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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Kyle will be good again, mark my words he looked like the fastest lineman we have the first few weeks of the year. His burst is what makes him good and he will get it back, sucks he has this I felt he was injured again. This explains it. And Fred and him used properly are great assets for a good coach and team.
  2. So Ralph basically just retired? Thank you for your years of service, old man. Did anybody else read this and think what I did. Championship!
  3. This ^ Thanks Chan and all the best (but it really had to happen for the best of the Bills, sorry).
  4. I always liked PT cruisers, last car I rented when I was leaving the states was one, pretty cool looking retro style .
  5. Trump will never get past the owners if he is the backer (and he is a giant dipshit) but that is just reality, so yeah this being the Bills it is probably him.
  6. I love the Bills and like Chan, NIx and even Fitz but I won't be very interested if Chan, Fitz (especially as the starter for next season) and Wanny are back. I didn't even watch today (first time since a Jets game for Dicky's team when he was kept on for season 4), knew they would win and screw up the draft order again. I am kind of pissed right now!
  7. So it's Donte Whitner with the 8th pick again. Damn, didn't even watch (first time in years BTW) I wanted that 4th pick.
  8. No I wouldn't. Yes I might http://www.thesmokinggun.com/documents/attack-over-bad-sex-785623
  9. Actually you build from the lines out and look for playmakers of all kinds (which IMO is what Nix has tried to do, anyway...) but I do get what you are saying there. I really wanted Wilson this year.
  10. A similar idea is used in Motorcycle racing helmets already, will look for the link but not sure where I read it (it was a while ago).
  11. After the way Barnett played last year and then this year there is no question in my mind that the scheme and the coach are the main problem (and perhaps he has lost a step). He never played outside before, wonder why?
  12. ha I didn't commit to a number but hinted around at 9, if Chan wasn't the coach maybe I would have had a chance to be right.
  13. Kill a few birds with one stone build it next to the old terminal building put a Bills and a Terminal museum in it and make it a convention center too. Prop up a bad neighborhood with a decent location and save a great old building, build another (with a matching look even?).
  14. I like Chan the person, I really do but Chan has been really bad this year and this should have been the year the team improved a lot. I feel like if he is back next year and Wanny too btw. We are looking at Dick in year 4 (again) and well even I, a simple fan could have told them that was unwise. Last year I argued that the Chan team would have beat the Dick team, this year has proved that, that may not have been the case. Buddy should be back for continually maybe, Chan, sorry but no. And there is absolutely no way on earth, I want Wanny as an interim....he is also not a good head coach.
  15. I, oh he didn't sign.... never mind. I hope he is back with us next year.
  16. !@#$! I said this would happen and now it is !@#$! !@#$! !@#$!
  17. I like Fitz and think he is not really the problem so much (that would be the coach), but I know for a fact after this year he is also not the solution.
  18. There is a running back in Minnesota that might argue that point a bit.
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