Actually my ass is so smart it can tell me what favor of icecream cone before I even sit on it.
  8. DSOTM by far, take a trip in a car with that one and a couple of spliffs and you will understand. And The Animals had a bunch of great albums too
  9. This thread took a strange turn and I have been saying for a couple of seasons that the LS should be a player with another position on the team as to not waste a roster spot (and you can look it up if you like ).
  10. And are in a VERY large market. The networks know what sells cars and beer.
  11. This ^ and what the senator said, BTW whats up with the purple?
  12. Troup maybe good, time will tell. He maybe on a different team at that point but I only wish him well (I liked the pick, can you tell?).
  13. Hey thanks Ice, good luck to your guys too (except when we see them in the Superbowl). Off season here has been super exciting for a change! I hope and kind of expect, you will see a much improved Bills team this year.
  14. He is trending on Yahoo because of this now http://search.yahoo.com/search?cs=bz&p=WR%20tweets%20HIV%20results&fr=fp-tts-544&fr2=ps
  15. 52 years old now (me and the Bills) and no Superbowl blows , my Dad died not seeing it (in 89) although he did see the AFL champ days. I just want one Superbowl, before I kick. To me that day can not come soon enough. I think they could be good for a while and it would at least make me happy but true happiness is the "big game" and if it was against the Pack at least for me it (because we should have been able to play them in 65), would be that much sweeter.
  16. My only comment on this thread is Gailey's Bills would kick Jarhead's Bills to the curb (and yeah it might be a little close up to the 4th quarter when the Tampa D got tired) and that was last year's Bills. I expect this years would just blow them out.
  17. I just had a baby too congrats! Personal experience; my Dad took me when I was 4 or 5 (maybe even 3 I can't remember but championship!) and it was great. Of course seeing past the poles in the old rockpile and over the drunks was an issue but Dad always made it fun somehow. I got to see historical games too. I also went to that Redskins game when the new stadium opened. That was a drag, I always felt Rich Stadium had some kind of a curse, because my Dad hated that we built it for Ralphy (or he was going to move the team). People aren't throwing beer bottles anymore, so take him when you feel good about it! Get him addicted early. BTW the Bills are the same age as me.
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