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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. CJ does it too and it has been on more than just one play. He also stands on the sideline all pumped to go in and when he doesn't you can read his disappointment (and I watch the games online, I am sure anybody in the stands sees it more than I do).
  2. It is easy to say that for a GM your QB isthe one position that can get you fired in a hurry, just think about that in terms of the Bills and Buddy and our kind of mediocre QB and it explains his non hurry.
  3. I kind of liked Colin Brown when he filled in last year, roadgrinder in the run game, but a little shaky at pass blocking... maybe that has improved? Who filled in yesterday, didn't notice Wood got hurt (btw he is the best center we have had in ages and ages, totally sucks that he is hurt again).
  4. So it is going to be really, really hard to find an illegal feed this week huh, I may just sleep instead for a change.
  5. The #1 reason we lost was we are poorly coached on both sides of the ball (the QB, if he had a decent play caller wouldn't be in the position to lose so much and therefore, even though I haven't been a Fitz supporter for 6 weeks now, he would do better). I knew the eventual outcome of the game after the last 4 minutes of the first half, don't why I kept watching... must be the car crash/trainwreck compulsion. I could make a list of all the bad coaching decisions they made in the game, but the 5 or 6 right before and into that last 4 minutes........says it all. And why, just why? Is there no rule in place that you can't review any aspect of a game, if it is obvious the dumb ass refs made a mistake on the call. Penalties...Fumbles....TDs....plays in the last 2 minutes of the half or game.....it should all be open to say hey wait... that is BS! And each team should have 2 of those chances a half, let the nfl sell more beer or whatever. They really need to start getting the calls better. That fumble that wasn't to be and the plays right after it, basically coast us the game. Even though they played like dog****, they some how were still in it.
  6. So you suck at math and spelling, me too. Go Bills!
  7. Someone stole my 1977 f150 in like 1991 or so....I remember the feeling of walking out my door and it being gone (****ty feeling, that), sorry for your loss. Hope you get it back or get something else you like. My truck, it looked great.... I worked at a collision shop. the paint and interior were beautiful. The truck only cost me 500$ when I bought it. It had about 200,000 on the clicker but the frame was seriously rusted out. I drove it about 5 years. Shortly before they stole it the upper control arm broke off from the frame and it made a real serious loud bang if you hit a bump going faster than 30. They drove it a few blocks away and parked it. My friend just happened to see it while he was driving up Rhode Island (I lived in the west side at the time) and I went and picked it back up no worse for wear (although I did have to replace the thing the key went in as they used a screw driver to start it). When I left Buffalo in 93 (yes, I drove it that way for almost 2 years lol), I sold it for 500 just for the body parts. Worked out pretty good. I loved that truck, was a great vehicle. BTW, I "borrowed" a car when I was a kid and drove it all over the place (a bunch of times), of course my parents didn't know about it and I was only 14, I guess I deserve the death penalty.
  8. Refs get so much wrong in all sports, it is a dumb rule and should go. I would also like them to be able to review penalties, but that isn't going to happen anytime soon.
  9. http://gigapixel.panoramas.com/buffalobills?view.fov=1.57&view.vlookat=-10.38&view.hlookat=183.06 looks like a fight starting
  10. If they win, we still will likely have a better record than them (I hope) so it won't matter.
  11. I understand about hearing it alll THHHE time ! Not only that but I showed it to my then four month old and he wanted to hear it everyday before he ate at 4 pm, for the last 3 months ( he also loves the B52s and Kyary Pamyu Pamyu - PONPONPON, which is actually a lot of fun for that age, he falls asleep to it he also like candy candy candy both are pretty surreal if you want to see something weird, Japan always has weird stuff anybody seen this yet? lol ]Bizarre! OH AND I GUESS NSFW![/font] Bizarre! That was great! lol.
  12. IDK but Dwan Edwards is having a very good (run stuffing and sacks) season I read last week somewhere he is the #1 DT in the NFL DOH! Makes you wonder don't it.
  13. Search Gangnam style on youtube there are a lot of good (and some sexy ones including the one he did with his girl in the original) parodies (and a lot of stupid **** too lol, Romney style for one) but I have seen most of them (living in Asia, what can you do?). The north Korean one Pyongyang Style is good and I like this this oldie from when I lived in Seoul.
  14. Dolphins are mammals, that said, SQUISH THE FISH!
  15. All these women are amateurs http://www.metacafe.com/watch/5452359/indian_men_s_pole_dancing_competition/ Yoga that is where it is at.
  16. Pooltable and fireplace (my Dad did it in the house) I grew up in fidge too behind it was great at holidays and for us kids growing up.
  17. I wish Chan would do that. I used to drive a truck in NYC and I did this same thing a lot, once as a cop was giving me a ticket, glad they didn't have YouTube back then.
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