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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. "charged with common law robbery" I had a marriage like that once.
  2. He didn't hit the brake until picture 15? Really? the guy in the car almost stopped by that time. That being said, it's the photographers fault she must have been pretty hot.
  3. So the fact that everyone on the Dline has succeeded in at least some capacity in the past and some of them on a very high level, means nothing? I am sure Nix picked these guys up, off of that history more than you are giving him credit for. There doesn't seem to a problem with coaching or players (and maybe their attitude about the coaching)? What happened to putting players in position to succeed? Wanny seems to think square pegs fit in round holes, if he says so. Your and Vince's thoughts were predictable like Chan's lining up 5 wide, empty backfield on 3 and 2 in the 4th quarter with a 6 point lead and both our RBs averaging 7ypc. Bill you are getting soft, I have liked your posts 2 weeks in a row (seeing Spiller for what he has become, is a good thing)
  4. If you guys were in Thailand and had no other options, would you "steal" ? cause watching a lot of US TV here is impossible with out doing it.
  5. So what you are saying is you like a QB if he gives you a woody
  6. Well, there is a point to be made here, that really no one is making. The Bills franchise may just move somewhere else when RW pass on. If it does it won't be coming back to Buffalo any time soon (and if it was back in the area, chances are it would be in TO or nearer to it than Buffalo), since that is the case and there is nothing the fans in Buffalo can do about it, I do think he may have a point in suggesting that the future maybe best served by actually having the team on the other side of the bridge. It is about at the 1/2 way point between here and TO and only when you include TO in the metro area of Buffalo do you get the numbers that make the WNY area a large enough demographic for the NFL to stay interested in long term. I of course don't like those facts but I think that is what he is saying IMO.
  7. You mean like missing the game because of surgery? That would be kind "up his sleeve".
  8. Buffalo is one of the cloudiest cities in North America, everyone there is living in large shadows.
  9. I would message No Saint, I would think he would have some ideas. Have fun!
  10. DC can get away with that, you can't, just saying. Cat have a nice time off, I lurked here for about 3 years before I joined for basically the same reason. The addiction thing... finally pulled me in.
  11. Only one problem with this reasoning, it takes 11 to play Defense. If they aren't trying because he is "taking plays off" the they too are "taking plays off". He only plays on one side of the field.
  12. To answer your question, this will not make a difference.
  13. Byrd a lone bright spot for Bills NFL-worst defense says it all. Who is this clown anyhow?
  14. Going for the 2 was a no brainer. I agree. I hated what Gailey said about it as it didn't really make much sense. The fumble looked close, you have to challenge it, if for no other reason than those of us who saw the ball was in bounds get to say "screwed by the refs again! Bring back the replacements!" (seriously it looked in in both the play and the replay, wish I had the 22 view thing so I could watch it over and over lol and keep my blood pressure higher than it already is).
  15. FU bub! I was born and raised in Bflo and lived there 33 of my 53 year existence (which is the same age as the Bills BTW). My Dad took me to games when I was too young to even remember it and it was dangerous to do so. I don't even think OJ is guilty, I can tell you who Preston Ridlehuber is (whose name your has a funny similarity to). BTW I live in Bangkok and haven't missed a game (thank you internet), in years and I have never even been to Syracuse , but used to live in NYC. . Go suck an Orange and crawl back under the bridge you came from.
  16. Good thread, luckily I have always been rather thin and healthy although I do smoke and lately have been developing a chronic cough. But I have always drank a lot of water never much soda or pop as you wnyers like to call it. I did used to use it (coke or pepsi) to clean chrome though, works great for that. It is really a bit hard to eat healthy here in Thailand, Asia is right behind the States in finding crappy cheap food to eat. And Quester74 prayers with you man, I had family with CLL. Eat as good as you can and the healthier the better.
  17. That was a heartbreaking loss no doubt, somewhat like the Monday night game against Dallas. I have been standing still with anticipation and excitement so many times with this team (since I was about 4 or 5, I am 53 next month BTW) that ripping my heart out has just gotten easier for this team.
  18. I am going to stop reading the News soon anyway You have 4 articles left before we require registration. Paid subscriptions will go into effect 10/29/2012 To read That crap? No, don't think so. Mularkey who taught him to spell? and who says malarkey anymore?.......Oh wait.
  19. Sorry I fell off that wagon when it was circling a couple of weeks ago, made me too mad. I would love for him to pull me back on.
  20. Well, I think at most other positions you can do it. Hell, you can cut them and then bring them back (I do realize that is for injury and not because of performance btw). Not sure it would hurt. He is obviously under-performing the view from the sideline might do him some good. I sort of doubt TT would really have the spark to light the team up either, but I do get what you are saying. Even when someone goes out because of injury and the back up out plays them, often they lose the job.
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