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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. HAHA, wow! What a effffing stupid thread! Will someone please go attack him on twitter and stop posting here.
  2. Wedlock: perfect name for marriage. Out of wedlock? Where did we get that? Sounds more like he was out of rubbers.
  3. The magic flute, all the way.I don't care about his cancerous attitude, he was pissed because he was a competitor! The man WON and could change and take over a game. Funny some one brought up Kap vs smith because this was like backwards that.
  4. You want the Bills to get Mossed? Efff no! happened enough already.
  5. something like what I would like to see (I suck at PS) <a href="http://www.flickr.co...08/8425029123/" title="Untitled-1 by bowery4, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticf...950d61b0_s.jpg" width="75" height="75" alt="Untitled-1"></a> This^
  6. I live in Bangkok it averages 90 here. BTW last post loses.
  7. So if I quit now only 4 extra years? What if it takes me 4 years to die? just kidding.... it is really hard to quit been trying different things forever, quit once for 6 years too but been smoking for 30 even with that break. Yikes! IT IS DAMNED hard! If there was one thing that could make me quit, I wish I knew what it was.
  8. Lindy has been the problem for a while now, I don't watch much anymore and this year is a wash anyway, so I now am on strike.
  9. You saw that but missed the hot for teacher NJ http://www.nydailyne...ticle-1.1248997 on the same page??? wtf? And yes I think I might.
  10. Lots of people were saying before last year Fitz would be better if the D was better. I think at least some of Fitz's problem was Chan's coaching... I don't know, don't like Fitz much either anymore but really just don't know.... He was good for about a seasons worth of time Gailey's first year into the second, He wasn't after or much before that. I almost think he is better or as good as Smith but Smith was managed well by Harbugh. Brady, 6th round 2000 and historically many more. Your post is what I do not like about the moneyball (draft) approach, good scouting and coaching are not accounted for.
  11. Let me guess you're in your 50s or late 40s, waking up a few times a night to pee.
  12. Hopeful. I rarely disagree with you about much but Stevie does all of things you mentioned better than anyone (especially coming back for a pass) we have had in years. I do agree he drops some clutch game winning passes. I am kind of surprised the Fitz haters are on this post like pornstars at a gangbang.
  13. I now wish I had an erase button in my memory.
  14. That first hole was so big the ducks stole it from a 50 year old professional woman before the play.
  15. No effing way and she is almost my age exactly but Madonna absolutely (also almost the same age). The music matters and I hate D and M. The question really isn't would I, it would be would she, no doubt anyway.
  16. I have never had a problem getting games for free and the quality is good for most streams. Much better than getting NFL games and more plentiful too.
  17. Really, 48 pages of this bad soap opera crap? ppl are really bored, should merge it with last post wins.
  18. I quit drinking a few years ago, got anything else? Congrats E!
  19. Are we going to have a QB coach? Sully and the news have left my life with that paywall. I hate Sully anyway, rarely says anything. Just makes a strange noise, if he was a part on my motorcycle, I'd replace it.
  20. For I new coach I would guess it is kind of hard to judge a roster of a team that failed so badly. I hope there is some serious film study done and they make an effort. I never thought Chan did coming in or we wouldn't have seen Trent at all in the beginning (and they may have drafted a back up higher in the first place). I think if coaching was a big part of the problem (more so than talent with the team this past year), you do need to evaluate what the real problem was with each player on each play. That being said, I do think fans know the team better in some ways than new administrations do. Mc Kelvin, I don't know how worth it he really is but for the right price, yes stays Rhinehardt I have always felt to be better than Ubrik, but not as good at pass blocking, much better run blocker though.I can remember teams we have had in the past who would have had no chioce but start these guys. I also think that one place that continuity really does count is the O and D lines. The longer they play together the better they can be. 1) J. Byrd - S 2) A. Levetre - G 3) L. Mckelvin - DB/ KR 4) D. Nelson - WR 5) C. Rhinehardt - OL 6) B. Scott - LB/ Should all stay but Scott moved to 3rd safety 8) S. Johnson - DL 9) S. Merriman DE/LB 10) K. Moore - DE 11) K. Morrison - LB 12) C. Brown - C/OL 13) C. Macntyre - FB, Should stay also Johnson, Merriman played decent Morrison?????? never active but with the LBs we have now maybe he should have been????, Brown is a road grater in run blocking and good depth, giant and could be developing into a better player. Corey should be given a bigger role/s and is excellent on STs. Always has been. 16) T. Jack - QB I would keep him as you never know if you will need him. Everything also hinges on what they are able to do (or think they can) with other teams FAs and the draft. There are not many players on this team that should be comfortable.
  21. Very decent plan but I wonder about budget, honestly looks kind of expensive. I think in the long term they ought to do a thing sort of like this but not with the Ralph.When they are ready (if they are ever ready) to build new they ought to look into using/reusing a space IMO, the old terminal would be a great place to have a hall of fame and could possibly help revitalize a down trodden neighborhood. The stadium architectural effects could reflect one of the most beautiful buildings in the area. And (I know this isn't popular around here but it should be domed or partial roofed) maybe the site lines of the Ralph could even be incorporated in the design because you are right about that too.. The building should also be multi-use, This has been a problem with the Ralph for ages now. In you plan the glass atrium and the green space is nice but football season is in the winter and I wonder if park like areas around it would get much use. And Yes to the wifi. Think about if they would have spent the money on the rockpile instead of building the Ralph and now (or sometime in the past) the did what they did at Lambau.I hope next time they build to last 60 or more years (40 seems like a kind of short run to me).
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