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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Haha another guy who knows too much about the Eagles because Dehlia is hot Check 4:14 of this
  2. I am happy he is a Bill, they should get better. Stash I am not as sure about. The 4-1-6 they played in much of the last game and no blitzing has me more worried for sure.
  3. Wow, just wow. I hope it pisses the whole D line off.
  4. Or they can bring a date! BTW video link or it isn't happening
  5. I saw two offside jumps on the NE* line also not called and a encroachment by line up on their D. The helmet hit would have drawn a flag if it was Brady IMHO.I missed part of the first quarter so can't comment on the rest. Not sure any of it matters but their Oline holds like a piece of chit on your shoe and never get called.
  6. Some people secretly/subconsciously want to be miserable, too bad most of them are on sites like this.
  7. PrestonRidlehuber What? Except for the Hiedi game TD and the Half Back option pass to beat the jests, what the hell gives you the right to have an opinion.
  8. Ever feel crazy - Like there is something wrong with you All the time! But then, I am an artist, who isn't famous, we just had a baby 5 months ago, I am almost 53 and have a 31 year old GF. I am living in a very foriegn land, I am unemployed and am not even going to mention how long that has been. And I watch the Bills at ungoddly hours to make me feel better, on streams that may or may not be affecting the preformance of my computer. Oh and we might get another flood this year.
  9. I wore my black Buffalo is my hometown, (where they make Cheerios) t shirt, that was lucky for one game last year, so I wore it for the next 4 after that (with similar results to the game yesterday). How the hell the Bills know it and the juju makes it through the crappy internet feeds I have going, I will never know.
  10. Chan and Wanny's game plan today and against the Jests; best summed up as badly lacking, it is clear that this combination is not improving. That is the bottom line right there. They have some talents on the team ,we could see more from most of them but THAT is part of the problem. Sure there are holes but they didn't make sound decsions and it reminded me all too much of DJ's crap.
  11. Yes, I would watch for some new wrinkles this week, same as the last 2 weeks when we did things like drop Darius and Anderson in coverage a couple of times. I think we really mess with the PAThetic* Cheatriots*
  12. Sprains cause swelling and can be aggravated, if Fred and CJ play, theyare both risking damage. I like that they might but I hope it turns out okay. I think the team knows what it is doing, so I am not worried. I think Chioce still get 1/2 the touches from the backfield though, even if one or both of them play.
  13. Honestly, if they are going to keep using it they should update it a bit. Make it a bit more hip hopish or something, it really is old and I never really did like it.
  14. Flacco is not much better if better at all, than Fitz. I've been saying that since the before last season.
  15. Our back up's, back up is Dorin Dickerson. BTW that 2nd link that Mattew's bag posted is funny, recommended reading
  16. Just had to get that in there again (SO YES AND A LOT TOO)
  17. Actually a bust is one of the best parts of a woman...... oh wait you said who.
  18. Good luck in Dallas Mr. Moorman and thanks for all your service in Bflo. the last 12 years
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