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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. ESPN is so bad, so NYCentric. Rex farts and they go smell it and report that Rex's **** don't stink. After living in NYC I realized you don't have to be good at something so much to make it there, you just need to have gone to a good school, have a big mouth and a certain kind of stupid bravdo to get by with or a father who was/is famous. I am not worried about Tebow as much as the D Rex puts on the field (which is how they have beat us the last couple of years in general, although Brad Smith did hurt us a couple of times). I really think that 1st game is going to be the Bills first win, regardless of Tim (who I actually respect, unlike Rex).
  2. Jerry Sullivan, haven't read anything by him lately (thought he had some sort of medical issue) and I don't miss him. The news is going to be pay to play sometime and I am not going to pay so I won't really be reading it anyway. I have to say though, TG is doing a great job and I like that the Bills have a lot of other internet coverage. I haven't been watching the Olympics since 72 when "the games must go on" happened (way to alienate a 12 year old Olympics). I just see it as a country in the world has a big party to celebrate gaining access to the 1st world economicly or one like the US or England does it just to remind the world that they are the first world. I like to see athletic competition but coverage is so biased and more about money these days plus all the nationalism and spectacle just bores the crap out of me. JMOs
  3. I think our Offense should be called Fitz and the Mechanics if he has a big year.
  4. Which a lot of the time seems to be true in some places.
  5. How many wins this season? = why I watch the games. With the new D and the O we have been developing if it is more than 9 we should have tickets to the after party and maybe even get to the dance. So really how many isn't that important, unless it is 8 or less (I am not predicting 9 either, use and results may vary. If you have wood for more than four hours call a doctor or your girlfriend in anycase be happy about it).
  6. Why not? they already ran an expressway through the middle of it. Might be alright if they named it Olmsted Park, seriously.
  7. I forget commas, sorry lol it's okay, fixed it though 555
  8. I am pretty psyched about this year, so glad football is back! Fitz is a big key no doubt, to the year. My favorite thing from this article is a thing that some people on here just don't seem to get. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/bills-nfl/article967787.ece?twobillsdrive
  9. I would think it will be Edwards (same size as Troupe), IMO Johnson will make the team but as a back up end this year. In anycase I think DW likes Edwards not so sure about how he feels about Johnson or Carrington who seem to have similar skill sets (both able to play DT or DE). I would guess Edwards vs Troupe is one battle and Carrington vs Johnson is the other. JMO
  10. Anybody else more excited by Tank then Nigel? I really like the kid a lot (and I like the Nigel pick too BTW, I mean you gotta like bonejarring hits). Totally happy to see us with two high upside guys who could turn in to draft steals.
  11. SJBF in Thailand 555 is like saying hahaha because Ha is how you say five. In light of that re-read what you wrote and you will have a different kind of laugh BTW he needs a flat screen too and does he sound a little peeved to anyone else? Oh and Ralph is cheap
  12. Female body image low self esteem = no joke. IMO depression in any form isn't really fun or funny at all.
  13. House, that was posted before (and it really looks staged) but I like that you posted it anyway
  14. Kelsey is okay, was a horrible OLBer (but he should have never been put in that position in the first place). Looked best when AS was here and when Merriman was back for the first few games last year. He should be solid as a rotational player this year. He does over commit when he has a head full of steam though. That is my biggest knock on the guy in the run and pass game. If Merriman is healthy all year does as good as the old Merriman and resigns with us, next year Chris might be looking for another place to go.
  15. I kind of miss boobs (sorry, if you find that offensive but we are both in Asia) so he may get what I am saying.
  16. Joe according to google run the ball 跑球 looks like a wildcat play to me
  17. Really Fitz and Flacco are very close to the same player at times but Flacco has the better long ball, he is really not that great at the intermediate ball. He also gets sloppy (and can be crazy inaccurate same as Fitz but maybe is getting over that (as evidenced by the POs last year). :w00t: :w00t: Where is my bag of popcorn Icon? BTW I think Fitz has the advantage over Joe, he has the team leadership in a way that Jimbo had it, I hope it continues and expect some improvement (as does the FO and staff IMO) he will be better than Joe this year. That is my bold prediction for the season.
  18. For all we know Trent was talking about check-downs (or am I a year late?).
  19. Not sure it is that easy to learn another language when you are an older person, I say that with the experience of living in Thailand for the last 5 years and still having major problems understanding and using it. I am still younger than Chan though. I would think he should not get all the blame for Fitz throwing the long ball on 3rd and one when that is the read he makes (from what I hear it is his mechanics fault).
  20. Good for you Joe, I was a busy boy back in those days with some charity stuff as well (albeit of a different nature but). Feeds the soul and is good for the community. Much love.
  21. That is true enough but the shell that is hardened is definitely going to stop a skull fracture. I have read quite a bit about motorcycle helmets and the newest technology has small airbag type things to prevent banging around inside the helmet or the best IMO a skin on the outside this article explains it better than I could. http://www.popsci.com/cars/article/2010-04/straight-ahead
  22. Hmmm this is a tough one, the first 4 we were in, I thought about my Dad a lot, he just missed the 2nd glory years but was around for the first ones. I think since my new baby boy was just born a few months ago and will be a bit under a year by that point. I will probably get on back home maybe more than just for a visit with him and his Mom. Thailand is great but we need a change that would be a good way to start it. I might cry a bit but I am not prone to doing that.
  23. Kelly was Jeff Wrights's back up? I am sooo confused. Wasn't last year the offensive line?
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