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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Don't be that fun loving snake that leaves messages in the sand. Grow a pair of pants on trees.
  2. Prolly not, it is his ex. That said, is she a victim of Murphy's law or what? And no, she's not my type.
  3. If he is out there I haven't seen him but my roommates always said that after I moved from NYC they saw me maybe 2 times a week, now if I was a jests fan or not is a whole other question. I think, I would be a Giants fan unless it was bizzaro world.
  4. OMG get over it already, who are you, Vincent whatever his name is Mom?
  5. Some of the responses at the end are funny, but the article itself just another example of generation "Y'd ya write that ****?" Typical of all things on that stupid website, Deadspittle.
  6. Well all in all, I like it. TJ is decent and started last year was 7-7 and threw 3000 yards had a slightly better QB rating than Fitz (and less ints) while playing injured a bunch of the games too. I would dump VY and TT now give him time this week and start him Friday.
  7. Not that I really disagree with you but, the ones I bolded are still in the league a few STILL on the team at least one made the probowl last year, one aveaged 5.2 yards a carry, the other RB 4.3 YPC The only real busts you have there are Mc Cargo and Hardy, the rest may have been selected too high (reaches) but that is what it is. I agree for the most part with Mark. I think Chan knows and has talked about those points a few times his year, hope we see it too. Go Bills!!
  8. What if the sky were pink and the trees were red, no one ever died no one had a head?
  9. Thanks for doing that, I was thinking of it myself. He needs a cape so his crusade at least has some class to it.
  10. Thigpen (2 votes [5.71%]) Young (24 votes [68.57%]) Pick someone off the waiver wire (9 votes [25.71%]) this is getting way more votes than I thought it would, poor Thiggy
  11. Rosie but it won't happen until Friday. Monday is down to 75 I think.BTW I agree with the Delano Howell and McKillop (although I think Howell makes it as safety #4 or at least PS), I also want them to find a way to keep Dickerson.
  12. hey we could hear that excuse all season and it wouldn't get old.
  13. This week on Friday one of them goes, who should it be. Who will it be? The poll is who makes it not who gets cut. They have both shown little does VY get it for one TD drive? I can't decide and couldn't vote on my own poll.
  14. umm what? here is another link when Chan coached a good team http://texnews.com/1998/cowboys/luksa0830.html
  15. He doesn't think it means much, it is that simple, he sees his job as installing his schemes working on the things which he wants to try (I would guess that includes game planning lol) and player evaluations. I think it is safe to say we are not seeing this team in it's entirety. Fitz it is true looked off a bit for the Pitt game (and game one and two TBH), so did VY, both seemed to have problems getting on the same page with the WRs and both as per the players they are and have been, had accuracy issues a bit. Young hit guys in the hands at least 5 times that I counted, who knows why Fitz and Stevie didn't know wtf the other was doing. It is preseason, this is the time to look bad if they are going to. This week almost 1/2 these guys are gone. This game although entertaining in the first and all but last 2 minutes of the 2nd quarter, just doesn't matter. It is not the baby, or even a stem cell. I know it has been forever since we had a good team but just try and relax, worry after they look that bad at the Jests (and even then it is still a work in progress with all the rookies and gelling and stuff they have to do, they might not even start to look like the team they should be til game 6 or 7). I really think they are building a good team here and it is never fun waiting on the baby. BTW in case you never saw this. http://www.nfl.com/p...1bf764 One last thought the Oline looked okay until Wood came out in the second quarter.
  16. Both Pats* rbs had 29 yard carries last night. So I kind of agree with that.
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