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Everything posted by bowery4

  1. ^ Professional Koolaid Drinker ^ Show me the effing BABY! and I will believe, until then, yeah talk is cheap.
  2. Please don't drink the koolaid! it is suicide juice.
  3. Well he was going to make 8 million this year, so he'd probably be a tad expensive and then Shep sits. He is a MLBer so there is that. I am not at all sure he is in Buddy's price range but I like him.
  4. Well Ryan is an okay guy in my eyes, so good luck to him. It sucks being unemployed.
  5. CB, safety or RB hasn't watching the Bills all these years taught you anything?
  6. Chad was okay until his shoulder just kind of fell apart a couple of times. Pretty decent QB to begin with.
  7. James Harris, was the FIRST black NFL QB (of course we really haven't since but I think the team is really pretty much color blind tbh). I agree. I think we need a QB to be one of those picks. I rather agree with most of what you say here (but I think it was the nature of the beast in KC to trade for Smith instead of drafting a guy, different FO but same MO). Yes and true. IDK Marrone was an olineman and oline coach, his oline coach has a very impressive resume..... if anything, I think they will get better on the line. I always thought too many of Gailey's plays worked against the Olinemen a little, in that if they missed the read or the audible they were blown up even faster. West coast O's are a bit more stable in reads. It may help. I am of the opinion the read option and to a lesser extent the spread are going to be defended against better the next few years. I am kind of excited to hear we will be more like a Kgun system (which really does favor giant linemen) . Is it worth it this year? It has to be a consideration to trade down and still get a qb. We need more picks to build through the draft. I agree. The Chiefs NEVER draft QB's and Andy Reid thinks he is a QB genius/guru (we had one of those coaches, remember?), I sort of think a lot of these FA moves they are making sound a lot like "Dream Team 2" the sequel. They and the Dolhags are effing their caps the next few years, ask Dan Snyder how that works out. I am speculating but to me it seems obvious. They both may be okay this year but no superbowls and stealing from Peter to pay Paul. We will see how that works out.
  8. So you are okay with Troupe and Williams? If I remember right they were our 2nd round picks the last couple of years, no? I personally think Buddy does better high in the first round.
  9. I didn't own it but living there for almost 13 years was like owning it in some ways (I payed enough to pay off a decent mortgage but not the value of the place). I actually was evicted because the landlord decided to up the rent A LOT! when the New Museum announced they were going to build up the street (I fought it but he had very expensive lawyers, damn him). My point with ( my own metaphor ) was that JL could have value in the right system (and that, especially in NYC but also to a lesser extent in Bflo. people throw away great stuff all the time, if you are lucky enough to look for it and find it and know it's value, I used to cruse the upper parts of Manhattan with the art moving truck which I drove for a living and realized I could pick stuff up all the time that way. It was like having 2 jobs that over lapped and one actually paid decent).
  10. http://www.post-gazette.com/stories/sports/steelers/nfl-owners-may-end-tuck-rule-amend-replays-679664/
  11. A link for you http://ananael.blogspot.com/2012/10/the-truth-about-tinfoil-hats.html
  12. I used to dive and made thousands of dollars doing it (one time I was driving and saw a Scandinavian tulip lamp put it in my house and sold it for 1400$ when I moved), I also furnished 90% of my 3000 sq ft loft in Manhattan that way, if the right pieces fit together, it's good. My point, it's a bad metaphor.
  13. So we didn't turn him down.... means they might not have even talked, Buddy might have thought it was a prank call.
  14. x2 F5 is useless this season, just get over it.
  15. It's funny "drinking the Kool Aid" is/was a method of killing oneself. How did we as Bills fans get associated with the Jim Jones followers of days gone past (oh wait, I think this thread IS the answer to that) ? Now, if it is in reference to Ken Kesey............... it is just a really strange metaphor.
  16. I am a little scared of women but I wasn't until we had a child. Now, I am afraid of drop bears too. Thanks for that.
  17. ^that Colin was a good fill in both of the last 2 seasons. He IS a mauler when it comes to the run, his pass pro, not so much but maybe they can work on it some more. Our coach was a lineman and O line coach and O Line coach has quite the resume. I am much more worried about who is behind the O line, out wide, LBs and corners TBH.
  18. The Bills also let Chad walk. Doomed! I tell you. In all honesty I think it was the plan, considering he was IR'd last year and all. but now we are really going to be looking for a guard in FA IMO. Honestly, maybe the coach and FO just feel they can coach some guys up. We have Brown, Snow and Sanders as back ups. Or maybe they will slide a RT over since we have Pears and Hairston (my vote goes to him as the least mobile of the lot). I think Colin Brown will grow into a nice player he is a road grater in the run game but poor at pass blocking IMO. It just got more interesting. They could also sign the Colin from Pitts. They need guys who can hold a block longer than 2 and a half seconds for a west coast system and run blocking will be really important this coming year (with a Rookie QB). Any news on our FB coming back?
  19. "Tempo Was a Mistake." With Mario and Kyle "Why So Serious?" Stevie "Run the Damn Ball" CJ "Better Late Than Never" Ralph
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