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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. The woman is wearing a Nelson Jersey and goes down, don't see her get back up. It is at around the 30 second mark. That dude that hit her and a couple of other guys earlier is beefy. **** happens you have to watch for ppl who will hurt you.
  2. Which is what he does, maybe he is just not good at tackling. He has always done that and gets injured often (which is why even Donte was better IMHO), he is a cheap shot player. And yeah Stevies block was kind of nasty last year but it isn't his habit to do that.
  3. I disagree with you. The jests had Sanchesse throw the ball very quick. Our CBs were playing way off and so were our safeties. And It seems bump and run is a legal thing with the refs this year. I don't know why, Barnet had a bad game and Shep and Moats are only good in the run game, both are very suspect at pass coverage. I wonder why Nigel wasn't used and Morrison was inactive. It couldn't have been worse. Williams (theCB) basically played the way he did last year and Gilmore.... well, it was his first game. I kind of expected as much. McGee came in for McKelvin in the 2nd half and looked still injured but McKelvin was so really terrible, even injured and a step behind he was better.
  4. He actually did a very good impression of Donte later in the game going head first at a guy on the ground and flying right over him. He plays to hurt but I understand the tactic, He is just not that good.
  5. I don't know why Lindel didn't get to do that onsides kick? Although the placement to Tebow did put in the hands of a guy who fumbled 13 times last year.
  6. Bill, Bill, Bill.... Man you really are clouded by your hate of any high draft pick who plays in an offensive or defensive backfield, we get it you don't approve.. please get over it now.
  7. Is this the David Lee is a smuck thread yet? Mechanics are not an easy fix, takes time, might not work. I think the FO knew that yeah, I don't think they expected that steaming pile of dog manure that Fitz laid out there though. If they did they should have demoted him and had an open competition for starter and brought in like 6 qbs. I am hoping this game was a fluke, the team needs to gel, learn from the mistakes, build some confidence etc....I still hope I am not kidding myself.
  8. exitentialism = we're doomed, we die. What does it matter/mean? There saved you a bunch of reading.
  9. Excellent! and condolences again he will be there in spirit today I am sure. Stomp those Jests!
  10. For real? (going to check that out right NOW!) EDIT I just see three packages, all which cost more money (Total:$169.99) than my unemployed ass can pay nothing about free here *Certain restrictions apply. NFL Game Pass is only available to users located outside the United States, Mexico, Bermuda, Antigua, the Bahamas, and any U.S. territories, possessions and commonwealths.
  11. Here in Thailand I am waiting to go to bed, kick off 12 am (until fall back then it is 1am) I stay up until 3 or 4 to see the whole thing. The only thing good about being unemployed right now I guess.
  12. I semi agree with that first statement but our D was losing us more games last year than Fitz even after we were hit by so many injuries last year. I always liked the CJ pick, best guy on their board and they did it, judging how the Marshawn thing has played out, now I don't think it was a mistake at all. They really needed to fix the D and I hope they have, now. Plus they did get a deep threat speed guy, it should help (but not sure if it will right away). I am not sure having a very potent O with a weak D is the way to success for our team we haven't got a Brady for one thing. (part 2) In our system the way it was last year I would disagree. Getting CJ into space is better than just running him IMHO, I would think that him and FJ get some screens up the middle (attacking the strength of that D, much like passing right at Revis did last year) and that will help free up the rest of the pass game. The Jets are very good against the run. I also agree with the stuff San Jose fan said earlier in the thread, go with what did work last year. I wouldn't count out a few 2 TE sets though either. I would love to see Chan run a much more even run vrs pass balanced attack this year. But as much as I want us to just run over these guys their weakness is Crowmucky (who can be streaky and takes too many chances) and we should test the LBs and new safety tandem in pass coverage. They are stout against the run but are not great at pressure and leave holes when they blitz, Fitz has to see them and we must exploit it.
  13. A slight update here is a picture of Kevin with his wife and kids http://blogs.buffalobills.com/2012/09/07/everetts-new-family/
  14. Just follow only the Bills, one game a week and almost no night games most seasons.
  15. Ha Fitz needs a breakout season, to be sure. But I will take a chance and say Dorin Dickerson, I love the Hback role and think Chan will too. I can see him being our Hernandez. I also am looking forward to having Chandler get more use. I think it would behove us to have a really balanced passing distribution (which includes a TE). Lee Smith too. Hell, throw Corey Mac in there too, I want to have a list of guys running people over I guess. Is It Sunday Yet? GO BILLS!!!
  16. On BB.com Glad he is doing well, had a feeling he was going to be a good player for us before it happened. Prayers and thoughts of many of us have been with him and he is still a Bill in our hearts too. Cheers Kevin. http://www.buffalobills.com/news/article-2/Kevin-Everett-five-years-later/5222c099-6845-49bd-ba77-2726fb7ca0d1
  17. Smith has a groin thing too, it is the tears that are the worst, a pull can be nagging though. I thought SJ had a tear last year hence the operation, Pears too. But the team never really goes into the full monty about what it is do they.
  18. Hey I never said that I would hate on Ralph (although my Dad always did after he got Rich built for him) although if they ended up moving it might be more debatable if I would feel that way but Model, well his history is here in the thread. I just asked, no offence to RW intended.
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