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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Chip Kelly? hey we can dream can't we?
  2. Seems logical but then teams would cheat too.
  3. I have to admit, I don't drink and I did miss last weeks game.
  4. Russ is wine in a box. His father figure used to own TwinFair the Bills. And yeah that was the take away No Saint. The game is boring like sex with your mom
  5. Wow, I turned that **** off, way to go NFL changed the game to make it pass friendly and took away 1/2 the games best players (great RBs) doing it.
  6. Man, this is just brutal. I missed most of it but what I am seeing is just like watching the Bills.
  7. I think Flacco is not very good too, glad some one agrees with me. Last year I thought that Fitz was almost as good (but I changed my mind this year hah!), overrated for sure!
  8. Webb making Minni look like the Bills, but at least Ryan gets some of his passes in there sometimes, I don't understand why they are not just feeding the best RB in football? Why be all pass happy, it isn't working Rodgers is on the other team. Is Chan working there? I have an English stream on here, you think listening to american analysts is hard, these guys are dildos.
  9. Pet peeves, there I said it. It wasn't something you wanted to hear but you had it coming. Try making sense next time. There is a wold of difference and in the end that is all that matters. We haven't had that here in ages. The truth hurts so don't get all butt hurt over it and tie your panties in a knot. You pissed in my Wheaties. I totally get where your coming from dickweed but you are wrong. No argument here but we will have to agree to disagree. Doing the same thing over and over is the definition of insanity. The PC police are out so watch what you say. That's the same blame it on someone else "I am a victim" mentality I always hear out of these !@#$s. And finally, China, Iraq, Iran North Korea and Afghanistan.
  10. lol act respectable and grow up. BTW your boy Jones looked like you sound most the time. And with that, you also have joined my blocked list. bye bye
  11. So you wouldn't mind me calling you it? Hey mentally challenged dildo has more of a ring to it anyway. BTW it sounds like you still need to grow up.
  12. If they have permission of the team they may talk with prospective hires was my understanding (it also has to do with their schedule somehow, I think like if they have a bye).
  13. "Found an extra one of these laying around my apartment", I hope he is talking about the jersey. Or maybe I hope he isn't giving it away because he doesn't think he'll need it anymore. Damn! I am conflicted now. In anycase to side boob.
  14. IDK about Holmgren being the best option at this point but I wouldn't mind Dungy, if we are going to go to a superbowl winner (which we shouldn't because they don't tend to do it twice with 2 different teams (oh yeah and I don't want a tampa 2 again lol).
  15. I went to NYC that weekend, I watched the first half in a bar on 2nd ave. After the pitcher of beer we thought we getting kind of buzzed and we need to go visit an artist's studio still (we were running a not for profit gallery in Buffalo at the time),so I said; they lost this game let's give him a call, so we did and he said, yeah come right over. So, we missed the 2nd half. The next day we are sitting on a subway train going somewhere and on the back page of someone's NYPost is a picture of Christy being carried off the field and a caption "They Choke!!" I was like no effing way! I went and bought a paper and read about it. Unreal, greatest comeback ever and it was the Bills and I missed it, damn. Who ever posted that link, today after 20 years, I just watched it (at least the second half and OT) which I never saw before (of course I did see high lights before but never every play), thanks for that! One last thing, Talley was a monster LBer maybe my favorite player on that team, I missed maybe his best performance too that day.
  16. Thanks, yes I was aware of the site. But I was actually curious as to stats about how successful these systems are (in win and loss terms, if there is any kind of thing like that?). I have been aware of the idea since a few years ago TBH when the whole going for it on 4th down thing came up.
  17. I mean there is this link, so I get the jist of it... but my question is how new and effeftive are they? http://www.wgrz.com/news/article/194705/37/What-The-Heck-Is-Football-Analytics I haven't seen any discussion about it on here, just wondering what you all think. Sorry just saw the money ball thread this can be deleted mods
  18. LOL that made me really laugh. I kind of think bringing an already superbowl winning coach hasn't worked for most clubs and that has historically been proven. Also few college coaches turn into the real thing (although I do like what I have read about Kelly) also proven to not be very effective (in most cases). I would go with the up and coming co-ordinator. I really have no favorite ones though. I am at a loss, I kind of like Lovie if he has the right coaches working with him (off. co-ordin.), maybe try a marriage of guys? Lovie and Kelly? IDK, glad, I am not doing the hiring. BTW QueenV is a a definite, yes I would.
  19. I'm with SJBF, I also kind of think Buddy does the draft and maybe our FAs this year and he turns it over to Doug. Then maybe his role is consultant. The names are the same only the roles change. Then he retires.
  20. I do know (from what they said that Chan and Nix spoke with Ralph quite regularly (weekly even), Brandon has done a good job of selling seats and the brand (of a miserable product) one way or another. I am not sure he is the right choice to run the organization but I know I won't have a choice about who the next owner is either (or coach for that matter lol). They might suck more (just as Brandon might). I hope not. I think Whaley is defacto GM and in essence Nix is the "consultant" now since it is rumored he will be gone after the draft and Whaley is in on the coaching job search. It isn't really that complicated. As for Brandon's roles with RW as his adviser and how much he agreed with decisions made, frankly we have no idea.... It looks good to me that after all this time there is a big change. I hope it works out. In a way it is almost as exciting as a new owner. We have no idea how any of that will go either. But things were not good and change was needed. Just be happy that RW did it and lets see what happens. In time we all may agree it was a bunch of stupidity or we might have a superbowl or at least some playoffs to watch in the future. I can't criticize what I don't know and this new future, I just don't.
  21. huh? h I se u're mssng letters n som of the word nd stuf
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