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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Yes, that said http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hEPZEMYezII&playnext=1&list=PL77695D4D064B58B6&feature=results_video It would make me mean.
  2. You have discussed this YPA thing being the end all QB rating on here way too much. It is a stat, all stats have variables and statistical anomalies Let me repeat that all stats YPA, QB rating, the new QB rating, even INTs in a season.I am not saying Fitz is great but the scheme which is tailored to his abilities is also ALL ABOUT SHORT PASSING AND YAC (not per attempt). Eli stinks it up sometimes even if he does have a 7.1 (not that I wouldn't want him to be our QB) but they are numbers, Fitz is a middle of the road QB, we get ya. Stop blowing the same horn all the time your arm is going to get more muscular then the other and you'll look funny. All that said I want them to draft a QB this off season too.
  3. CJ can handle more touches (who are you and Chan, John Rauch?) and Chan should find other ways to make him even more effective, 2 TE sets for instance, more play action (actually happy he did do this more in NE*). Fred is great and they should use them both more. They use the spread tooooooo MUCH! Yes they could score more, passing is a great thing but they do it to much and Fitz isn't as consistent as the 2 best guys on the offense. Last point we need some sets with the best 2 backs in the backfield. I would do some more gimmicks in the run game too, if it puts it in the best guy on the teams hands (or even the 2nd best), hell run the wishbone. Do a STUPID wildcat and hike it straight to Spiller instead of Brad or even Cory instead of Brad. Change **** up and be gimmicky if it works, it really wouldn't hurt. I would much rather almost never see an empty back field all spread wide on 3rd and 2 again. I don't care if we are down by 14 with 4 minutes to go.
  4. If he has the Fitz like abilty to get rid of the ball quickly and direct his blockers after his line reads our Qb has a little to do with this ranking.
  5. Um.... Fitz threw to Chandler the play before the INT, a little off target but... he did. As to this FJ vs CJ thing, I relly don't know why Chan doesn't have them in the game together as someone pointed out. I also would try a wishbone formation with 2 TEs, Brad Smith, FJ, CJ and Cory, I mean why the hell not? Chan would probably throw a bomb from it though on 3rd and 2.
  6. Is isn't all Fitz, he had a decent game.....that said, there is some credence in thethought that it is at least some of Fitz's fault. There was very crappy D .... the team in general getting hit by numerous bad ref calls and just bad play in the 1st half. They showed some spunk in this game, the 2nd half was for the first time in a very long one ....what, kind of well adjusted... so it was a bit encouraging.. I want a franchise QB too, hope they really can draft one. I will give him, whoever he is some time to develop, Fitz would be a decent back up (and mentor). Wanny and Gailey still call head scratchers, I will never think they are good enough coaches as long as they do that. I have to think the team is losing any faith with some of these calls. A disappointing and tough loss. Two weeks counting they should have had it. That does show some (but too little) improvement, the lack of discipline is really hard to take though.
  7. depends on your money situation I would guess. Fixing it could be pretty cheap. I had one that made a lot of noise and it was the drum gasket, it was a cheap repair. If you are at all mechanical, they are fairly simple machines. Good luck.
  8. I just stopped reading it. Too bad for them.
  9. I for one, am happy Obama won (for a lot of reasons) and this thread shouldn't be here (IMO).
  10. Dimestore DB, no want (I am part native, so this is okay).
  11. They should go international but having a team there full time makes no sense. They need at least 2 teams in Europe to even think about it.
  12. Grew up near there too, I miss it. I also miss sponge candy, wings in general, roast beef on wick, Ted's hotdogs....La nova subs, polish restaurants, Panos, the list goes on and on. I also lived in NYC for 12 years, there is a long list of food I miss from there as well. Even a year and a half in Seoul gets a mini list. Pity, I am over Thai food (pretty much after a year here) and live in Bangkok. Most every city has some great food it is a benefit of moving around a lot. When I lived in NYC and had a bunch of immigrant friends they always said "it's the food from home I miss, I understand it now, haven't been home in more than 10 years.
  13. If they wall it off there will be people outside the wall getting flooded that weren't before. It has been a problem here in Bangkok (whose flood last year IMO was a political man made disaster) and people eventually find ways to sabotage it (which is why I had to leave for a month last year until it was all finally worked out to drain it away). Anyway sounds like you were lucky. Keep safe, clean up takes time and best of luck.
  14. It's not the lap dances, it is buying the bottles of champagne and retiring to the VIP lounge that will do it to you. Don't ask me how I learned that though.
  15. No wind damage? Best to all of you down in NYC! and all long the coast, I have a storage space in Jersey city, really, really hoping it stayed dry.
  16. I am getting hard just watching the video, so I guess I wood.
  17. I was delivering pizza's in a retired cop car in 77, (440) Polara I had chains on my wheels so when the blizzard hit I drove through the ban and out ran the Amherst cops on a road which us pizza drivers referred to as Joe Mannix alley (sorry can't remember the name) but they were chasing me and I hit the rr tracks and flew over them and slammed on the brakes and turned off the lights and pulled into a driveway. They drove right past. I was high as a kite, the next delivery I did which was the last for my night a woman gave me a really nice bag of weed as a tip and later I got to know her a lot better I made a lot of great tips in that storm. Ahh the 70s were so fun, wish I could remember more of them and the early 80s. Sorry to get off topic but I crashed that car on Ohio, it was a great ride. !@#$, I raced sided my car and I bottomed it on the curb, screwed it up but I still drove it for 6 months then I crashed it into a car with no brake lights on as he sat turning left on Sheridan near forrest hill. My engine was almost in my lap. I had one accident in 30 odd some years driving after that and drove for a living about 12 or 13 of them. I ride a 50cc scooter these days
  18. http://sports.yahoo.com/blogs/nfl-shutdown-corner/pittsburgh-steelers-us-era-uniform-horribleness-180520610--nfl.html Black pants and these wouldn't bee that bad I mean I would wear them on Wednesday night. With big wings on my back. Good to see Big Ben in the prison gear where he belongs though.
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