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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. I am a small percentage Native American and I think it is in very bad taste, sort of like making NA's celebrate Thanksgiving in public schools. Depending on the geography you use and how the long actual genocide was and if disease is a part of it ( which was spread intentionally like a biological weapon of mass destruction in some cases ). Estimates range from 5 million up to 100 million people wiped out (with the goal during a bunch of the history of this particular war of doing just that) on 2 continents Or in our own country, the fact the people were put into camps (which Hitler copied BTW) and the children were educated to basically ignore and forget their own culture. There are about a hundred other reasons why this is a really bad and insensitive name sake for a football team. Call me PC (say I am extreme), I don't effing care, I can think of names for you too.
  2. You mean like analytics for GMs? Russ is on the case.
  3. You should learn to lie then. His daughter looks like she is more mature and she's like 4 or something.
  4. I would pay him myself if I could.
  5. Another Tebow thread, Shouldn't this be merged or purged or something?
  6. Chicken or the egg? Sign me up for signing him, if the price is right (it doesn't cost retaining a certain safety or guard). I bet Luck is happy that the Colts best receiver didn't leave along with Peyton, Welker is at least that good.
  7. I think Cookie has this and RW should just get over it and put him on the wall (or if it is up to Russ now, he should).
  8. I am not surprised at Rhinhart's grade (esply in the run dept. he is very good at that, pass blocking...meh). I would like to know about Snow and Brown if they got grades?I suspect Brown's was good (again in the run) and Snow okay. Also wondering about Woods grade? And also add thanks for posting the info
  9. I think it is early for draft talk too, we need to sign and then draft; in order of importance Andy, Byrd, Nelson and Carrington (actually I didn't know he was a FA but I will go with DC Grids assumpstion). We will need a QB, (or 2 maybe), WR, LB, TE (although I am not sure if Dickerson gets consideration, I personally like H backs), and CBs. Should be interesting to see what happens in FA and THEN the draft.
  10. yeah, I am kind of hoping they don't go 3/4 again. The Jests were 3/4 but generally rushed 4 and ran more of a 4/6 so I don't know, Scott as the thrid safety sounds better than as a LB but is it different?. They have different gap assignments for guys... It is a question I will be interested to see answered by what they do with our personnel, we don't have the LBs, CBs or safeties the Jets do (although even with Jim Leonard (sp?) they did alright and I would like to see Byrd freelance a bit more). I would think that these particular players should be better in the 4/3 and LBs are already a weakness (although maybe we could put Barrnet back in the middle where he didn't suck 2 years ago).
  11. Masturbation in public? Oh wait.... wrong pervert. Some variation of wasss up? then.
  12. I noticed than Merrimen played better run D than pass rusher when they brought him in (which I was surprised about at the time considering his SD days) and it has been the case since he has been here (when healthy), he sets the edge well. Kelsey runs right by it a lot (always has, even in the Arron S. days) it is his weakness in the 4/3 (where covering RBs out of the backfield is in the 3/4 along with that). The real question with Shawn in my mind is can he last a season, with out injury.
  13. She has a mean mouth, so no (and she tried to have her hubby killed, so no again). Hey I'm 53 I have learned a few things in life, stay away from the women who have mean mouths is one (the murdering part, I haven't dealt with maybe because of that rule).
  14. "I really think that fans are ok at talent evaluation, that is why so many head coaches sit in the bleachers". Marv Levy
  15. Flacco overrated and not going anywhere other wise I pretty much agree, I guess. Oh and a certain 3rd rounder last year seems decent in Seattle Always a comedian in the group. so how do you deciede who get the reps? I'd say Fitz is staying (and wonder what makes you sure Tjax is better than him?) and they should keep Tjax and draft one late in the first. I would try to get 2 first round picks and one would be an LB too.
  16. Well, if his coaches were good, he might not have stunk it up quite as bad this year and the D didn't help that much either (actually thinking about it either did losing Nelson so early), but he proved not to have "IT" too many times as well. I was finished with him around game 6 or 7 (I forget which). And as for his pocket presence, how many fumbles did he lose this year and last? That is unaware. I was in the guys corner for a long time (he really didn't look that bad for a while with Fawell and in the second half of year one and beginning year 2. He looked okay for a stretch here and there (I think for about 14 games he had decent outings and seemed to be improving but they were over 2 seasons and then it fell apart), while he was starting but it is imperative we get a good QB. Fitz can down size his contract and see how much our new head leader can do with him but I see him as a back up. Alex Smith might be a better plan. Thiggy will be long gone, I am not sure that the other guy will (lol why can't I even remember his name right now). Should be an interesting off season for sure. BTW Fitz is a tough stand up guy and seems pretty nice. I like him much better than anyone since Kelly or Flutie (which just shows you what a crap wad the organization has given us). I hope this will be a new page in the Bills history because watching our coaches ruin every QB who shows something is pretty boring and not worth it in the end.
  17. Yeah Chan looked a little old for 60. I'm 53 and he looks much older than my 60 year old brother.
  18. "More better" lol belongs in the pet peeves thread.
  19. Two people who beat those odds Tarkington and Flutie. Short guys have to roll and run to be successful.
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