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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. Great, now I have to change my screen name and internet provider. BTW, WHERE'S THE EFFING PICTS?
  2. With 1400 some posts you are not new to the board but you are 100% Canadian so maybe you just don't understand the board. That is abouut the only explanation I can come up with.
  3. Except they have 6 draft choices, to me it depends on FA still. Then, I may agree with you.
  4. Re:(D.S.), I'd go with him over TJ or a rookie. to be honest. TJ isn't good although he looked okay in Seattle for a season (when he was injured too). I am a little bit disappointed that Fitz truly fizzled out after the contract. He had some great moments and bad coaching. Gailey's schemes may have benefited him at times but making him out to be anything more than Fitz and putting games on his shoulders was always a mistake. Plus he just never had a decent D. I admit I still had hope for Ryan going into last season but after the 5 or 6th game I wanted him on the bench. I still am not sure that was on him or Gailey. But enough was enough. I was on the fence about bringing him back, seems to me they did what they should/could. I thought they would save the cash and cut ties. So thanks for being the best QB we have had here since Drew and good luck in your next misadventures Fitzy. You are truly a warrior w/ heart and brains and a good guy, I'd work on that arm some more if I were you. Dunno, go throw the ball through some intertubes all summer moving further and further away or something. BTW Fitz is why you look for big hands on your QB. NEXT!
  5. Hey he's HankBulloughMellencamp what do you expect from him/them?
  6. Colin Brown was quite good in the run game too. Just adding a thought, I am happy we resigned him.
  7. They don't really, do they? I am pretty much sick of it. It is typical of a hot weather places in a lot of ways, I like more temperate diets. I love a lot of food (and liked it here in the beginning) but after almost 7 years here everything just has been bothering me lately and food might be number 1. No, that was a Crayons moment putting that in there. And I don't complain that much about stuff here but I could (to whoever said living somewhere else and then complaining about the different culture). It is kind of unavoidable after a while, I tried for years not to say too much, just happens after a while. Well for one thing I don't fit in a toilet and second hey! it's my pet peeve!
  8. They are all called toilets. The toilet is a fixture in the bathroom not the room itself. I grew up in Bflo but I never heard people saying, "I'm going to the toilet." and if they asked me "Where is the toilet?" I would have said "It's in the bathroom".
  9. 1. "I could care less". and I used to teach English. I never understand why everybody thinks it has to be so effing perfect. Did you know it wasn't even taught in most schools until about 100 years ago. People used to just spell however they thought it was spelled. Puts it in perspective when you think about it. 4. You would not adjust well to working in Thailand. Babies are cool, especially mine. Yes it is but I pretty much agree. I try not to touch much of anything, I like the ones with the right kind of paper towel dispenser so if I have to at least it is not direct contact. Sure blame the dog.
  10. Lights out the party is over, thanks for being a Bill.
  11. Doesn't matter who wrote it, it is stuff we knew already for the most part. If Andy goes there will be another hole to fill which is a bad thing, he also has been good at filling in when injuries start and the line has the ever elusive gel, that we didn't have in years past. It would be bad (even with a high price) to see him leave IMHO. The O line isn't as plug and play as some ppl seem to think. Pay a bit over and live with it. unless they really are saying he just doesn't want to be in Bflo. And if Fitzy is unhappy he can walk and see how he does somewhere else. Best of luck to you, I guess that is how I would handle it, if I was GM (and that is considering that I still like Fitz (on the team anyway, BUT not as a starter) he had a shot maybe some of the problem was coaching but he isn't very valuable).
  12. Being able to remember my first phone number but not some important (to me anyhow) peoples birthdays. Living in another country, you get a ton of pet peeves. In many cases it is a culture thing... Living in Thailand ones. Girls when you ask how much, say it's up to you. And then get mad. Bathrooms are called toilets here Thai's don't complain about each other (at least not in public) or they lose face, I think they repeat serenity now to themselves or something. They get mad if you get mad enough to complain about something. They say it doesn't matter (or Mai Peng rai) when it matters to you but they have no answer to your complaint or they just don't want to deal with it. They pretend to understand you (in Thai or English) when you say something and they have no idea what you said they just want the agony of speaking with you to end. They drive way worse than Americans. Period. Cops are so low paid they only hassle you to get a bribe. I could go on and on but I think that is enough.
  13. One might point out our own Oline (which has been much better the last few years, when not injured, but when was that?lol) is a first round center, 2nd round guard, 2nd round LT and 3rd round guard. Rt not so much..... See the difference there? I would be okay with a T at 8. and or a guard in the second. And then LBs, QBs, WRs and CBs. What I really wish is we had 15 picks. How the eff did SF do that?
  14. I just want to thank you guys for putting the SV picture in this thread. I used to date the Chinese version of her and ...well.... I miss her.
  15. Yes I corrected that a couple posts after when some one else corrected me. I meant Nelson. I also said he can't be all bad if he was able to catch Fitz and Tebow's passes. This may be a mistake or they may just have a plan. I am on the fence until I see who or what they put out there next year. They might even still be lowballing him and giving him the Donte treatment with hopes of getting him back. I just hopwe if he goes elsewhere it is not in the division. Best of luck Mr. Nelson, thanks for being a Bill.
  16. The one thing I admired about him the most was he didn't care if he would get hit he would go for it anyway (which yes, lead to injury).
  17. Wow I dream about women, but don't call them Byrds or pay them anywhere near that much.
  18. Gibran Hamdan has a fan club on here still, shouldn't have brought him up.
  19. So the playbook was still stuck in the copy machine and that's why they said they want to run the KGun. Now I get it.
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