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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. See I never understood how a group can own the team, but limited partnerships seem to happen in the league, with Mary Owen being so involved with the team maybe RW does have an heir to the throne and they will only sell a part of the team. It is obvious to me that RW thinks this is all, in his best interests to not play out before he dies or even signs a lease for that matter. It is possible he is right having bought the team for 50Gs and made it into a billion dollar entity. All that being said if they move even to TO, I might well, be so done with this team. Go Bills!!
  2. Now I am wondering why we didn't pick Green to be honest.
  3. Yeah I got the feeling that Chan kind of isn't everything Buddy wants in his head coach for sure. I think they have their differences not so completely sure that it is a non working relationship yet though. The team doesn't start showing improvement this year and we may see some changes though.
  4. IDK, teaching kids to turn around when they are tight on someone. Seems like a coaching thing but after 4 years (or is it 5?) you would think he would master it.
  5. 52 but I average about 13 according to most who know me. btw Alpha please buy a new buffalo.
  6. Jack was a damned good Qb. Too bad for us RW learned that drafting a Qb high wasn't important and almost always stayed away from it. The not having a decent back up also comes from the Kemp era.
  7. Good luck with the house thing. Banks suck more than the Bills. Worry about life, the Bills are for entertainment. Don't enjoy it, realize there is more to life and go have some fun. And believe me I understand, I am throughly addicted, but I did take a year off one time from the team (2005) lol.
  8. The only advantage (to not having one for KOs) is the roster spot really and I see that going away during the winter. I think by the of the season we only have one kicker unless this experiment really works out great somehow
  9. See the real problem here is that the Bills didn't do any of the things you have suggested (and they should in the future no doubt but....), so it is like you are not facing the reality of the situation, they didn't and it is in the past. Can't do anything about it now. Time for Peter Pan to grow up.
  10. We just lost a WR, so the Bills sign a RB??? sure why not?
  11. You didn't go through the late 60s, the 70's weren't that bad in comparison.
  12. I am not reading this thread and I don't read Skully anymore, why even click that crap. I hope he gets fired or the News start charging for internet use or something... I also don't read that Sal marwatever guy in the D&C, same **** different paper.
  13. WTF is this? If rainbows were handgrenades, I could live in a lollypop house. Did you ever date a girl and then regret it, well you don't do that man, you just keep on, keeping on.
  14. I think they were desperate, They just scored and wanted the TO now (so to speak) the time on the clock was actually in favor for getting 2 TDs and a fieldgoal to win if the Jests got one too, that being said I would have had Lindel kick that as everyone knew it was coming anyway.
  15. We blitzed about 5 or 6 times in preseason, jfyi so he does do it on occasion Jim Braxston who died in the mid 80s
  16. You do realize TOP was almost the same, which means the Jests D was on the field just as much. Short drives don't wear a D out. About Fitz yeah he had a crappy game, and it happens to him more than other QBs. I still hope it is fixable. So I will go with Fixpatrick. BTW this thread has so many posters in it that I blocked already, I just want to thank a bunch of new ones for adding their opinions
  17. Both her and Ginger multiple times and together yes
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